Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 22


I texted Merigold and asked her if I could come over and talk to her. So I’m standing at her front door too nervous to ring the bell. I don’t know what I’m afraid of. I know Merigold will be understanding. I know she will listen to me and give me the advice I seek. I can do this. I need to do this. I reach up and ring the bell. Then I wait for what feels like forever before Axel answers the door. I watch his mouth as he speaks. He knows a few signs but not enough for us to have a full conversation. “ Marcos, come in. Mergold said you were coming over. She is in the kitchen waiting for you.” I sign ‘Thank you ‘ and he escorts me in. I greet Jace and Jax who are sitting in the living room watching a movie. “ Are you here to play with us?” Jax signs. I sign “ I need to talk to momma first. If there is time after I will.”

I go into the kitchen and see Merigold has some snacks laid out on the counter. I sit at the bar and grab a cookie. Merigold hands a plate to Axel then makes a shooing motion for him to get out of the kitchen. She places a glass of milk on the counter in front of me then signs “ You text had me worried. Are you alright?” I shove the rest of the cookie in my mouth then answer. “ I’m ok. But I need some advice. And I may need your help.” I told her. “ I’m listening,” she says. Ok, it is now or never. I fidget with my glass taking deep breaths to gather my thoughts. I don’t know how long I sit there not saying anything before Merigold places her hand on mine. I look up at her and see the worry written all over her face. Now I feel bad. She moves her hand and says “ Marcos, I have known you all your life. I love you to the moon and back. And I always will. Nothing. I mean nothing will ever change that.”

I have always known that in my heart but I needed to hear it, sorta speak. “ I need to tell mama something and I’m worried.” Merigold nods “ Let’s take this one step at a time. “First, why are you worried?” “ I’m worried about how she is going to react. I’m scared she may not love me anymore.” I told her. “ Did you kill somebody?” she asks. “ What? No, of course not.” I say. “ Well that is the only thing I can think of that would make Kelley not love you anymore.” “ No, tia. I didn’t do anything illegal.” I say. “ Then tell me what is bothering you,” Merigold says.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “ I need to tell mama that I’m gay.” There I said it. Now I wait for the yelling and for her to tell me to get out of her house like I have heard about from a few friends that came out. I look at Merigold and she is smiling. I must have a confused look on my face because Merigold turns her head and says “ What? Did I not react the way you expected? Marcos, my love. You know Alaric and Mac are married and we accept them wholeheartedly. You met Connor and Neil. No one has a problem with them. So why would I love a boy who I see as my Sobrino any different? I love you the way you are. However, you are. You being gay will not ever change that.”

Before I can think, I jump up and run around the counter. I pull her in the biggest hug ever and lay my head on her shoulder. Merigold wraps her arms around me and holds me. I know she is saying something because I feel the rumble in her chest but don’t look up to figure out what she is saying. After a few minutes, I pulled back. Merigold reaches up and wipes my eyes. I didn’t realize I was crying. “ Now tell me why you are afraid to tell Kelley,” she says. I sit back down. This is going to be the harder part. “ I’m worried she won’t accept me since she can’t accept herself.” Before I realize what I said it is too late. “ What do you mean she can’t accept herself?” What are you talking about Marcos?” Well shit. I fucked up now. “ I can’t say anything. I don’t have any proof. It is just a suspicion. But I don’t want to talk about it”

I’m getting worked up thinking I may have just outed my sister who has been more of a mother to me than my real mom. Kelley has raised me. As far as I’m concerned she is my mom and I call her such. I shouldn’t have said anything about her. If she wanted someone to know she would have said something but I don’t think she can. “ Hey. Hey, calm down. We can drop that part of it. Let’s talk about the part of her not accepting you.”

“ I’m scared mama won’t like me being gay,” I say truthfully. “ Oh, mi Hijo. I don’t know what Kelley has going on that would give you that impression. But I can say without a doubt she is going to love you no matter what. And If. If she does have a problem with it I will kick her ass myself. But you have to tell her. I will do it with you when you are ready. I won’t tell her for you but I will stay by your side the whole time. I’ll even bring in Axel and Rowdy for backup if it will make you feel better.”

I don’t think I will need them but it is good to know I have the extra support if I need it. “ Do you think they will accept me?” I ask. Merigold smiles “ Do you want to find out? We could practice on them.” What would it hurt? The more practice to tell mama the better. I nod and Merigold turns her head. I guess to tell the guys to come in here with us. Merigold explains to the guys that there is something I want to tell mama and I want to practice on them to get different reactions. She leaves out the part about me being gay so we can get an honest reaction. The guys agree to be my practice dummies and Merigold turns to me indicating I can start at any time. She is going to help interrupt for me.

Here goes nothing. Merigold is right. They are going to accept me as I am. I have known them for a while now they won’t turn their backs on me. They will support me. “ Axel, Rowdy. I don’t know how to say this so I’m just going to come out and say it.” Deep breath. “ Guys, I’m gay,” I say and wait for their reaction. Rowdy is the first to speak up rubbing the back of his neck looking uncomfortable. “ Umm, congratulations?” Axel smacks Rowdy on the back of his head. “ Congratulations? Really?” Axel says. “ What? I’ve never been in this situation before. I don’t know what to say.” Rowdy says. It could have been a whole lot worse than congrats so that is good.

Axel shakes his head but I can see he is hiding a grin “ Marcos, you are my nephew. I love you and support you no matter what.” Then he comes over and gives me a bro hug. Rowdy comes over and does the same. “ As you can see I’m not the best with words so I’m going to go with what he said.” That is good enough for me. Merigold explains that I’m nervous coming out to mama and asks if they will be there to support me if I need it. Axel answers first. “ You need us just ask. We will be there. We have your back. Thanks to them my nerves are calmed and I have hope that I can tell my sister. And I believe what that said and that she will accept me for who I am and still love me.

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