Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 24


After learning that Speed fought against her parents to gain full custody of Ratchet, my draw to her increased to a new level. As well as my respect and aww. I knew when I first met her that she was an incredible woman. That is one of the many things that drew me to her. When Merigold and Ratchet helped tell the story of what Speed and Ratchet went through I could tell there was a lot more they didn’t say. Like about Speed being punished. There are a lot of details they left out. And something Merigold said about her finding Speed. Speed got very upset and wanted Merigold to stop. Something very bad has happened to my Speed and she doesn’t want us to know. But here is the thing when and if she is ever ready to tell us what happened to her in the past I will be there to have her back. And if she will let me I’ll be holding her hand if she will let me.

After listening to everything I hugged and told her I would check on her later. I left after that. I had to. I needed to clear my head before I broke down in front of everyone there. I was fighting back tears the whole time. I didn’t want Speed to see that. I also needed to think about how to break her walls down. I knew it was going to be a lot harder than I thought. I know in my gut that she needs me. She needs someone to care for her in a way that no one has ever done. She needs someone to show her love, compassion. I just think she realizes it. That is ok with me. I will just have to show her.

I am at the club relaxing in the backyard when my phone goes off. I pull it from my pocket. I have a text from Brick. I have all the guys on my phone. All the bunnies do in case of emergency. But Brick has never texted me. I look at it and all it says is that we need to talk. I’m sure he has something to say about what he heard today. I text him back and tell him where I am. He says to stay there and he will be here in a few minutes.

I am still sitting in the back when Brick finds me. He sits beside me and says “ I have an idea after what we heard today. I don’t want you to answer right away. I want you to think about it. I do know there is more that Merigold and Speed aren’t telling us. I’m not going to beat around the bush. I fucked Speed. When I was with her I saw some scars on her. When I asked her about them she didn’t want to answer. She did tell me it wasn't someone she had been with in her past. After today I think it was her parents that gave her those scars.” The thought of that makes me sick. How could a parent do that to their own child? They are monsters and I’m glad they are in prison. I feel like I should be upset that Brick has fucked Speed or even jealous but oddly enough I’m not.

First Speed and I don’t have a relationship. Yet. We haven’t made a commitment to just be with each other. And I have been with a few of the guys before Speed and I hooked up and after. Although I have only given blow jobs since sleeping with Speed. I am a bunny after all. It is what I’m here for. For now. I have plans to talk to Viper about it to see if I can stop and do something else. I just haven’t had a chance yet. And second, for some reason it doesn’t bother me that they have been together. It doesn’t excite me but I’m ok with them being together.

I’m pulled from my head when Brick says “ I know we both care about Speed. Even before what we heard today. I also know you have been with Speed as well. I have thought about it and what we talked about the other day. It doesn’t bother me that she has been with both of us. I think we each can give her something different. Between the two of us. We can give Speed everything she needs. I know that in my gut. I also know Speed is fighting some serious demons. I believe it is going to take both of us to help her through it. And to get her to accept us into her life.” I have to agree with Brick so far. I think I know where this is going with this but I’m going to continue to hear him out first. Just in case I’m wrong.

“ When we first talked we said we would go after her separately. But now I don’t think that is going to be an option. Speed is going to need both of us and I accept that. We need to work together to win Speed's trust and her heart. We need to pursue her separately and together. I’m prepared to be in a relationship with Speed that includes you. We will have to have some guidelines for you and me but I think we can make it work.” Brick says. He rubs the back of his neck like he is nervous. I have never seen this side of Brick before. He has always been cool and in control. But now he just looks lost. I don’t see him with the bunnies. He has always turned them down saying they can’t handle his needs.

Hell a few bunnies think Brick is gay and goes to gay bars to get his needs met. I could care less either way but clearly the gay angle is completely wrong we just didn’t have a girl here for him. “ You have put a lot of thought into this.” I say. He nods “ Yes.I have. And the only conclusion I have come up with is that we need to do this together. That is the only way we don’t lose Speed. And I’m not willing to give her up. And I think this will work.I would like you to think about it.”

“ You said that we would have to set up some guidelines for you and me. Do you have a few in mind? I would like to hear them so I have all the information.” I told him. I’m not going to admit that I’m about to agree no matter what. But I would like to hear what he has come up with. “ I have, yes. The first is I have no desire to be with you in any sexual way. Any time we are having sex with the three of us I won’t touch you and I don’t want you touching me. “ I have no problem with that. I feel the same way. “ We have to agree that we want something long term with Speed. This isn’t a fling. At least to me.” Brick continues. Still not a problem. “ Ok. Next one.”

“ When we have our alone time with her the other stays away. And we both have to understand that Marcos is part of the deal. Speed will never be with anyone who can’t accept him. The rest I think we can figure it out as we go. I’m not saying it will be easy. We are going to fight. There are times when we don’t get along but for Speed I’m willing. I also think you need to not be a bunny anymore.” I nod “ I have already planned on talking to Viper about it. When do you need an answer?” I ask. I already know what it is but I’m curious. “ As soon as possible. I’m afraid if we back off we will lose and progress we may have already made.”

I hold my hand out to Brick. He looks at it in confusion. “ I don’t need time to decide. I would walk to the moon and back for Speed. So if that means I have to put up with a man I view as a friend in a relationship with a woman I’m falling in love with. I will do it. Do we have a deal?” Brick grabs my hand and shakes it “ We have a deal.”

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