Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 34


Thor laughs. Is he laughing at me? What an ass. “ I’m not laughing at you Speed. I’m laughing at the fact you think you will need to pay my guys to help you in the pit. I know anyone one of them would jump at the chance to help out. May even offer to pay you for the experience.” he says. Oh,ok maybe not an ass after all. “ So you're saying I can borrow a few guys.” I ask for clarification. “ Oh, you can definitely use a few guys. The only thing I ask in return is you and Ratchet wear one of our shirts for advertising. And I want tickets for me and Trina.” he says. I can work with that. “ So do you think a few will help me?” I ask.

Thor stands and says “ Only one way to find out. Come with me. But I’m pretty sure it won’t be a problem.” Thor walks me down the hall, past the receptionist's desk, to the door that leads to the main garage. Once we get to the first bay Thor calls out “ Hey guys gather around for a second.” Five guys come over two I recognise. Jesse and David. I met them when I first brought Frankenstien in. “ For those of you who don’t know this lady. Her name is Speed. She is the owner and driver of the car Merigold has been working on and you have been eyeballing..” They all say “ Hi.” I wave back and say “ Hi.” “ Anyway she came to ask a favor. She needs a few guys to help her brother in the pit in three weeks. You don’t have to. It is strictly a volunteer basis.” Thor states.

Jesse says “ Speed your racing. I’m in.” I nod my thanks. David chimes in “ Hell ya. I’m in.” “ Can you really race?” one guy asks. I don’t get a chance to answer because Thor does it for me. “ Yes, she can. Won over one hundred and fifty races in the past three years. And I know there is more. She is a champion in Alabama and Florida. I could show you her stats if you don’t believe me.” I beam with respect that Thor has looked up my racing page. Another guy comes up “ If Thor is vouching for you that is all I need. I will help out.” “ Thanks, Ricky.”

I walk up to all of them and say “ Thanks guys. I will give Thor all the details. I’m doing some time trials over the next couple of weeks so if you want to come to watch and get familiar with the pit area just let me know. The biggest thing is my brother Ratchet is in charge of the pit. He has been with me since he was tall enough to see over the barrier. He runs a smooth clean ship. Follow his lead and everything will be fine. If you have a problem with it I’ll find someone else.” “ I’m good, Speed.” says Jesse. “ Me too.” says Ricky. “ Not a problem.” says David.

“ Great thanks. I’ll leave you my number if you have any questions.” I told them. “ I want you guys to wear shop shirts. We are going to Speed’s unofficial sponsor and advertise at the same time. So act accordingly. This is a great chance to drum up business and we get to watch this lady in action. I know Merigold is going to be there and you know she won’t hesitate to kick your ass for being disrespectful. I will be there as well.” Thor says. I want to laugh because Thor sounds so excited. I leave my number and head out. I’m happy. I have a crew and security I can trust. And I didn’t have to do too much to get it or break my bank. Not bad for a few hours of work.Brick

I was driving by the auto shop when I saw Speed’s bike parked out front. I was doing anything but going for a ride so I let my curiosity get the best of me and decided to see what she was up to. Maybe I could steal her away for a while. Get her to take a ride with me. I had just gotten off my bike when she was walking out smiling so bright it would make the sun jealous. Something has got her in a good mood. I’m going to use this to my advantage. I walked over to her bike before she could get on. “Speed.” I called her.

She stops in her tracks and stiffens but doesn’t turn around. I tell she is going to try to push off anything I ask. Good luck with that, my little girl. When I get behind her I say “ You have been avoiding. Why?” “ I haven’t been avoiding you. I just don’t seek you out. There is a difference.” she says. “ You didn’t talk to me at Merigold’s or Ratchert’s party. Didn’t come near me and I know you saw me there.” I say. “ Those occasions weren’t about you. I didn’t find a reason to talk to you. We have nothing to talk about anyway.” I get she is right about Ratchet’s birthday not being about me. It was about him but she didn’t have to do everything she could to avoid me including walking to the other side of the yard.

