Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 36


I haven’t seen Speed since Ratchet's birthday party and I can’t stand it. I have talked to Brick and I know he spent some time with her the day after. He told me they talked for a bit and he has an idea of what some of the problem with Speed is. She is convinced that she is broken. Brick says the way she talked about how it was wrong to want to be with either of us,it was like a programmed response. Like someone has brain washer her or something. He thinks judging from the scars on her back, it is more like someone has beaten it into her. I almost broke down in tears when he told me that. I have spent all week coming up with ideas to break down what Brick and I are calling her programming. Brick says the biggest thing is that we can’t give up. We have to keep going after her with everything we have. Even when she pushes back. He said she tried with him the day they were together. And I agree.

I know that Speed is busy getting things ready for a race she has coming up in two weeks. Not that she told me but Brick did. He heard it from Viper because he was looking for some guys to help out with security for her race. Speed only asked for two guys but Brick said that Merigold came to Viper asking to send three. One to watch the car after what happened in Speed’s last race Merigold doesn’t want to take any chances. I can’t blame her and I’m glad she asked. And two guys to watch over Speed and Ratchet. Viper decided after talking to Merigold to up it to four guys. Apparently things can get pretty heated behind the scenes especially for a woman driver. Anyway back to asking for volunteers Brick stepped up not that I’m surprised that he would want to make sure Speed is protected and I’m sure some of it is his way to support her.

Those who didn’t volunteer wanted tickets to the race, me included. Hell yes I was going to watch my girl in action and support her. I have never seen a race in person or on tv so I did some research. To say that I’m scared for my girl is a major understatement. I almost wanted to go find her and beg her not to race after seeing a video with a horrible crash. But I stopped myself. I reminded myself that Speed has been doing this for years and has had only one severe crash. I’m sure she knows how to handle her car since she has won countless times. I’m going to have to settle my nerves if I want to support her. This is what she does for a living. I can't get in the way of that or I will never earn a place at her side. Notice I didn’t say get rid of my nerves because to be honest I don’t think that is possible even if I say her race a hundred times. No matter what, it is a dangerous sport so no my nerves won’t go away.And I have to live with that but for Speed I can do it.

Which brings me to the next thing. I am standing in front of Viper’s office about to knock. I need to talk to him. Ok Gretchen get your shit together. Just knock on the door. Viper is a good man, he will understand. I can do this. I knock on the door probably a little too hard but whatever. I hear him grumble, “ Come in.” I walk in and close the door behind me. Viper looks up from his paperwork. “ I hope I’m not disturbing you. I was hoping you had a minute to talk.” Viper nods and says “ Sure, I can spare a minute. What’s up?” I take a deep breath and look him in his eyes so he knows how serious I am. “ Viper, I don’t want to be a bunny anymore. I was hoping you could find something else for me to do here. If not and I have to leave the club I will be sorry to say goood-bye but I understand.” Viper leans back in his chair and says “ I have to be honest I thought you were coming in to complain about some of the other bunnies. I didn’t expect that you wanted to quit. Are you having problems? I can take care of those.”

“ No Viper. Nothing I can’t handle. It is just something I need to do.” I say. Viper nods “ Can I ask why the sudden change?” I’m sure if I should tell him about Speed since she has said anything to anyone including Merigold. I don’t want to out her. I decided to answer him without giving out names. “ I have started to see someone. It is new but I believe it could go somewhere but I don’t think it will if I was still a bunny. Noone wants to share the person you're seeing. You know?” “ I can understand that. So this person hasn’t asked you to stop being a bunny. It is something you are doing yourself right?” I get what he is asking. He wants to make sure I’m not being pressured to do something I may not want to do. “ This person doesn’t even know I’m a bunny. I haven’t told them yet. I plan on being honest with them but I was hoping I could tell them I have stopped. So they know that I’m all for them.”

