Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3


This is a terrible idea. What is Bennett thinking? That freakin Englishman.

If anything, he should know how Kai will react when this Omega turns us down. The guy is sensitive enough, and this would turn him into a blubbering mess. Well, maybe he can use that heartbreak to write some better songs. That's probably the only bright side of this whole stupid idea.

“Alright, fellas let’s go impress an Omega.” Bennett chirps before stepping out of the SUV and fixing his jacket.

We all grumble except for Kai who takes his place next to Bennett excitedly walking toward the entrance of the main building.

The door opens and we are greeted by a woman that is smiling wide. “Welcome guys! Come right in.”

“She is way too perky,” I say to Milo.

I give her an equally fake smile as I pass her but she seems completely unfazed by my sarcastic behavior. Shame.

“Right this way. Luna is already inside waiting.” She says leading us from the entrance down a hallway to a pair of glass double doors.

“Who names their kid Luna?” I grumble and it earns me a jab to the ribs from Rowan.

The guy considers himself as the head Alpha of our group, but he isn't. If anyone was head of our group it's me.

The woman leads us inside.

“Ben I got your next appointment here. Some very fine-looking boys.” She flashes us a wink and turns to leave the room.

I turn and get my first look at the girl we've been dragged here to see.

My breath catches for maybe the first time ever around a girl. She’s…stunning.

“Welcome gentlemen. Please have a seat and we can get started." The man, Ben, says and we quickly take our seats across the table.

I can’t pull my eyes away from the girl. She is golden all over. Her skin is a soft tan like she enjoys being outside, her hair is a golden brown with strips of lighter blonde. Her eyes are a light brown and I'm completely lost in them.

“So guys, you're looking to add an Omega to your pack. That’s great. Tell us a little about your pack.” Ben says.

I want to point out that we aren’t a pack but I don’t even care about that right now.

“Well, we’ve been together for six years now. I’m the Beta of the pack and the rest of the guys are Alphas.” Bennett says before introducing each of us.

Something catches my eyes and it finally pulls my attention away from the girl I haven’t taken my eyes off since we walked in.

The woman next to her is moving her hands and the girl is watching the movements. My brows furrow as I try to understand what they're doing.

“Did you guys look over Luna’s information?” Ben asks.

I turn my attention to him hoping he will explain what’s going on.

“I admit this was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I didn’t get a chance to read everything over.” Bennett admits and I shake my head.

“Well, there is something important you should know about Luna.” He says and my chest tightens.

Of course, this wouldn’t be that easy. There is always something...

“Luna is deaf.” His words hit me hard and all our eyes turn to the Omega.

She glances at each of us and I can see a bit of panic in her eyes. She swallows and lowers her eyes.

Deaf? Deaf.

For some reason, I’m not at all turned off by the fact. Instead, I’m sad she has to deal with such a difficult condition. It also makes me wonder how many packs have turned down meeting her because of this. That thought makes me angry.

“Deaf?” Kai asks and I can hear the sadness in his voice.

“Yes. She was in an accident four months ago with…my daughter who unfortunately didn’t make it. Luna sustained a brain injury that left her deaf. She had no other long-term injuries but her condition is something you need to consider before we continue. Luna is a very special girl and I don’t want to get her hopes up if you are not interested in welcoming her into your pack because of her limitations.” Ben says firmly.

“Does she need any special care? Doctor visits that kind of thing?” Bennett asks.

The woman shakes her head. “No. Her doctor speaks with me once in a while to see if there are any changes but not much else. There is always a chance her hearing can return but so far that hasn’t happened.”

I take in a deep breath and lower my eyes to the table where I notice a notepad and pen sitting in front of me.

I grab it and start to write a note for the girl. Luna...

When I glance up she is watching me with curiosity. I slide the notepad to her and wait.

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