But us not having anything to talk about she is dead wrong. “ Yes. we do. We have plenty to talk about.” Speed shakes her head “ No we don’t.” She can think that all she wants. Even tries to convince herself but we both know that isn’t the truth. I turn on my Dom voice because I know that for now it is the only way to get through to her. “ Turn around and look at me when I’m talking to you, little girl.” I can see her shiver and it isn’t from being cold. I know I have got her now. Speed slowly turns around. I lean into her placing my hands on her bike caging her in. “ Good girl. Now you are going to listen to me. We do have a few things to talk about. Like why you haven't come back to Club Reckless.”

She tries to look stern when she says “ I don’t need to go back. It was a one time deal. Something to get out of my system. I did that so I’m good. And we don’t need to speak of it ever again.” “ You see that is where you are wrong. We do need to speak of it again. And we are going to but not here.” I tell her as I take a step back. We are going to talk but it will be in private. Anyone could walk out and hear us talking. That wouldn’t not only embarrass Speed but she would shut down. “ Get on your bike. We are going for a ride.” I told her.

“ I’m not going anywhere with you, Brick.” she says. “ Do you have somewhere you have to be?” I ask. I can see the wheels turning. She is going to try to lie her way out of it so she doesn’t have to go riding. “ Maybe I do.” Speed smarts off. Oh little girl you are going to pay for that as soon as I get you alone. “ Nice try. Get on and follow me, little girl.” She huffs “ Fine.” I wait for her to get on her bike before I go to mine. I straddle my bike and watch her. She could take off and go another way but I know she won’t. She is curious as to what I want. And I know her body and her heart are willing to follow me. It is her head that gets in the way.

I hold my breath as I pull out of the parking lot. I only realise it when I see Speed pull out behind me and turn the same way I do. Good girl. I lead her to some back roads I know will be empty. Perfect for opening the bikes up. When we get to the first stretch of road I know is clear I open my throttle and go. I want to see what Speed has got. I want to see how she earned her nickname. I know that GXR can keep up with me. Let's see if Speed knows how to handle it. I’m not surprised when Speed not only catches up with me but passes me. It is in her blood she can’t help but take this ride as a competition. That’s ok I’ll let her have this for a minute. I let her maintain the lead for about two miles before I pulled ahead of her. I need to lead her where I want her, not the other way around.

I have a place in mind that not many people know about. I stumbled on it about ten years ago while out on a ride trying to clear my head. I didn’t have a destination in mind. I just drove taking all kinds of back roads when I came upon it. I have been going there ever since when I was having a bad day or just needed to get away. We still had ten miles to go before I got Speed there so I would let her pass me before I would pass her to herd her in the right direction. When we finally get to the dirt road that leads to where I’m taking her I pull ahead and slow down. That road can be rough on my bike, a nineteen ninety scarlet red Harley Soft Tail. Besides my club she is my pride and joy.

Looking at Speed riding alongside me I get the strong feeling she is about to put in second place behind Speed. Because once I get Speed to be my girl, my ol’e lady she will always be number one in my life. Before the Mc, my brothers and my club. As it should be. I know my brothers with ol’e ladies will agree. The road has come to an end. I pull up close to a large tree that gives cover to my bike. I move the kickstand out and turn off my bike. I pull my helmet off and wait for Speed to get the hint. She parks beside me and turns her bike off. After she takes her helmet off she looks over at me. “ Brick, what are we doing out here?”

“ There is something I want to show you. We have to walk a little bit from here. Follow me.” I told her. I get off my bike and go over to her. I can tell she is apprehensive. I need to reassure her that she will be fine with me. I place my hand on her shoulder and look into her eyes so she can see I’m telling the truth. “ I’ve got you little girl.” Speed is reluctant but follows me. We walk for about ten minutes before we come to a clearing. It has a steam at the back side of it and it is covered in wildflowers. The other side of the stream leads to a thicker part of the forest. Trees surround all sides like it is protecting the field.

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