Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2


After greeting the guys who followed Merigold outside to see me she took us inside to meet everyone else. I look around the club as I walk through and I got to say this was not what I expected for a motorcycle club hangout. I guess when Merigold told me about this motorcycle club I pictured drugs, grungy dirty bikers, and half-naked women. That is not what I see. First of all the place is spotless. There are two pool tables to my left, behind them are some booths along the wall. The room is large and open. Various pictures on the walls some that look like family portraits of the guys in the club. One looks like it was taken at a concert and the rest are pictures of bikes and cars. To my right is a small bar with six stools lined in front. But nothing that would suggest this place was run by hardass bikers.

Merigold leads out a set of double doors that lead to a large backyard where a barbecue is going on. The only thing that lets you know this is a biker club is all the bikes out front, the emblem on the wall, and the vests the guys and a few women are wearing including Merigold. She told me one time they are called kuttes. There are kids playing in the yard, kids that are like nephews to me, Jace, and Jax. They are playing, laughing, and having a good time. “ Tank, why do you have that baby so close to the grill. Are you nuts?” Merigold shouts running up to a guy that is as big as his name leads to. This guy is massive. But then I look around and notice all the guys are huge especially the one they call Brick. They make Merigold and me look like Smurfs next to redwood trees.

Merigold waves me over to the grill where she just took a baby from one of these redwood guys. “ Speed, meet another one of my brother’s Tank,” Merigold says. She bounces the baby and says “ This guy is Sebastian, Bastian for short. He normally belongs to Tank when Tank doesn’t have him so close to the grill. Tank, meet a good friend of mine Speed.” Since the guy is grilling I just nod and smile. “ It is nice to meet you, Mr. Tank.” He shakes his head “ It is just Tank. It is nice to meet you..” He turns to Merigold “ I didn’t have him too close to the grill. I’m not stupid. Trust me I don’t need Lilly pissed at me or Bastian will never get a sibling. I just needed to pick him up because he was being fussy and didn’t want Anna. I tried humming to him as Lilly does but I swear he looked at me like I had lost my mind.” I held back my laugh because Tank looked upset that he couldn’t calm his son down by humming. “ Bouncing is the only thing that made him happy.” Tank said. Merigold smiles at the baby “ Sorry, little man we can’t all have a voice like your momma..” The little guy giggles and blows spit bubbles. He is just too cute for words.

“ No, your right about that.” Tank says with pride. I get the feeling there is a story there. Merigold introduced Ratchet to Tank then she told Tank she was taking Bastian with her while she introduces us to everyone. I just now notice it looks like they are having a barbeque. “ Looks like we are just in time for dinner.” Merigold nods “ Yes you are. I hope you brought your appetite.” Before I can say a word I hear yelling “ Aunty Speed. Uncle Ratchet.” The next thing I know I have my two favorite nephews charging at me.

I got down on my knees and braced myself for impact. When these two boys charge you going full speed like they are doing now they can knock you on your ass. It has happened before and they were only two at the time. Jace charges me and Jax goes for my brother. “ You came to see us, Aunty Speed?” Jace asks. “ Yes, I came to see guys and for Uncle Ratchet’s birthday.” Jax tries to sign to my brother but I can see he is having trouble. “ Want help little man?” I ask. “ No, I got it,” Jax says. He gives up on using his hands and just talks to Ratchet slowly. “ I missed you so much.” Ratchet hugs Jax and signs that he missed them too. I have missed these boys so much. Before Merigold moved to be with the club I saw these boys almost every day. And I have two nieces that I have never seen in person before. I will fix that today. We did come because Ratchet wanted to see Merigold but I missed her as well. And right now I need her. I need my sister. But I will get into that later. Today is just for fun, no heavy stuff.

Merigold calls everyone for dinner. Everyone grabs a plate and starts loading up. There is so much food it is ridiculous. It reminds me of the get-togethers we used to have with Alaric. Way more food than we know what to do with. When everyone sits down Merigold stays standing “ I want to introduce my friend and sister Speed and her brother Ratchet to those of you who haven’t met them yet. And welcome them. I shouldn’t have to say this but I’m going to anyway I would like you to treat them like family because to me they are.” Ratchet and I get a round of welcomes and most everyone I have met has been friendly but I like that Merigold but it’s out there. As protective in all ways.

“ Next I want to thank my brothers for coming up with this barbeque to celebrate Jax and Jace’s upcoming first day of school. And thank you to everyone who helped out today. One last thing before we eat. Tank make sure to save some for Lilly and Lug or you answer to them.” Merigold says. The group laughs at what she has said. Lug and Lilly aren’t here right now. Merigold said they were working but I would get to meet them another day. If they are anything like everyone else I have met, I’m looking forward to it. We sit and enjoy a great dinner. I missed Merigold’s cooking. We all chit-chat and I get to know this group of people that is now Merigold’s other family. So far these people are much more than I expected.

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