Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 37


“ We are going to go back and bring them something to eat. See you later, Rachel.” Gretchen says. After what Rachel said I can tell Gretchen is in a hurry to see who is looking at our girl. I don’t blame her. Noone should be looking at what is ours. I know it sounds like we are possessive and it is because we are. I hold the door for Gretchen to go through and I follow. I look around and it looks like every employee they have is here. Some are working on other cars. But most seem to be acting like they are working but are really stealing glances at Speed. Well, except for Mrs. Merrit. She is checking out Ratchet who is messing with something on the far side of the car. I hate to tell the lady but she is barking up the wrong tree.

Speed’s car is in the first bay. I can see Merigold has done all the painting on the side facing me and from the looks of it she has most of the back end done. I notice the hood is missing because Speed is leaning over the engine area and the hood isn’t there. But that is the last thing I notice because my eyes are glued to Speed. Her back is to me but damn what a view. She has her dark hair tied back in a braid that goes to the top of her ass. She has on a dark blue tank top with thin spaghetti straps. And her jean shorts. I’m going to be dreaming about those shorts for many days to come. There is nothing special about them really. Just plain jean shorts but they are several inches above her knees showing off her long caramel legs. They mold to the perfect more than a handful that is her ass making you can’t help but look. And trust me these guys are looking. Not that I blame them but it doesn’t mean I like it.

Before either of us can say a word Merigold walks in “ Hey, Speed.” Merigold says. Speed lifts her head and arches her back to look at Merigold. All she did is to make her stance even sexier. She looks like she should be on a pin up calendar. I hear two guys groan when they see her. I have to hold one in myself and Gretchen isn’t doing much better. Speed answers Merigold “ What’s up,Hermana.” “ I finished the hood. Let it dry until tomorrow then you can put it back on when you're ready.” “ Wonderful, Snow. Thank you.” Merigold laughs, “ You know how to thank me.” Speed shakes her head and laughs with Merigold. “ I know. I know. Show those guys who's boss and win. I got it. I will do my best. Now let me get back to work.” Merigold goes to turn around when she sees Grecthen and me.

“ Oh, hey Brick. Gretchen. What are you two up to?” Merigold asks. I notice Speed stiffening a little before she relaxes. She goes back to work like we aren’t even here. “ I heard you three were hard at work. And I know you forget to eat when you are working so we thought we would bring you guys some lunch.” I say. “ Aww. That’s sweet. Thank you.” Merigold starts walking to us. She stops and gets Ratchet’s attention and has him follow her. Gretchen starts passing out containers to all the others. I’m going to handle Merigold, Ratchet and Speed. Merigold comes up and I hand her the burger we had made just for her. “ Extra pickles, just the way you like it. And a sweet tea.” Merigold grabs her stuff with one hand and with the other she motions for me to bend down. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and says “ Thank you.” I shake my head “ Not a problem princess.”

I am looking out for my girl but as a member of the club it is also my job to make sure our princess is taken care of when her husbands’ and brother can’t. I know Axel and Rowdy had to take care of business a few hours away and won’t be home until later tonight so I’m making sure Merigold eats. Merigold half hugs Gretchen thanking her, then goes to take a seat at one of the work benches and Ratchet comes up. I hand him his and make sure he looks at me “ Extra bacon and tomatoes.No lettuce. And a sweet tea.” Before taking his lunch Ratchet signs but I don’t know what he is saying. Fuck, I need to learning how to do that so we can talk. He is going to be my brother -in -law one day. I need to be able to talk to him. Yes, I said brother- in -law. It is going to happen one day. I know it in my heart and soul. Luckily Gretchen saves me “ He thanks man. I’m starving. I owe you.” “ No need.” I told him.

Maybe I can have Gretchen teach me to sign or at least show me what she has been watching. I’m the tech guy around here. It shouldn't be too hard for me to find something. I need to get on that. Everyone has their food and is eating and chatting. Well, everyone but Speed. Merigold and Ratchet look over and see she hasn’t moved. She is still working on what she was doing when we walked in and doesn’t show signs of stopping. Ratchet goes over to her and gets her attention. He is signing to her. Speed puts her wrench down and signs back. Then I hear Merigold yell “ What the fuck Speed?” I guess she was watching the conversation. I look at Merigold but Gretchen whispers “ Ratchet told Speed she needed to eat. And asked when the last time she ate was. Speed says she didn’t remember.”

