Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 39


Ratchet gets out of the car. He walks over and hands me my suit. It is fire retardant. Even though this is just a time trial we take all precautions for safety. “ Alright time to get down to business. Pit crew, go with Ratchet and he will show you the ropes. I need two guys to go with Jason to the garage area to check the layout. The rest get behind the barrier. I have a track to check out.” Everyone scattered. It was kind of funny to watch these burly bikers jump at my orders. I walk to the driver's side and lean against the car. I slipped off one shoe and slid my leg into my jumpsuit before putting my shoe back on. I do the same with the other side.I pull it up my legs to my waist.I grab the zipper that starts at my knee and pull it up. Then I finish putting on my suit by placing my arms in and pulling it up the rest of the way and zipping it. I pull my strap that covers the zipper and fasten it to the side of my neck.

I lay my arms on the roof of the car. “ You ready for this Frank? I know it has been a while but we got this. It is time for your tires to feel a track again. It is time for me to get behind the wheel again. We have got this buddy.” I say as I tap his hood twice. It is a little ritual that I have done since my very first race and I’m not about to change things up. “ Do you always talk to your car?” I jump and turn around to come face to chest with Brick. “ Dammit Brick you scared the shit out of me.” I yell. He raises his hands in surrender. “ I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. But you didn’t answer my question.” I could lie but I’m not because I’m not ashamed of my traditions.

“ Yes, I do. When I’m on the track it is just me and him. We have to work together if we want results. So I have a little pep talk and time I drive him.” I say with confidence. “ Ok. I never thought about it that way before.” Brick says. What is he doing? Is this his way of getting to know me? I can’t think about this right now. Ratchet comes over and saves me from further conversation. He signs “ I’m all set on my end. Bluetooth is patched in. We just need to test it.” I sign him back that I’m ready to go. I look at Brick “ You need to go with the other guys. It isn’t going to be safe out here.” I don’t wait for him to answer, I just turn to the driver's door. I hike one leg up and slide it through the window. I grab the roof for support and do the same with the other leg.

I slip down and get in the seat. First thing I do is hook my six point harness that fastens in the middle of my chest. A strap goes over each shoulder. Two straps at my waist. And two more go between my legs. Think of a baby’s car seat but with extra straps. Once I’m secure Ratchet hands me my helmet. I tap the button inside to activate the bluetooth. This is how I talk to Ratchet and the rest of the pit. I slide my helmet on locking it in place then check my speaker. “ Ready when you are.” Ratchet checks with the other guys and they give a thumbs up that they can hear me. I’m good to go except for one thing. I look at Ratchet and he nods. He puts his head through the widow and kisses the top of my helmet. Another silly tradition but I’m still not changing it.

Ratchet puts the mesh cover over the window, backs off and I start the car. I’m enveloped in the familiar rumble that has comforted me for years. I put the car in gear and slowly leaving the pit area. I pull out on the track and all my worries and fears melt away. It is just me and my car. In this car I am good enough. I’m not broken. I’m a fucking champion. I have got this and these guys who will be racing with me better stay out of my way. I’m back and nothing is going to stop me from winning.


When Speed pulls out onto the track I go back behind the barrier to join Ratchet. He has a table set up with computer equipment and I’m curious as to what it is used for. I don’t want to interfere with what he is doing but I also want to know what is going on. Ratchet is leaning over his laptop when I tap him on the shoulder. “ Do you mind if I watch?” I ask. He quickly types on his phone “ No. I will explain everything as we go so the other guys will understand what is going on.” I nod and step back enough that I’m out of the way but can still see what is going on. “ Taking the inside wall first.” I hear Speed’s voice come over a set of speakers beside the laptop and then I see the words pop up on a window on the screen.

