Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 21

Merigold got the designs for Frankenstien done a few days ago and it was a welcome distraction. But now that we are done with that and Marcos' birthday party is planned for next Saturday, there is nothing stopping me from being drowned in my thoughts. I can’t stop thinking about the time I spent with Gretchen. I way her moans were music to my ears urging me to touch her. The way her skin would get goosebumps every time I licked her. Or how her skin felt silky rubbing against mine. Her lips felt so right against mine I didn’t want to stop kissing her. The feel of her arching under me as she came on my tongue. When we were done having sex we just laid and help each other. It felt like she was comforting me while cuddled. I haven't ever cuddled with any of my flings before. But with Gretchen it didn’t feel wrong. She kept rubbing my arms like she was trying to sooth my wayward thoughts.

Then I think of Brick. I think about how I let go completely and let him take control. That is something I never do but it felt so good and safe. His large hands on me as he spanked me with my hands cuffed. I was completely at his mercy and I didn’t mind one bit. And the way he fucked me was out of this world. It was hard and rough but not in a painful way. It was the right amount of pain and pleasure that sent me over the edge. The time I was with him I didn’t need to think, just feel. Feel the way my body reacted to his touch, to his words. In my heart I want to submit fully to Brick.Other than my hard limits I would have done anything he said.

Then my mind drifts to Brick and Gretchen together. Brick gives me the dominance I need. I crave. The spanking, flogging, even being restrained. Not giving me one ounce of control. Him making me cum on his huge dick. Gretchen gives me the comfort I desire. The cuddling and care. Using her talented tongue and fingers made my spine tingle. Brick fucks, Gretchen makes love. Both of those things I greatly desire. And I imagine if they did it at the same time. It would be perfect and satisfy all my needs.

I’m in my trailer cleaning my tools having all these thoughts going through my head. I can’t stop seeing them in my head going like a movie reel. Sometimes it was just Brick or Gretchen. Other times it morphed with the two of them pleasuring me. Taking care of me. Me strapped to a bed unable to move my arms and legs. Brick uses a riding crop on me as Gretchen kisses her way down my body. I can’t get these images to stop. Then there are the less sexy images. Us having breakfast together. Or curled up on the couch watching a movie with my feet laying across Gretchen as she rubs them and my head laid on Brick’s shoulder.Candle light bathes with Gretchen. Bike rides with Brick. Sleeping between them in a large bed.

My time with Brick and Gretchen was supposed to be a one time deal. Just to get them out of my system. Why can’t I get them out of my head? Why do they invade my every thought? Why am I imagining a future with them. I can’t have them. Not both of them together. And not just one of them. It hurts to think that but it is true. I’m too messed up, too broken. I know I could easily fall for both of them and that is a whole set of other problems. I’m not good for either of them. I don’t think I will ever be able to admit I like being dominated. Or that I like being with women and men. More specifically Brick and Gretchen. It has been beaten into me more times than I can count. My heart races from fear; it makes it hard to breathe just thinking about admitting it. Even to myself. I was raised that being anything other than a meek subservient wife to a man is wrong.

I was able to break through most of what I was taught. I’m not meek by a long shot. And subservient. I don’t think so .But the thing with my sexuality I can’t seem to get past. That’s why I seek my desires in the dark with nameless strangers. Well, I did until those two came along. And the more I think about it, if I could admit to one or the other I don’t know if I could pick between the two of them. It feels wrong. And they would never go for both of them being with me. And what would everyone think? They would look down on us for sure. We would have to hide it from the world and that is no life for them. They both deserve better than that. They are wonderful people from what I have learned so far.

The best thing for me to do is get them out of my mind no matter how hard it is. I have to make sure that what we had stays to one night. Any more than that and my resolve will break. I can’t let them get close or it will hurt me in the end. I need to focus on Marcos and my racing. I can be happy with just having that in my life. It has worked up until now, it will continue to work in the future. I don’t need anything else. I don’t need a relationship and love. And if I keep telling myself that I might just start to believe it. It has too because I don’t see any other way.

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