Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 23


It is Sunday evening and I’m at one of Merigold’s dinners. She does this every Sunday and anyone who wants can stop by and have dinner. Most of the single brothers come for a chance to eat Merigold’s cooking. Merigold uses it as a chance to catch up with the family. No club talk or work talk, just spending time together. I make sure to come at least every two weeks to spend time with everyone. Normally bunnies aren’t allowed at these things but I have noticed Gretchen has been coming to a few dinners from time to time. The only way for that to happen is for Merigold to invite her. I’m pretty sure Gretchen is here for the same reason I am and has nothing to do with the food. It has everything to do with Speed.

I knew she was going to be here tonight because Merigold was raving that Speed was going to make enchiladas to go with what Merigold was making. I was curious about the food but I was more interested in seeing Speed again. It has been a few days since she walked out of the club with Merigold and she hasn’t been back since. I’m pretty sure she is avoiding Gretchen and me. I don’t know about Gretchen but I’m not going to let that happen. Speed may think our night together was a one-time deal but I’m going to show her it isn’t. I’m a man of my word so when I told myself that I’m going to make Speed mine I meant it.

We have just finished dinner and are sitting around the living room relaxing. Rowdy is talking to Viper about their plans to add a pool to the backyard. Lilly is on the floor with her son and Merigold’s girls watching them play. Speed is relaxed in a recliner talking to Thor about bikes. Gretchen is on the other side of the couch from me watching Speed. Ace jumps in and asks Ratchet with Merigold signing for him “ What are your plans after your big birthday. Thinking about hanging around here or going back to your parents?”

I notice Merigold, Speed and Ratchet stiffen at the question. It is a harmless question so I don’t understand their reaction. It is odd. Merigold signs something to Ratchet who looks at Speed. We are all silent waiting for an answer. I notice Gretchen lean forward watching their hands as they talk. Ratchet moves his hands and I see Gretchen turn her head in question. I lean over and ask “ Do you know what they are saying?” She looks at me and says “ I don’t know that many words yet and they are going so fast it is hard to keep up but I swear Ratchet called Speed mom. But that can’t be right.” No that doesn’t sound right Gretchen must have mixed up the signs.

Finally, they stop, and all three turn to us. “ Ace as far as the law is concerned Speed is Ratchet’s mom,” Merigold says. Do what? Speed says “ I can tell all of you are very confused. I’ll explain. My parents are not good people.” “ Try horrible, abusive, neglectful, sorry excuses for people.” Merigold chimes in pissed off. Axel rubs her back to try to calm her down. “ What Merigold said is right. You see Ratchet hasn’t always been deaf. When he was three he got very sick and had to be hospitalized for two weeks to get over it. And that was after he had been so sick he passed out. He had already been sick for a little over a week. After he was better the doctors did some tests before he was released and discovered the illness had taken his hearing.” Speed stops and takes a breath. You can see she is getting upset reliving this part of their past. I can see her eyes glistening with tears she won’t let fall. And there is pain in her eyes. Horrible pain.

Merigold picks up the story. “ Their parents were pissed. Saying that he was doing it on purpose to embarrass them. He was being stupid and trying to ruin their lives. They never took him to another doctor. Never got him any help. Never helped him learn how to deal with not being able to hear. Even would ignore him for days. If it wasn’t for Speed I’m sure he would have gotten sick again or even died.” I see Ratchet grab Speed’s hand to offer her comfort and smiles at her. Merigold grabs her other hand and continues “ Speed took care of him. She found videos and books and taught him how to sign. She found a group that helps kids like him and took him to events so he could meet others like him.” Viper asks in astonishment “ Were your parents ever reported? Why didn’t someone step in to help?”

Speed looks at him “ I reported them several times but my parents would lie out their asses and say I was making things up and that I was a troubled kid. No one ever believed me. Well, except my friends.” “ Not to mention Speed was severely punished every time she did talk about it. So she quit talking and just took care of Ratchet herself. Alaric, Mac, and the rest of us helped whenever we could.” Merigold says. Severely punished? My mind goes back to the scars I saw on Speed. Is that what they are talking about? I saw Speed flinch when Merigold said punished so I think I’m right. Her own parents did that to her. “ So anyway when I was eighteen and had everything in place I partitioned the courts for full custody. After a battle that took months and a lot of help from doctors, teachers, all my friends, and even Alaric’s, Jace’s, Jax’s, and River’s parents I won. And he has been mine ever since.”