I look up and see Speed driving around the track close to the wall near us. I look at the screen again and see a picture of a car doing what Speed is doing. Ratchet types on the laptop. “ Speed is mapping out the track.” “ Steering a little tight on the inside lane.” Speed says. I see Speed in front of us moving up. “ Going to the inside lane.” I watch Speed going around again. Viper, Goof and Headlock along with the manager Jason have come back and are now watching as well. None of us say anything as we watch Speed and Ratchet work. “ Steering smoothing out.” Speed says.

I see Ratchet type something then hear Speed say “ Roger that. Taking outside wall.” I see Speed go up to the wall near the stadium. “ Coming by pit. Going to open him up.” Ratchet hands me a small box. I look at it and see it is ear plugs. He types “ Trust me. You are going to need them.” I don’t question him, just grab a pair and put them in before passing the box to the other guys. I see Jason grab a set out of his pocket. When Speed gets to the front of the pit area she takes off. Even with the ear plugs I can hear the engine rev up. “ Hitting fifty five” I see come across the screen. Wow that was quick. She was just in front of us. She does another pass and I see “ Eighty.” come on the screen.

Thai goes back and forth with Speed reporting in. She moves up and down the track then she does some serpentine thing. I try to watch her the whole time but it is almost impossible. It is easier to watch the screen. Speed reports on track quality and how the car is handling in each lane and it all goes into the computer. They have a pretty high tech set up they work with and they have it where Ratchet being deaf isn’t a problem. I was wondering how they got around it. I’m impressed.

“ Let’s time it.” I read Speed saying. Ratchet presses a few keys and a stopwatch pops up in the corner of the screen. I see his finger hover over a button as he watches the track. When Speed is directly in front of us Ratchet hits the button and Speed takes off like a rocket. I swear she is back in front of us before I can blink. I look over at the stop watch and see it has stopped at one hundred and twenty five seconds. Ratchet types “ That is at one hundred and twenty miles per hour.” Holy fuck she is going that fast already. I see Ratchet reset the stopwatch. “ Speed’s words come across the screen “ Let’s see if we can do better.” Do better is she fucking kidding right now?

Speed is in front of for a split second and Ratchet sets the watch again. I guess she wasn’t kidding. She is going again. She goes to the middle lane flying around the track. When she zooms past us Ratchet hits stop. I look over and see one hundred seconds. I look as Ratchet types the speed. One hundred and seventy miles per hour and she shaved twenty five seconds off her time. I guess she could do better. “ Two more times. Come on Frank, let's see what you can do.” Speed’s words show up. Fuck she is going to give me a heart attack. And it is just her on the track. I can only imagine what it will be like on race day.

This next time she goes around Ratchet clocks her at seventy five seconds going two hundred and twenty five miles per hour. All I see is a blur so I watch the screen for her last lap. When the watch stops it is at fifty five seconds at three hundred miles per hour. I’m so glad this is her last lap because I don’t know how much more I can take. “ Cool down” comes across the screen. Ratchet types out “ She is going to reduce her speed slowly before she comes to the pit. But stay here until she stops.”

Speed does four laps before she has slowed down enough to come into the pit. One she stops, Ratchet jumps the barrier and goes to the car. Speed turns it off as Ratchet lowers the screen on the door.I see Speed remove her helmet handing it to Ratchet before she climbs out the window. When she is on the ground the smile she is wearing is almost blinding. “ Jason I have to say your track is a smooth ride.” Speed says as she comes over to the barrier. “ I have to say I’m pleasantly surprised. I’ll admit I thought you might be all talk. But I’m glad you proved me wrong. You definitely know what you're doing and have a top notch set up. I look forward to seeing you race.”

Speed looks around at the rest of us almost looking nervous “ So what did you guys think? It was just a time trial so I know it must have been boring.” Viper comes up first “ Are you kidding? That was incredible to watch. Well what I could see of you anyway.” I swear I see Speed relax a little. Like she was worried about our opinions. “ Well, I need to shave a few seconds of my time. But for his first time out since his rebuild Frank did great. I’m sure the next trial will be better.” Speed says. That was her first time driving since the accident and she performed like that. I’m even more impressed.

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