Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 11


I take a seat and I explain to Speed and Ratchet Merigold’s role here. “Has she not explained it to you?” I ask. “ Yes and no. Merigold likes to downplay things like they aren’t a big deal. But after watching the way she is treated by some of the guys I feel like there is more to the story.” I’m unsure what I should tell Speed. If Merigold didn’t tell her there must be a reason. Speed noticed my hesitation. “ If you don’t want to tell me that is ok. I don’t want to feel like you are betraying her. I’m just trying to understand. There seems to be some sort of ranking system and Merigold is near the top.” I don’t think Merigold would have a problem if I just clarified a few things.

“ Think of the club as a kingdom. Merigold and Viper’s dad was the king. When he left the throne it went to Viper. Viper rules with the help of the patched members. Merigold is the club princess. She helps rule as well.” I explain. “ I get it. How does she treat everyone? Is the title going to her head?” Speed asks. I laugh “ No not at all. For the most part, she is just a sweet caring woman. I’m sure you know that. But that isn’t to say she can be pretty scary when she is pissed. And she can kick some serious ass. Truthfully I don’t think she cares for the title all the much. She just wants to be treated with respect and she will respect you in turn. Cross her and you’re fucked.”

Speed and Ratchet nod. Speed speaks for Ratchet “ Sounds like Merigold.” Ratchet signs something, Speed responds, and Ratchet walks inside. I watch Speed for a minute. She has a look of concern on her face. “ Everything ok?” I ask. Speed looks back at me. “ Yea. He wanted to talk to Merigold for a bit. He has missed her. We both have.” I can understand that. It must be hard growing up with someone, then to have them move so far away. But I can still see the bond is still just as strong like they haven’t been apart for years.

“ So tell me about you. What does Speed do when she isn’t visiting friends?” I inquire. We talk for about an hour. She tells me about her racing and how she got into it. She tells me about growing up with Merigold. The whole time we talk I watch her looking for any clue that she might be interested in. I have caught her checking me out at least three times. Her gaze locked on my tits and legs a few times. And I have seen lust and desire flare in her eyes but the thing was just as fast as it was there a little shake of her head and it was gone. I can see her interest but she seems to be fighting it. Either she hasn’t accepted herself yet or she is denying herself. Don’t worry my sweet Speed. I can be patient. At least for you I can.

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