Speed stands up and looks over her shoulder at Merigold “ It isn’t a big deal, Snow. It was probably last night.” “ Fine, tell me what was the last thing you remember eating?” Merigold says. Speed looks at for a minute then looks confused like she is having to think hard about the last time she ate. She shouldn’t have to think that hard about it. “ I think it was lasagna at your house. See no big deal.” Merigold jumps off her stool with her hands on her hips “ No big deal. Are you fucking kidding me right now.” Merigold yells. Oh shit Merigold is pissed. This isn’t good. Speed nods “ Yes, no big deal.” I see Ratchet is a smart man because he is backing away from Speed as Merigold walks towards them. “ Kelley Renee Rodriguez that was two fucking nights ago.” Wow, Merigold pulled out the full name. And what? Two nights ago. Speed shakes her head “ No. I swear it was last night.”

“ Kelley, I swear.” Merigold yells and looks like she is about to grab Speed. But I stopped her. “ Princess, let us talk to her for a minute.” I told her. Merigold looks at me and then Gretchen. I don’t know what she sees but agrees “ Fine. Maybe you can get through to her before I strangle her. She can’t keep doing this.” Gretchen looks at Merigold and asks in a hushed tone “ Not the first time this has happened is it?” Merigold looks at Speed who has gone back to work ignoring us. Merigold looks so miserable “ No it isn’t. And it won’t be the last time. She always thinks of herself last if at all. Days like this I wish I hadn’t left her.” Merigold whispers the last part more to herself but I heard it.

“ Princess, let us try to talk to her. I’ll get her to eat. Go on and finish your lunch. Take Ratchet with you.” I say. Merigold hugs my side “ Thank you brother.” Gretchen squeezes Merigold's shoulder in comfort before we go over to Speed. I stand on one side of Speed and Gretchen the other with our backs to everyone. Speed doesn’t look up but asks “ What are you two doing here?” I can tell from her tone she is irritated but I’m not going to let that bother me.Gretchen keeps her voice low so only us can hear her when she says “ Baby, we came to check on you. And to make sure you had something to eat.” “ As you can see I’m fine. You can leave now.” Speed huffs.

I stand closer to her so that my side is touching hers “ We aren’t leaving, little girl. And you clearly aren’t fine if you can’t remember the last time you ate.” I told her. “ You aren’t taking care of yourself, baby. Please come over and eat something. I got you some of those bacon cheddar fries you like.” Gretchen says as she puts her hand on the hand Speed doesn’t have the wrench in. If it looks like we are tag teaming Speed it is because we are. It is about time Speed knows Gretchen and I are in this with her together and for the long hall. “ I need to finish this first. I can’t leave a bolt loose.”

Gretchen looks at me for help. “ Tighten the bolt to where you need it then stop. You need to eat and we aren’t leaving until you eat every bit of the food we brought you, little girl.” Speed knows my tone not to push me and she won’t do it with all these people around. “ Fine, just let me finish this first.” Speed says. Gretchen smiles knowing we won this round. I have a feeling more tifs like this one are in our future. But that’s ok we can handle anything Speed throws at us. “ That’s our baby girl.” Gretchen says giddily. Speed snaps her head up. She looks at me then Gretchen. When Gretchen said ‘baby’ this time something must have clicked in Speed’s head judging by the look on her face. “ So you both know.” Speed says. “ Yes, we do.” Speed nods and goes back to work. “ See broken. It would be best for everyone if you two would leave me alone. Find someone who has their shit together.”

“ We aren’t going anywhere, little girl. And I have told you this before. You aren’t broken or messed up or anything else your head is telling you. But we aren’t going to talk about this here.” Speed looks at us again “ Both of you?” Gretchen nods “ Yes, baby. It may take some time for you to get used to it. But we are both here for you.but like Brick said we aren’t talking now. Finish up so you can eat. I’ll set you up next to Ratchet.” Gretchen walks away while I watch Speed to make sure she listens.

When she is finished with the bolt and stands up I take the wrench from her hands. “ Go wash up and get you food. Gretchen is waiting on you, little girl.” I look her dead in the eye letting her know there is no room for an argument. Speed goes over to the large sink and washes her hands. She walks past me to sit beside Ratchet. Gretchen hands Speed her drink then opens Speed’s food getting it ready for her. I can see Merigold watching the whole thing and I’m a little worried about what she might think. Ratchet is paying attention as well but doesn’t seem bothered by it. He actually looks pleased by what Gretchen is doing. When Gretchen slid the food in front of Speed she doesn’t move until she sees Speed begin to eat. Grecthen and I grabbed some food for ourselves and I head to get mine so I can sit with Ratchet.

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