Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 32


I’m enjoying the party even after my little upset about the guy touching Speed. I didn’t like it but after what Brick told me about them being the Alabama crew I knew I had to get over it fast. I mainly hang out with Brick at least for a while before I make my rounds and talk to everyone. I even get introduced to the rest of Speed’s crew. They seem like a group of good guys. And the way that the club gets along with them is nice to see.

I notice Speed and Ratchet talking when he suddenly looks round like he is looking for something. He pulls Speed to a vacant spot on the side of the yard. I walk over to Merigold when I notice Ratchet looking around again. She is surrounded by Brick, Viper, Rowdy, Axel and most of the crew. “ Merigold, is he ok? He looks nervous?” I say pointing to Ratchet. She looks over at him. When he sees her his eyes light up. I see her sign “ We have your back. It’s ok.” Then she turns to all of us “ Ratchet is about to tell Speed something very important and he is going to need all of our support.” I know I’m not the only one confused.

“ I’ll tell you guys what he says. Just stay close.” Merigold says. Ratchet signs “ I need to tell you something. But I’m not sure how you are going to take it.” I can see he is shaking even from where I’m standing a few feet away. Speed signs “ You can tell me anything. You know that.” Ratchet nods and signs “ I know. I do. I just don’t want you to think differently of me. I love you and I don’t want to lose you.” What is the poor kid going to say that has him so scared I wonder? Speed signs “ Nothing you say could ever change how much I love you. You aren’t going to lose me. Ever.”

I noticed we had gathered quite a crowd all watching Speed and Ratchet. I hope it doesn’t make him even more nervous than he already is. Ratchet signs “ Ok. Here goes. Mama I’m gay.” I hold my breath waiting for Speed to say something. Anything. Ratchet looks up at Merigold for support and I can see tears in his eyes. Merigold signs “ Give her a minute.” He looks back at Speed and she signs “ I have two questions. First is are you still the man I raised you to be? Are you the best version of yourself that you can be?” Ratchet wipes his eyes and signs “ Yes, mama. I’m still the best me you raised me to be.” Speed nods and signs “ Are you being safe?”

Poor Ratchet turns so red he is glowing. Merigold says “ That is too personal. I’m not repeating what he said. Bottom line, he is good.” Speed signs “ That is all I needed to know. I’m sorry you were so scared to tell me. I’m sorry if somehow I gave you the impression that I wouldn’t accept you in any form you came in. I love you. All of you.” Speed reaches over to pull Ratchet in a tight hug. I see him smile for the first time since he first talked to Speed. I release my breath. I am happy for him. I know this is a big step to come out. And to do it at his party. He probably could hold in any longer.

Speed lets him go and asks “ Why did you think I would be ok with you being gay? Did I mess up somewhere?” Ratchet shakes his head ‘no’. Then signs “ I was worried because I see how you are struggling to accept yourself.” Speed stops him “ Marcos, that has everything to do with me. And some things that happened in the past that I can’t get out of my head. How did you find out?” Ratchet turns where we can’t see them anymore. Merigold looks at Alaric and Mac confused “ Do you know what Ratchet is talking about? What did he mean she can’t accept herself? What is wrong with Speed?”

Alaric comes up to Merigold and places his hands on her shoulders. “ Snow I can’t give you the answers you want. We have had our suspicions about some things but we have no proof. Ratchet has seen some things and he thinks Speed is hiding a big part of herself. But because of some nasty demons she can’t get past, she can’t move forward.” “ You mean relationship wise?” Merigold asks. Alaric and Mac nod. “ But Speed has never had a relationship.” Merigold says. “ Ratchet says she has. At least in the short term. He found out by accident.” Merigold shakes her head “ No. She would have told me.” “ Not if her head is telling her it is wrong. Not if things from the past are interfering with her with her being ok with herself.”

Merigold looks over at Speed and Ratchet who are hugging again. She turns back to us and she is vibrating with so much anger I take a step back. “ They assholes did this to her. Didn’t they? Even locked up they are still in her head. Why can’t they leave her alone. Haven’t they done enough. She barely survived the last attack. She has permanent scars.” Axel grabs Merigold and pulls her to him holding tight. “ Baby, this is not the time or place to air Speed’s personal business. You need to calm down. I get you are upset. You have a right to be angry for your friend. I am too. But this isn’t going to help anything right now but getting Speed mad at you if she hears you.”

Merigold nods into his chest “ I know. I’m just so mad. I want to fix this for her. She doesn’t deserve this. She has a right to be happy.” Rowdy comes up and rubs her back. “ And you can help her, baby girl. We all can. We can help her fight her demons and give her all the support she needs. We can help her in any way we can.” “ You are right. Both of you. Thank you.” I take one more look at Ratchet and Speed who are smiling and laughing. I look at Brick and I can see the same determination in his eyes that I know are in mine. Merigold may want to help Speed and give her support but she isn’t the only one. She has Brick and me now. Whatever is blocking Speed we are going to help her with it so she can be happy. Hopefully with Brick and I.

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