Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 12


I have to admit I had a good time at the party last night. Lilly is amazing and so sweet. And the rest of the club treated me and Marcos as if we always belonged. Other than Merigold, Alaric and his group Marcos haven’t really felt that. Marcos is eating it up. He really needed this trip. Part of me did too. I just don’t know which part. And that woman I met, Gretchen. I enjoyed talking to her and spending time with her. Heaven she was so fucking pretty. Long silky strawberry blonde hair that went to her waist. Light green eyes that sparkled when she smiled. And her body. Wow just wow. She was slender but she still had some curves to her. C size tits that looked like soft welcoming pillows. I could see myself laying my head on them while we talked long hours into the night. Or massaging while I kiss down her neck. An ass that I could hold in my hands but doesn’t flow over like mine would. Long smooth legs. She was just a bit shorter than me. Her head came to my shoulder which was fine since it would make it easier for her to lay her head on me and tell me about her troubles.

I shake my head. I can’t be thinking about her like that. I could think what it would be like to kiss her. Or hold her in my arms. I can’t imagine what she might taste like. Or the sounds she would make when I make her cum. Shit first Brick now Gretchen. What is wrong with me? I am attracted to both of them. I want both of them in different ways. I want different things from them and I feel they are the only ones who can give me what I want. What I fantasize about. What my body and heart crave. But my mind is screaming at me ‘No’. It is wrong. And it just sends me into a spiral of shame. Why can’t I be normal? Why do I feel like this? Why am I attracted to the two people that are all wrong for me? I need to get out of my head for a while so I call the only person I know who can help me.

“ Diamond, I need help?” I say when he answers. “ No hi. How are you?” Diamond says. I sigh “ You are right. I’m sorry. How are you?” “ I’m as good as ever. Plenty of playmates to serve my needs. And business is good as always.Missing you. How are you doing? From the tone of your voice I would say not good.” That was Diamond for you. I swear he knows me better than Merigold. As much as I hate to say it, it is true. Diamond knows about a part of me that no one else knows about. He has encouraged me to let it out from time to time. Even giving me a safe place to do it. He has guided me to explore that side of myself. He has been there for me when I was at my lowest but unfortunately there is one thing he can’t help me do. Accept myself. That is one hurtle I can’t seem to get over.

“ I’m not good right now. I’m very confused. I need your help.” I told him. “ Oh sweet pea. Tell me what is wrong.” Diamond says. I tell him everything that has happened since we arrived. I told him about my doubts and confusion. And I told him about Brick and Gretchen. “ Oh, sweet pea. I know that is hard.” He really does. He was in the same place as me before. He couldn’t accept both sides of himself. He is attracted to both men and women. He is also a Dom. And like me he grew up being told that things like that were wrong. Diamond thought is stronger than all that and pushed forward eventually embracing all sides of him. He even turned it into a business. A safe place for people to explore themselves without fear. That is how I met him. I was curious about and went to a mixer he threw for possible new clients.

“ Can you help me? I need to find somewhere close. Do you know of any clubs nearby?” I ask him. He sighs “ Give me an hour to check with some people.I’ll see if I can find you something to suit your needs.But Kelly you know you can’t go on like this. I hate to see you torn up like this. “ “ I know. But I just need to get this out of my system and I’m sure I will be fine.” I say. “ Kelly, you know I love you. And you know I say this only because of that love and I’m tired of seeing you so miserable. You have been trying to get this out of your system for years. It isn’t working. And you know it isn’t what you need. You know what you need to do.” I know he is right. He is always right. He has always told me the truth and never sugar coated anything. That is another reason why I value him so much.

“ Diamond, you know I can’t. This is probably the last time I need this. I’m going to take this time away to get my head straight.” I told him. I can almost see him shaking his head. I know he doesn’t believe me. Hell there are times when I don’t believe myself. I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this. As much as I fool everyone else I can’t fool myself. I’m miserable. “ If you say so. I’ll call you back when I find something.” He says and hangs up.

You are probably wondering why I asked Diamond’s help to find the club I’m looking for. The thing is clubs like these don’t advertise. You usually have to know someone to get in. What kind of club needs that? A BDSM club. I need to find a Dom for the night. I need to give up some control and clear my mind. When I do these I can usually get at least two weeks of feeling better. It used to be longer. At one time I could go two months without having to go back. But over time it got shorter and shorter. To help spread out the time I would give into my other urge and be with a woman. And it wasn’t always about sex. It was about comfort and companionship.I had a friend that understood my needs and would help me. That was until she needed more than I could give and went to find someone who could. She has been happily married for three years now with a baby. I’m happy for her. And envious. She has something I will never have.

Just like he promised, Diamond got back to me with the name and address of a club thirty minutes away. He even got me a visitor's pass for a month. Not that I’m going to need it. At least I hope not. This has to end. Diamond is right. I can’t keep going on like this. I tell Marcos I’m going to go out for a while and make sure he doesn’t need anything. He said he was going over to Merigold’s anyway to spend time with the kids so I don’t need to worry about him. That is a joke. I always worry about him.

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