Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 28


I woke up the next morning to find myself alone in bed. Normally I don’t have a problem with that. I actually prefer it. But today it bothers me. For some reason my heart was hoping to find Gretchen laying beside me and now I’m disappointed. But I should be.This is the way it has to be even if it hurts my heart a bit. I sit up in bed for a few minutes trying to understand why Gretchen not being here or even saying goodbye is bothering me. After the only thing I could come up with is that maybe I like her, I gave up. Maybe isn’t true. I do like her a lot and that is the problem. But I don’t have the time or brain power to think about it too long today. Today is a big day and I need to get moving.

You see, today is Ratchet’s eighteenth birthday. We are having a surprise party for him at Merigold’s this afternoon. So you see I don’t have time to delve into my thoughts about whether I like Gretchen or not and my disappointment of her not being here. I have a big day planned before going to Merigold’s so I jump out of bed. I ran to the bathroom to relieve myself and brushed my teeth. When finished I go back to my room and look through my clothes. As I pick out a pair of faded jeans with tears at the knees I think that if we are going to stay here much longer I’m going to have to buy more clothes. I didn’t grab more than two weeks worth when we packed to come here. I grab my graphic tee shirt and put it on.

When I sit down to brush my hair I think back to when Gretchen was brushing it for me last night. I didn’t realize how relaxing it could be to have someone's gentle touch brush my hair for me. Or it could have been just the fact that it was Gretchen’s touch that was so comforting. It was nice to be treated like that. The memory brings a smile to my face. I shake my head to get back to the present. I have something more important to take care of, or should I say someone. I pull my hair up in a pony tail and leave my room.

Once I get down stairs I find Ratchet in the kitchen with the fridge door open looking around. I walk over and tap him on the shoulder. When he looks up I sign “ Sit down. I'll make you some breakfast.” He nods and takes a seat at the counter. Of course he isn’t going to argue with me. He hates cooking. I swear that boy would live off cereal and microwave meals if it wasn’t for me. I grab some eggs, cubed ham, shredded cheese and milk from the fridge and set them on the counter. Then I grab an onion and bell pepper from the basket. The birthday boy is getting an omelet for his breakfast. His favorite. I stand in front of him to chop the veggies. I make sure he is looking at me when I tell him “ I found a track not far from here. I thought we could take the bikes and check out to see if we might want to do a race or two while we are here. And later we have dinner with Merigold. But what else do you want to do today?”

While I’m waiting for his answer I grab a pan and put it on the stove with a bit of oil to heat. I turn back to him to grab the veggies. He signs “ We can check out the track. It might be cool to see if there are any differences to the ones we are used to in Alabama and Florida. Taking the bikes is a good idea. Just you and me riding the roads.” I smile as I put the veggies in the pan giving them a stir. Grabbing the eggs and cracking them in a bowl I make sure I keep turned so I can see him. “ Sounds like a plan. What else do you want to do?” I ask. I figure he has some big ideas he's wanted since he turned eighteen. But to my surprise he signs “ I think just riding the roads for a while and dinner with Merigold and the kids is it.”

That thought makes me sad. He should be wanting to go out. Hanging out with friends. Anything but hanging out with his sister and the kids. After whisking the eggs and checking the pan I turn to Ratchet. “ Mi hijo, are you sure there isn’t anything you want to do? Something just for yourself?” He signs “ No, mama. I’m good.” I don’t like this one bit. I put the ham in the pan to heat up before I put the eggs in. “ I know you don’t have many friends here. If you want we could forget about the track. We can have dinner with Merigold and head back home tomorrow. That way you can be with your friends to celebrate your birthday.” Putting the eggs in the pan I keep my attention between the food and Ratchet.

