Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 40


“ You did great, kid.” Ace says. The rest of us agree. “ So pit crew, did you get familiar with the setup?” Speed asks. “ Yes. We are going to some practice runs at the shop to get better prepared.” Ricky says. “ Good. Everything good with security?” She asks. “ Ace answers “ Yea, Brick and Headlock are going to cover the pit. Goof and I are going to handle the garage and keep moving around when you're on the track.” “ Sound plan. I like it. How about we pack up and head home. I’m starving.” We all laugh but help Ratchet get everything loaded in the rig. I need to talk to Gretchen and prepare her for what to expect for race day. Also we need to spend some more time with Speed before then.Merigold did tell us that Speed likes to be left alone the day before the race so she can prepare. So we agreed to not bother heer that day no matter how much we didn't like it. We have to respect her traditions.


When Brick came back from the track after watching Speed’s time trial he pulled me aside. I admit I was curious as to how it went but could find a good enough reason to go. I knew she had a lot of people there to get prepared for race day and I didn’t want to get in the way since I had nothing to contribute. So I worked around the clubhouse to keep myself busy and my mind occupied. So when Brick came back I was relieved wanting to know what happened. Brick pulled me into the playroom and sat me down.

Brick paced for a minute before I couldn’t stand it anymore. “ Brick, will you stop and tell me what happened? Is Speed ok?’ Did something happen?” I know I was spouting questions rapidly but he was making me nervous. “ No Speed is fine. Hell she is more than fine. You should have seen her. It was amazing and scary to watch.” Brick runs his hand through his hair. “ And when she took charge. Fuck it was hot as hell watching her be professional. Ratchet and her take it very seriously. Wait until you see her in her jumpsuit. It shouldn’t be sexy but Speed sure makes it look hot as hell.” Now he has me looking forward to the race. But wait.

“ Brick, you said it was scary. Why?” I asked. “ It was fine at first. When she was just testing the track. But when she was doing the time trial. She was going so fast if I blinked I would have missed her. That was the scary part. But Speed had complete control the whole time.” Brick says. I can see in his face how proud of Speed he is. “ So she did good?” I asked. “ Yea, Grecthen. Just wait until you see her. I know you are nervous. But I’m telling you, watching her in action. It is worth it.”

“ I can’t wait. I’ll deal with the nerves so I can be part of this with Speed. I want to be in all the parts of her life.” I said. Brick nods “ I agree. Which brings me to my next point. You know the day before the race we agreed to let her have her space. But I want us to be with her in some way before then. Even if it is just having lunch with her.” “ I have no problem with that. We need to make sure she is eating right. And resting. I’m sure she can’t race if she is tired.” I say.

“ You are right about that. I know she will be spending most of her days at the shop. She will be getting in some practice with the pit crew. So we can catch her there but I would rather try to get her at home. Away from everyone. You know how she locks up when people are around.” Brick says. I hate that Speed hides like that. I want everyone to Speed is ours but I do that before she is ready we will lose her forever and I refused to let that happen. “ Do you want to make a schedule or something so that one of us is always with Speed?” I ask.

Brick shakes his head “ No I don’t think we need to do that. If you are with her and I show up I can either stay and we both spend time with her. Or you can tell me to go and vice versa. But I want us to try and spend time with her separately and together. And it wouldn’t hurt for us to include Ratchet in something as well.” That’s not a bad idea. I’ll have to think of something I can do with the two of them. “ Since you had a little time with her this afternoon I’m going to text Ratchet and see what their dinner plans are. And after the day she had I think she might need a bubble bath.” I say. “ Brick laughs “ You do that. I’ll come up with something for tomorrow night.”

Brick leaves the playroom and I pull out my phone. Me- What r ur plans 4 dinner?

