Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 25


Ratchet calls it hiding. I say it is where I go to reflect and think without being interrupted. Last time I was here I was thinking about Brick and Gretchen. And part of me still is. They way they reacted when Merigold, Ratchet and I told about our past. Brick looked enraged. Like he wanted to kill my parents. It was a sweet thought actually that someone cared enough to think that. But it wasn’t needed. Grecthen looked like she was a second away from breaking down in tears. And Anna went down right motherly on me. It was weird having all these people care about me and Ratchet when all we had before was Alaric, Merigold and the rest of the crew. Noone has ever cared for us before. I didn’t know how to react. That is one reason that after we came back I decided to change into some comfortable sleep shorts and tank top and come out here for a while. Ratchet went to his room to video call a few friends in Alabama.I think we both needed some time to think.

I didn’t want anyone to hear the story at least most of it. It is my past and it needs to stay there but when Ace asked about our plans I knew we had to tell some of it. I didn’t want their pity that usually comes with this story. I didn’t count on Merigold almost telling too much. She almost let it slip about the day she found me beaten unconscious. I wouldn’t let her go there no matter how many odd looks we got. When we got done we didn’t get the pity I was used to. Instead we got an outpouring of love and respect. It confused me. The only good thing that came out of it was I was sure that Brick and Gretchen would see that I was broken and not try to have anything more to do with me. Brick left right after so I was pretty sure I was right even after he said he had me. Gretchen said she would stop by and check on me later but I’m not holding my breath.

I’m sitting on a stool working on my laptop. I am trying to find some local tracks to race on. I need to get behind the wheel soon. I need to race again. I haven’t raced since my accident and I know if I don’t do it soon I won’t do it at all. I will let the fear consume me. I know myself well enough that that is the truth. I found three that were too far away and was looking into the details of the closest one when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was so focused that I didn't hear anyone come in. I turn and see it is Gretchen. “ What are you doing here?” I asked her curtly. I didn’t like people invading my personal space. But Grecthen just smiles like she isn’t bothered by my tone.

She begins to rub my shoulder and I almost sag with how good it felt. Not just what she was doing but to have her hands on me again. Be strong Speed. One time deal, remember. You are too broken for more. Not noticing my inner turmoil Gretchen says “ Baby, I told you that I was going to come by and check on you.” I spin around on my stool and cross my arms over my chest. “ People say a lot of things when they are trying to be nice but they don’t always follow through.” Gretchen’s face falls for a brief second before her smile is back. She gets closer to me, placing herself between my open legs. With her standing my face is right in front of her marvelous tits. I have to fight with myself not to bury my face in them. I get flashes of how good they felt in my hands. How her nipples hardened to stiff peaks after I rolled my tongue around them.

Focus my head shouted at me. Gretchen put her hands on my shoulders causing me to jerk my head to look at her. She has a naughty smirk letting me know I have been caught staring. She leans in and says “ When I’m talking to you I always mean what I say.” She starts to rub my shoulders again I start to melt. Being this close to her is making me hard to keep myself in control. I pull back and say “ Ok you have checked up on me and see that I am fine. Why else are you here? To see how broken I am? To see for yourself that you can’t be with me. I already know all of this. You don’t need to tell me what we had was a one time deal. I knew that when it happened.” Grethen’s hands move from my shoulders towards my neck her thumbs rubbing circles at the base. It feels soo good and relaxing.

I don’t need her to tell me what I already know. I just needed her to leave so I could get myself under control. Gretchen places a soft short kiss on my forehead. She pulls back and shakes her head. “ No baby. That isn’t what I came here for. There are so many things that you just said that are wrong. And we are going to talk about it just not today. But know this. I don’t believe you are broken. A little bent maybe but definitely not broken.” I’m about to tell her how wrong she is but am stopped when she seals her lips to mine. I freeze. I can’t do this again and my head yells at me.

After the highly stressed dinner with Merigold I decided to retreat to what Ratchet likes to call my fortress of solitude. It is just the trailer we transport Frakenstien in. Ratchet and I saved forever to get this big rig. Alaric and the crew along with Merigold surprised me on my twentieth birthday and put in the money we were short and helped me buy it. It was used and needed a few repairs as well as a good paint job but overall it was in good shape. We added hooks for some of our tools and bolted our tool boxes to the floor. We fixed the few rust holes that were in the walls and painted inside and out. We even reinforced the floor to make sure it could hold the weight of the car and the heavy duty tool boxes. In the end it turned out beautifully. We even have a small bed on top where we can crash on the way to or from races. But it is also where I go to think.

I pull back. I want to tell Gretchen to get out. I want to scream at her not to touch me again. But one look in her eyes and I can’t. She gently strokes the side of my face with her hand. “ No, baby. Don’t think for now. I know your mind must be in overdrive after today. Just shut it off and let me take care of you for now. We will deal with the rest later.” Gretchen leans down to kiss me along my jaw to my ear. She nips my earlobe and whispers. “ Let me take care of you.” She slides her hands from my shoulders down my arms to my hands.

Gretchen leans back and takes my hands. She pulls me up “ Come on baby. I’m going to take good care of you.” We are out of the trailer before I come back to my head. “ Where are we going?” Gretchen just turns her head and smiles “ You will see.” I could stop her in her tracks and demand answers. I could send her way. That is what I should do but I’m curious where she is going with this. My head is shouting so loud it is beginning to give me a headache. It is telling me to stop this right now. We can be with Gretchen again. We need to push her away. I shut my brain out and go with it. One more time couldn’t hurt. I can push her away after. Yes that is it, one more time. Then she will surely be out of my system.

I was having a battle in my head that I didn’t notice that we were not only in the house but we were standing in the bathroom. I look around and see candles lit on the bathroom counter. The tub is full of hot water and has a bath bomb floating in it. I look at Gretchen in confusion.” I did this before coming to talk to you. I told Ratchet I thought you needed to relax.” Grecthen says. She puts her hands on the hem of my shirt and starts to lift. I drop my hands on top of hers to stop her. “ What are you doing?” Gretchen doesn’t release my shirt, just looks in my eyes earnestly and says “ I’m helping you get ready for your bath. I told you baby, let me take care of you.”

It is just a bath I tell myself and it isn’t like she hasn’t seen me naked before so I let go of her hands. She slowly lifts my shirt letting her fingers glide over my stomach as she leaves behind goosebumps and sparks on my skin. When she finally takes it off she places it on the counter. Instead of going straight for my shorts next she pushes my hair back behind my shoulders and glides her fingers over my skin down between my tits to my stomach. Never touching anything my body is screaming at her to touch. It is arousing and infuriating at the same time. When she gets to the band on my shorts she hooks her thumb under it and gets down on her knees as she pulls my shorts down my legs.

Before Gretchen can get to my feet I have already soaked my panties with arousal and she has barely touched me. Just having her this close gets my motor revving like only one other person ever has. I lift one foot then the other for her to take my shorts off. “ No, panties. I like it, baby.” Gretchen stands and grabs my hand. “ Come on. Time for a nice relaxing bath.” I let her guide me to the tub and let her help me in, not that I needed it. The water is nice and hot. I can feel my muscles relaxing as I submerge myself in the water. Gretchen lays a folded up towel on the back edge of the tub. “ Lean back and enjoy the water.” I do as she says and close my eyes. I expect her to leave me alone but she doesn’t. I can hear her moving around but I’m too relaxed to pay attention.

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