Merigold chuckles. I see Ratchet's hands move and Merigold repeats what he said. “ He says that Speed has always been his mom. The courts just made it legal.” Thor asks “ How old was Ratchet at the time?” Speed smiles like a proud parent “ Ten.” “ Wow,” Trina says. “ Speed, you are my new hero,” Lilly says. Speed shakes her head “ I just did what was right.” Blowing Lilly’s comment off. “ What happened to your parents?” Ace asks. Good question. I want to know where to go to kill them. “ With all of the testimony, they were finally brought up on criminal charges of child abuse and more. They both got fifteen years in prison and five years on parole. And aren’t ever allowed to contact us” Speed says.

Speed has been a single mom to her brother for ten years with no help. I don’t even know how to wrap my brain around this. I knew she was strong but this I never expected. Gretchen looks like she wants to launch herself at Speed to console her and hold her. I’m gripping the arm of the couch ready to tear it off. But Speed doesn’t look upset at all. “Kelley, what you did was honorable. And I’m glad your parents got punished. But honey while you were being a mom to a special needs toddler who was taking care of you?” Anna asks. Speed tilts her head to the side and looks genuinely confused. “ What do you mean? I took care of both of us. It is what I had to do.”

With Merigold’s help, Ratchet jumps in signing so fast his hands are a blur to me. “ My sister took very good care of me. She took me to a special school twenty minutes away and picked me up. She helped me with my homework. She made sure I had plenty to eat. Took care of me when I was sick. Read me stories every night. Took me to all the doctor’s appointments. She went to all my games. Worked her ass off to take care of us. And never once asked for anything or complained.She held me when I was scared. I wouldn’t be who I am without her. I won’t let you say anything bad about her. She planned every birthday party for me. She was at my graduation and planned an after party for me and my friends.She taught me how to drive. She helped me get my cdl license. She has been everything a parent should be. ” Poor Ratchet is so mad he is shaking.

Anna gets up from her chair and kneels in front of them but addresses Ratchet t. “ I’m not saying anything bad about Kelley. Sweety what your sister did at such a young age is beyond incredible. And from what I have seen of you she has done an excellent job raising you. You are a fine young man. Someone I am glad I got to know. I wasn’t talking bad about her. I was just wondering who was taking care of her when she got sick. Or when your parents punished her. Or needed a shoulder to cry on. Or just needed someone to talk to. Or when she got in her accident. While she had your back, who had hers? What about when she went on a date? Or when she raced? Who was there for Kelley?”

Anna’s questions were met with silence for what seemed like hours. Speed said “ I had Merigold and the crew. I was fine. Still am.” But Merigold was rapidly shaking her head. I thought she might hurt herself. Ratchet was looking at the floor. Speed rubbed Ratchet’s back “ Really I was fine.” “ No Speed. Anna is right. You had no one. You didn’t date. You took Ratchet everywhere you went so he was never alone. You missed your prom not because you weren’t asked but you didn’t want to leave Ratchet. And what about the day I found you.” Speed growled “ Don’t you dare.” But that didn’t stop Merigold. “ We could have lost you.” Don’t. I was fine. It worked out.” Speed said glaring daggers at Merigold. Merigold shakes her head and I see her wipe a tear that fell. What is that all about? How could they have lost her?

“ The point is Speed. You were never a teen. You were always in control. Whether it was taking care of Ratchet or your car or any part of your life you maintained strict control but Speed you really didn’t live for yourself. Everything you do even now has been for others. We were kids. We didn’t know what you needed. We were there the best we could but you should have had more.” Merigold says not even stopping the tears. She feels like she let her deerest friend down. Axel gets up and pulls Merigold to him to comfort her. “ Merigold. You guys were there for me. That is all that matters. You did what you could. I have a good life and so does Ratchet. I have great friends that I would trade for anything in the world. That is all I needed then and that is all I need now.” Speed says.

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