Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 10


I’m helping out with the after-party and have to go out back to restock the coolers. I just finished filling a beer cooler when I heard the sweetest laugh I have ever heard. I look around to see where it came from and spot a woman I have never seen before standing with Lilly, Tank, and Merigold. I can’t believe my eyes. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. That is why I’m sure I haven’t seen her before because with the way she looks I would have remembered. She is dressed in a simple pair of skin-tight jeans and a tee-shirt that hugs her ample tits. But it doesn’t take away from her beauty. If anything it amplifies it. But with the amount of clothes she is wearing and very little make-up, I can tell she isn’t a bunny. But who is she? I have to find out.

I look around for some to help me find out who she is. I know most of the guys are inside. I see Thor and Trina are off to the side cozied up to each other in their own world. So I won’t bother them. Not that Trina would help me anyway. She isn’t very fond of me. She has never been mean or anything but she has never gone out of her way to talk to me either. She just tolerates me. I have never done anything to her but being a bunny not many of the ol’e ladies make friends with us. Most of the time there is a reason like a bunch of the bunnies here are devious bitches. I personally don’t fall into that category but they made it hard for us nice ones.

After another look around I see Brick leaning against the wall watching the group. He might know who she is. I hope so. Maybe he can introduce me. I throw out the empty beer box and head over to him. He must have heard me because he turned to me. “ Hey, Gretchen.” He is always nice to me. I have never done anything with him even when I have offered. He politely turned me down and said I wasn’t his type. I didn’t get offended and had an attitude. And I never pushed it like some of the bunnies either. I respected him for it. “ Hey, Brick.” I point to where Merigold and the mystery lady are standing. “ Do you know the woman with Merigold?” Brick looks over to look at who I’m talking about.

He smiles, something he rarely does. I can see the lust in his eyes. He is attracted to her as well. Damn, that could be a problem. But one step at a time. I have to find out if she swings my way to see if I even have a chance. He points to the woman “ Her?” he asks. I look over and can’t help but smile. She is smiling and laughing with Merigold and Lilly making her whole face light up. “ Yes, that caramel goddess. Do you know her?” Brick’s head spins so fast I’m worried he is going to get whiplash.

“ You like her don’t you?” he asks. That is when I realize my secret is out. I’m not ashamed of who I am but around here I don’t yell it from the rooftops either. But I want Brick’s help so I’m going to tell him the truth. “ Yes. I do. Do you have a problem with that?” Brick raises his hands in surrender. “ No. Not at all I just didn’t know that about you.” I nod “ It isn’t something I let be known. I don’t want these horny guys getting any ideas. If it gets out that I’m bi these guys will try having me hook up with some of the other bunnies so they can watch or join in.” “ Gretchen, you don’t have to explain it to me. So I will get back to your original question. Yes, I know her. She is Merigold’s friend Speed and the guy next to her is her brother Ratchet. They are here visiting for his birthday and if Merigold has her way they won’t be leaving.”

So Merigold wants her friend to stay. This was good. “ What do you know about her?’ I ask. “ Not much. She drives a race car for a living. She and Ratchet do all the maintenance on the car. Merigold and they grew up together. She is sassy. But other than that not much.” I look at him when I hear the longing in his voice. “ You like her too.” “ I do,” he admits.

He looks down at me and says “ Before either of us make a move we need to find out if she is even attracted to either one of us. Then we can figure it out from there.” “ Deal. Now how about an introduction?” “ I could do that. Or.” he stops leaving me in suspense. After a minute of Brick not answering I’m losing my patience with him. “ Or what Brick. You are killing me here. I need to meet her.” He points to where I see the group break off leaving Speed and her brother alone by a bench. “ Or you could go up and talk to her yourself.” It sounds like a good idea but something is bothering me. “ What about Merigold and Lilly?” I ask. “ What about them? They have never had a problem with you. You have even made friends with them. They know you aren’t like the others. They will be ok with you talking to her. And Speed is a grown woman she can decide who to talk to.”

He has a point. I look over at Speed again and make my decision. “ Wish me luck,” I tell Brick as I walk off. I hear him say “ You won’t need it.” As I get closer the more of her features I take in. Even with the lights that are strung all around it is still a bit dark back here. But not dark enough that I can’t make out more of her features. I can see her body has curves that are begging for my hands to caress. Her tits are practically shouting at me to massage and lick. But what really has my attention is her smile. For one it is genuine. It showcases her full luscious lips that I want my mouth on. When I see her smile I feel like I want to smile too. I feel urges I have never felt for anyone before. Not a man or woman I have been with has ever given me the urge to hold them in my arms while we slept. I have always just used men and women to fulfill my needs and when I was done with them I would move on to the next. That is why being a bunny is perfect for me.

The closer I get to Speed the more I can picture making us breakfast. I can see us vegging out on the couch watching movies. I can picture candlelight bubble baths rubbing her skin clean. I can see myself going to her races cheering her on. I never looked past the next day before now I’m picturing a whole relationship with Speed. And I haven’t even introduced myself yet. Slow down, Gretchen. You could be seeing a future you may never have if she isn’t into women. I check my clothes to make sure they look ok.

When I get to the bench Speed and her brother stop talking and look up at me. “ Hi. I’m Gretchen.” Speed smiles at me. She holds her hand out “ Kelly, but most people call me Speed.” I shake her hand and admire the combination of callus on her fingers and the smooth skin on top of her hand. She points to the guy beside her and moves her hands. “ This is my brother Marcos but we call him Ratchet.” I hold my hand out to him. He shakes it then moves his hands. Speed says “ He says it is nice to meet you.” With her talking for Marcos and the hand movements, it clicks in my head. Marcos is deaf.

I look at Speed and ask “ Could you help me tell him it is nice to meet him as well?” Speed smiles and signs it. I pay attention to the hand movements to try to mimic them later. “ I haven’t seen you guys here before. Are you new in town?” I know Brick told me they were visiting Merigold but I wanted to start a conversation with them so I figured it was a good place to start. “ Yea, we came in a few days ago to surprise Merigold.” Speed says. “ You know Merigold?” I ask. “ We grew up together. What about you?” Speed asks. “ I have only known Merigold for about a year and a half. I met her here at the club.” “ Have a seat. I want to know what Merigold is like at the club. She told me she is supposed to be some sort of important figure here.”

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