Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4


I’m playing pool with Ace when Merigold comes stomping in the club. I take one look and instantly know something is wrong. Her eyes are puffy like she has been crying and she looks mad as hell. I know she was having lunch with her friend Speed. But something definitely happen the question is did Speed piss her off or was something else. “ Thor” Merigold screams at the top of her lungs looking around. That gets everyone’s attention. Viper comes running out of his office. Tank comes running from the playroom to see what is wrong. Ace and I go up to her and try to calm her down. Ace grabs her “ Princess, calm down. What’s wrong?” She sniffles “ I need Thor and I.” Before she can finish Viper pulls her from Ace. Merigold goes to speak again as Speed and Thor come in at the same time. Merigold sees Thor, tears herself away from Viper.

“ Thor. Thor, I need you. And I need Jesse and any of our best mechanics.” Merigold says. Speed walks up “ Oh no you don’t, senora.” Merigold turns and glares daggers at Speed “ You bet your sweet ass I will.” We are only getting pieces of this conversation and none of it makes sense. Speed says “ Absolutely not. This.” she stops and starts using sign language even though Ratchet is not around. Merigold does the same so I’m guessing this is a private conversation. Viper gets fed up after a minute and asks “ Do you two want to tell me what is going on. Like why my sister looks like she has been crying and wants to tear someone’s head off.”

Merigold turns back to us just now noticing the rest of us and some prospects are standing there. “ I’m upset because my sister here decided it was ok to keep a big secret from me. And I know she is keeping more.” Speed says “ I told you the reason for it and it wasn’t that big of a deal.” That set Merigold off even more “ No big deal. No. Big. Deal. Are you fucking kidding me right now?” “ Snow, yes I kept this from you. But you don’t need to lose your shit. Or bring anyone else in this.” Speed says. I feel like I should get involved but where? And how. To be honest I’m a little afraid of Merigold right now. “ Oh, yes little miss has to be in control all the time. I am getting involved this time. And I’m bringing back up.” Merigold shots. The control thing gets my attention. I don’t know why but I keep it at the back of my mind because I think it will be useful later.

Before any of us can find out what is happening Speed starts talking with her hands and rapid-fire Spanish. But Merigold just stands her ground with her hands on her hips. “ Oh no. You aren’t going off on me like that chica. This is happening. I need it to happen and so do you. And then you are going to tell me what else is going on. No more hiding Kelly. And stop going rapid-fire on me you know I don’t put up with that.” “ But I don’t like it.” Speed says then she signs again. “ Yes, you can tell me the rest later,” Merigold says. The ladies stare at each other in a silent standoff neither one willing to cave.

I walk up to Speed and place my hand on her shoulder. At first she tenses then suddenly she relaxes into me like she is giving up her tight hold on the control she prides herself on. Interesting. I try something just to see if my hunch is right. I use my Dom voice on her “ Speed, let Merigold do this. It is clearly important to her.” Speed turns her head to look at me and I see a glimmer in her eyes. She nods and says “ Yes, sir.” I was right. Speed is secretly a submissive. For all the control she holds in her life she longs for someone to take control from her. My Dom side is paying attention and so is my dick as it is pushing at my zipper trying to get out.

“ Now that it has been decided will one of you two tell us what is going on?” Viper asks. Merigold looks at everyone then back at Thor. “ Thor, I going to have Speed bring her car into the shop. I want you to over every inch of it.” “ I can do that. Is there a problem I should look for?” Thor asks. “ No. I just want to make sure there are no problems. You see Speed here was racing a few months ago and there was an accident.” Merigold turns her glare on Speed. Speed says it was just an accident. They happen in racing.” “ No big deal. Speed, you were trapped in an upside-down car that was seconds away from catching fire. They had to cut you out. You landed in the hospital. For a week. How is that not a big deal?” “ Merigold argues. Now I see why Merigold is pissed and worried. “ Snow, you know for a fact it happens in racing and more than one driver has been sent to the hospital. You have seen it for yourself when you came to my races.” Speed also has a point. There is a risk in racing including accidents and drivers get hurt. And since Merigold has seen it for herself she shouldn’t be too shocked. So why is she so pissed.

“ You are right I have seen it. But those accidents weren’t caused by someone messing with your power steering were they. Yours was. To the point, you had to do a complete rebuild. I trust you and Marcos, Kelly. I do. I just want Thor and my crew to go over it with fresh eyes.” And that is why Merigold is so pissed. Speed’s car was tamper with causing the accident. I would be pissed too. And Speed kept that from Merigold. Yes, I fully understand what she is so upset. Speed looks like she is going to argue so I squeeze her shoulder again “ Let Thor and Merigold do this. Give Merigold the piece of mind.” Again Speed leans into me. “ Multa.” Speed says. I don’t know what she said but Merigold lights up and rushes Speed. “ Thank you, Hermana.”

“ Now that’s settled Merigold since when do you Spanish and sign language?” Ace asks. For some reason, Merigold looks confused. “ I don’t speak Spanish.” We all look at her like she is nuts. “ Yes, you do. We have all heard you say it or translate it for us.” Viper says. Merigold thinks for a second. “ Oh, I don’t know Spanish that well. I’m just fluent in Speed.” That causes Speed to laugh. And man what a sound. Almost as beautiful as Lilly singing. “ As for the sign language, I learned when Speed learned so I could talk to Ratchet. We all did. Alaric, Mac, Jace, Jax, River. And I taught the boys when they were old enough.” Axel wraps his arms around Merigold’s waist. “ Always full of surprises, my wife.”

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