Ava’s POV
I look at Ash suspiciously. I don't trust him and I don't want him to join me, but as much as I hate to admit it, I have spent more time evading threats than I have actually spent tracking Ezra and time is of the essence.
I shake his hand and feel an odd tingling sensation so I quickly pull away and start walking again.
"Wait, we should probably make camp for the night. It's getting dark" Ash calls.
"We have another hour or so before it's too dark, we should keep walking" I say stubbornly.
"Fine" he says and catches up to me.
We walk in silence for a while which I'm grateful for, I don't want to answer his questions and I definitely don't want to deal with his flirting. The only people who have ever shown an interest in me have just wanted to take advantage of my body and treated me like dirt. In some ways i’m glad to be away from the pack, especially that asshole Darren. I'm even starting to feel a bit safer with Ash helping, but I don't want to let my guard down.
My stomach starts to rumble breaking the silence. I blush embarrassed.
"I think that means we need to make camp and eat." Ash laughs.
"I suppose so" I admit and pull out some food from my bag.
I feel the ground tremble and shift around me and I tense. I look at Ash who is moving his hands around and seems to be doing some magic. The earth around us rises up into the sky and becomes a raised platform. I look over the edge amazed that he could do that. It definitely gives us more protection. He smiles a cocky smile at my shock and I quickly fix my face to look disinterested. He builds a fire in the middle and a small cave like structure for shelter. "Ok so you may be quite useful after all" I admit.
"You are welcome. What was your plan for camping?" He asks
"I have a blanked and I was just going to climb a tree and tie myself in."
"I guess that's a better plan than my wondering aimlessly through the woods" he jokes.
"I didn't have much time to plan, I just wanted to help my friend as soon as possible" I explain.
"You are a good friend to take such a risk on yourself"
"He would do it for me. Besides he is my only friend, I can't lose him" I say.
"Is he your lover?"
"That's non_"
"Don't say it, I swear I will kick you off and you can sleep in a tree" he says frustration clear in his voice.
"No, he is like a brother to me. His mother raised me like her own" I explain.
"I'm sorry, I know what it's like to lose a parent, it must have been very difficult" I can hear the sadness in his voice that makes me want to reach out to him.
"It was. We should put the fire out before we sleep so people don't know we are up here" I say changing the topic.
He flicks his hand to put it out and moves to the shelter and gets comfy in his blankets. I do the same, keeping as much distance between us as possible in the small space. As night falls it gets unbearably cold and I can't sleep for shivering. I feel warm arms wrap around me and start to fight them off.
"Don't hurt yourself, I'm just trying to keep you warm" Ash whispers. I shiver but not from the cold now. His touch feels amazing, warming but also pleasurable. As much as I don't trust him, I feel safe in his arms and I feel myself getting frustratingly aroused. I'm so glad he is not a wolf and can't smell it on me. I stop fighting and try to sleep. I'm out in seconds.
I wake up at first light and Ash is still asleep, I feel something pressed against me and when I realise what, I jump up and move away quickly.
"Why did you leave? It's so early still" Ash grumbles
"It's light so we can walk"
Ashton’s POV
She looks even sexier all flustered. Just touching her feels so sensual, like no one before. Initially I just wanted her for the challenge, but now I want her even more.
I stand up and get out of bed revealing my naked body and obvious hard on to her. She stares at me, taking in all my muscles and then turns away quickly.
"Do you have no shame?" She hisses.
"Why should I be ashamed? I'm proud of my body. And you seem to like it too" I say.
"You provided heat, nothing more, now get dressed and get moving. I will look for the way" she says and climbs down a tree I didn't notice last night to reach the ground.
I dress and lower the ground, resetting it to how it was.
"Wait for me" I call after her. I can see her, but she is very far ahead already. She leans on a tree and a man grabs her. I shout and run to her.
"Stop or I will stab her" he threatens and I see the knife held at her side. I freeze and then lift the ground around him. He stabs her and she screams and falls to the ground. He runs off as I run to her. I rip off her armour and remove her tops to see the wound. It is deep. Shit. I sear the wound shut and she screams in pain. I riffle through the book to find a healing potion.
"There is a potion that will help. I need a moon flower, mint and juniper berries, I will be back as soon as I can" I say. She grabs my hand and points to a collection of plants across from us. I look closely and see what is needed. I quickly follow the instructions and brew the potion and apply it to her exposed skin.
"Thank you" she says weakly. "I feel much better already. I should have healed, I don't know why it didn't." She says confused.
"It was a very deep cut" I explain. I check her wound and it is already remarkably improved. Then I notice that her torso is completely exposed and her perfect breasts are difficult to take my eyes off. Desire takes over from my concern. I lean in and kiss her breast feeling her nipple hardening as I do so. She tries to push me away and I grab her hands and pin her down on the ground. I kiss her with a desperation I have never felt before and as I do I feel sparks of pleasure explode inside me. She kisses me back and then suddenly pushes me away and jumps up to redress herself.
"I agreed to work with you to help my friend, but I did not agree to be taken advantage of" she says her face bright red making her green eyes stand out beautifully.
"I thought you were enjoying it too" I say knowing I felt her respond.
"Well you are mistaken and we need to keep moving" she says.
"Ok sorry, I will agree to move on and walk all day if you agree to speak to me. It's boring just walking in silence and I would like to know my travel companion better"
She rolls her eyes at me. "fine, but I will not answer questions I do not want to" she says.
“Wait, how is your injury? Do you not need to rest? The potion should not work that quickly" I say genuinely worried.
"It's fine, it was not that bad and the potion worked well, thank you."
"Are you used to being so injured? You do not seem shocked at all" I ask
"Life is not so easy outside of the castle" she says coldly.
I decide not to pry more and change the topic. "What is life like outside the castle? What do you do for fun?"
"I guess most people meet with friends and have feasts and parties, but I prefer to be alone and outside and I'm usually the one cleaning up the party so it makes it less fun" she says.
"How could a beautiful girl like you not be the centre of the party?" I ask
"I don't fit in back home, I'm different to them" she says
"How?" She gives me a look that says it's not my business but before she says it, I change topics. "They must be jealous. What would you like to do if you were in the castle?"
"I don't know. I have never been near it. Maybe dancing, I don't know how, but I have seen others do it and they seem to enjoy it" she says smiling to herself at some memory.
"I could teach you. I'm not a good dancer, but I do know the routines" I offer.
"What dances do you know?"
"Too many" I say.
We talk most of the way and I learn more about her. It's clear that she is a lower class as she has not had many of the things I have. She has never even tried chocolate and I'm really hoping that John packed some for me to share. As we camp for the night I rummage through my bag and find a small bar of chocolate. I silently thank John again for his care package.
"You have to try this!" I say