Ratchet- Probably grab a pizza or sandwiches

Me- Don’t Im cooking 4 u

Ratchet- Hell ya

Me- See u in hour

I put my phone away and leave the room. I stop and tell Anna I’m done for the day then head to my car. My first stop will be the grocery store. On the way I think of something to make for them that won’t take too long to cook but will be filling and healthy. I know they have a grill in the back yard and it is a nice night. By the time I make it to the store I have a great idea on what to make for us. I get in and grab everything as quickly as I can so I can get over to Speed’s place.

When I pull into the driveway the first thing I see is the huge tractor trailer parked alongside the house. So I know they are here. Good. I park and hop out. I open the back door to grab the groceries when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I almost jumped out of my skin. I turn and see Ratchet standing behind me. Before I can ask he signs “ I saw you pull in.” I signed back the best I can. Poor Ratchet has to help me sometimes or watch my hand signals when I can do the word I need. “ Let me grab the bags. Then I will get dinner started.” Ratchet reaches in to help me. I only had three bags but he grabbed the two heaviest leaving me just the one. I open the door for him and follow him to the kitchen.

After we set the bags down I start pulling things out. I put the veggies in the fridge until later. I look at Ratchet “ Can you start the grill for me?” “ If you tell me what you are making?” He signs. I laugh since I don’t know how to sign it, I look at him and speak a little slower so my words are clear. “ Steak, grilled potatoes, and a garden salad. I even brought dessert. So are you going to help me or not?” “ I’ll get it started.” he signs and walks out the doors. I wash the potatoes and put them on a cutting board. I pull out a knife and tin foil. I slice the potatoes up, place them in the foil and add butter, salt, pepper and garlic before I fold the foil over. Ratchet has now come back in. I look around and I notice I don’t see Speed. I look at Ratchet and he points upstairs and signs “ Bath.”

I nod as much as I would like to go up and join her. I can't. But at least I can have a good home cooked meal for her when she is done. Maybe I can talk her into letting me give her a massage later. As much as I would love to make love to her again I want Speed to know there is more to our relationship than just sex. And that is what tonight is about and I hope to have many more nights like this in the future. I hand Ratchet the packets of potatoes and tell him to put them on the grill since they take longer. I started working on the steaks while Ratchet was outside.

I do a light rub on the steaks and let them sit. I rinse the cutting board and knife, then go looking for a bowl. After finding one I grab all the veggies I need for the salad. I just opened a bag of lettuce when Ratchet came back in. Call me lazy, I don't care. I said I was making dinner not making everything from scratch. I dump the lettuce in the bowl and look up at Ratchet. “ Do you want me to put the steaks on yet?” he signs. “ Not yet. I want to give the potatoes a few more minutes.” I say.

I start peeling a cucumber when Ratchet comes beside me.” Do you want help?” I point to a bag of slivered carrots. I cut the cucumber into bite size pieces while Ratchet added the carrots to the salad. I add the cucumber then slice cherry tomatoes in half. After I add them to the bowl I cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge. I grab the steaks and head outside. I place them on the grill and notice Ratchet has followed me out. I get the feeling he wants to ask me something. I close the lid and turn to him.

“ Something is on your mind. Talk to me.” I say. The poor kid looks unsure. Instead of signing he pulls out his phone. “ If you want to be alone with Speed I can leave.” I place my hand on his and make sure he looks at me. “ Marcos, I do want to spend time with Speed. And I can. Later. I know you are a huge part of her life and if I want to be part of her life that means you are going to be part of my life as well. And I am good with that. I can spend time with both of you having dinner. So no you aren’t going anywhere.”

Ratchet nods and types again. “ Brick is involved with Speed as well isn’t he.” “ I can’t answer all your questions about it right now. I told you that. But I can promise you neither one of us is going to hurt Speed. I also think you would feel better if you talked to Brick and get his side. But there are just some things I can’t and won’t tell you until Speed is ready. You can talk to me at any time but you may not always get the answers you want. But I would like you to get used to seeing both of us around. Some times at the same time. Are you ok with that?” Ratchet types “ Promise not to hurt her?” I cross my heart with my finger and say “ Promise.” He types “ Then I’m good.” I don’t try to stop myself and pull him into a hug which he returns.

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