Viper nods in understanding. “ I don’t know if there is anything I can have you do around here but I will ask Anna and Merigold. I’m sure we can come up with something. You are a good person and I would hate to see you leave. As for being a bunny as of now you can stop. I will put the word out that you are off limits. I know some of the brothers are going to be disappointed. You can help out around here until I can talk to Anna to see if we can find you something permanent.” I jump up and squeal “ Really!” Viper gets up from his chair and comes around his desk. He laughs at my excitement “ Yes, really. I won’t stand in the way at your chance for happiness. I wish you luck. But know this. If this person hurts you in any way at all, come to me and I’ll take care of them.” I laugh and can’t help myself. I hugged him. “ Thank you so much, Viper.” Viper hugs me back “ When you are ready you should bring this person who is so important to you around and let us meet them. See if they are good enough for you.”

If you only knew Viper you have met them and treat them like a sister. You will see she is perfect for me. “ Give me some time and I will.” Viper nods “ I have to get back to work so I can talk to Anna. Get out of here. Maybe go have some fun with them.” I grin and think that isn’t a bad idea. I bet she is at the auto shop right about now. Maybe I could take her and Ratchet some lunch. I’m getting excited thinking about it. I won’t get alone time with her but at least I could be around her and spend some time with Ratchet as well. As I walk out of Viper’s office thinking what I could take them for lunch I run into a wall of muscle. If it wasn’t for large hands grabbing me I would have fallen on my ass.. I look up to apologize and see Brick smirking at me.

“ You have your head in the clouds. And from the smile on your face you just got some good news.” Brick says. I do a quick look around to make sure nooone can hear us. When I see it is clear I say “ Viper has agreed to let me stop being a bunny effective immediately. And he is going to check with Anna to see if there is another job I could do around here so I don’t have to leave. And he gave me the rest of the day off. I was thinking of finding Speed and taking her some lunch.” I’m so excited I’m practically bouncing in my shoes. Brick smiles. Wow he has been doing that a lot since he met Speed. Hell, I’m sure I have too. “ I know she is at the shop right now with Ratchet working on her car. Merigold says she wants it in top form. I also know they will be there at least three more hours. Why don’t I help you? We can bring lunch for everyone so no one gets suspicious and we can hang out with Speed and Ratchet. I know Merigold is there painting and you know she won’t stop to eat. I get the feeling Speed is the same way.”

“ You think so?” I ask. “Yes, I do. And this will give us a chance to spend time with her together so she can start to get used to the idea. We have had some time with her alone which is great but now she needs time with both of us. That way she will see she doesn’t have to choose and go behind her wall some more.” Brick says. I think about it for a minute and he is right. And a casual setting is a good start for her to spend time with us. “ Let’s do it.I’ll stop by the diner and grab a bunch of burgers and fries. We can’t go wrong with that.” Brick nods and we head out.

Chapter 32


It takes thirty minutes for us to grab enough burgers, drinks and fries for everyone at the diner. But it is worth it to see Speed. I’ve seen her with Merigold and the club. I have seen her at my club. Now I get a chance to see her in her environment. I can’t wait to see her out on the track but I know racing is just a part of it. Merigold explained to Viper the day he was looking for volunteers to help Speed at the track that Speed takes a lot of pride in her car and that includes her and Ratchet doing almost all the maintenance on the car.

I help Gretchen unload her car and we go in. We stop at the receptionist’s desk first. “ Hey, Rachel. We brought lunch for everyone. Do you want a burger?” Gretchen asks the women behind the desk. “ Sure that beats my sandwich any day.” Grecthen hands her a styrofoam container and has her pick a drink. “ Thanks, guys.” Rachel says as she sits back down. “ Is everyone in the garage?” I ask. Rachel nods “ Yea, they are checking out that new car. Or so they say.” “ What do you mean?” Gretchen asks. Rachel laughs “ I think some of them might be checking out the car's owner more than the car. Not that she has noticed.”

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