“ What about Frankenstien?” he signs. “ Merigold hasn’t finished him yet.” I shake my head. “ Don’t worry about him. This is about you. We could always fly back up here when she is done to pick him up.” I told him. And that is true about him and what will make him happy. The car can wait. I flip the eggs and put cheese on them and fold them over. When the cheese is good and melted I plate them up and place them in front of Ratchet. Before he can eat I grab his hands and tell him “ I will do whatever makes you happy. You are the most important person to me. Forever. So if you say you want to go home and be with your friends we will do it. You tell me what you want to do.” He just has to say the word and we are gone. But in the back of my mind I’m conflicted. Part of me wants to stay. For Merigold. For Brick. For Gretchen. But a bigger part says getting distance is the best thing to do.

Ratchet looks at me and signs “ Mama, I like it here. The guys in the club are cool. I like hanging out with the band. I missed Merigold and the kids. I’m not ready to go back yet. I already talked to my friends last night. They understand. I am happy being here. And I like the idea of going to other tracks. Maybe that is something we can do when Frankenstien is finished. Explore new tracks in new states. I don’t know yet.” “ Are you sure?” I asked. I need to make sure. “ I’m sure. This is what I want. If it changes I will let you know. Now let’s eat so we can go check out this track.” I laugh and get my food ready. I trust him to tell me when he is ready to move on. We eat together. When we are done I put the dishes in the dishwasher and clean the counters while Ratchet gets his things together. I hear him coming back down as I’m grabbing my phone and keys.

I smile and look at him. I sign “ You ready to go birthday boy?” He signs back “ Let’s ride mama.” I laugh as we walk out the door. Our bikes are parked on the side of the house under a cover parking spot. I’m assuming this is where the guys park their bikes when they come over. We uncover them and walk them out to the driveway. I hold up my phone and text Ratchet the address of the track we are headed to. I know he will follow me but there is always a small chance we will get split up so it is a precaution we always take when going somewhere new. Then I hook my phone to the bluetooth in my helmet so it will give me directions.

I watch Ratchet put his helmet on before putting mine on. We crank the bikes up and head out. It is a thirty minute drive but I think it will be fun. We watch our pace as we ride through town to the highway. It only takes us about ten minutes to get to the highway. Once there we ride side by side keeping pace with each other. As soon as traffic clears Ratchet nods his head and we open the bikes up going from fifty five miles an hour to at least eighty when we have a clear patch of road.Doing this we arrive at the track in under twenty minutes. We drive around the place scoping it out before we park.

When we park we see there are a few cars so hopefully we can find someone to talk to. We dismount and I sign “ Let’s find the office first.” Ratchet nods and follows my lead. It is normal for me to do all the talking at the tracks we go to. Most of the time the managers didn’t want to talk to a kid and him being deaf gave us more problems than it was worth. At home we don’t have this problem because after doing this for years the managers and even some owners know us.

It doesn’t take us long to find the office. We walk in and see a guy who looks like he might be in his mid to late thirties sitting at a desk doing paperwork. He has a shaved head but a long dark brown beard. From what I can see from him sitting he looks pretty fit. He looks up when we get closer and see he has kind looking bright green eyes. “ Can I help you, miss?” Well at least he is polite. “ Yea. I wanted to see if we could check out your track and see what your racing fees are.” I told him. He looks at me then Ratchet. “ You look a little young to race,” he says. “ Actually it is me who is the driver.” I point to Ratchet “ He is my pit.” I say. The guy looks at me and asks “ Have you raced before?” I am used to this question. Not a lot of tracks get women drivers so I’m prepared. I pull out my phone and go to my page. I hand the phone over to the guy to show him. “ That’s me and those are all the races I have been in and my placements.” I say. I let him scroll through to look at my stats. I know it takes a minute since I have been in over four hundred races over the years.

He hands me back my phone and says “ Impressive. Nice car too.” “ We are proud of it.” He gets up from his desk and holds out his hand “ I’m Jason. This is my track. Forgive me for not believing you. In all the years I’ve owned this place we have never had a woman driver.” I shake his hand “ I’m used to by now. I’m Kelley but most people call me Speed. This is my brother Marcos. I call him Ratchet.” Jason shakes Ratchet's hand “ It is nice to meet you both. Let me show you around. See if you might want to give us a try.”

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