Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 42


After talking with Gretchen last night I decided to take her advice and talk to Brick. I have eyes and I’m not stupid I know some thing is going on with the three of them. I just don’t know what. I respect Gretchen for only telling me her part in all this. She is right it isn’t her place to speak for Brick or Speed. I also know that my sister isn’t ready for me to know anything yet or she would have something already. I feel like she is battling with herself. I can see it with the way she tries to push Gretchen and Brick away. But I’m happy to see that Gretchen isn’t letting her do it. And when Gretchen asked how I felt about Brick and her pursuing Speed it felt good that she wanted my opinion and I got the feeling she was also looking for my acceptance about the situation. All I want is for my sister to be happy the way she deserves. I don’t care how or with whom it happens.

I texted Viper and asked him if I could come by the club this morning before Speed took me shopping for my date. He agreed and confirmed that Brick was there for a meeting. As I pull into the clubhouse parking lot I think of all the questions I want to ask Brick. I also want to get Viper’s view on the guy. I need to know if he is good enough to even go after my sister. I’m also going to ask his view on Gretchen. As far as I’m concerned it is going to take one hell of a special person to be with my sister and I don’t think they are good enough. I will make sure they stay away from her.

I walk in and see Viper sitting at the bar having a cup of coffee with Ace. I like Ace. He was one of the first guys here to treat me like family without even knowing me. He always has a hug ready for the girls including Speed and a pat on the back for me. He is like the great uncle I never had. Viper looks up and waves me over. Viper doesn't know how to sign so I pull my phone out to talk to him. “ Hey, kiddo.” Ace says. I wave at him. I show my phone to Viper “ Is Brick still around?” Viper nods. I type a quick message “ I need to talk to him but I want to talk to you too.” “ What can I do for you?” Viper asks. “ I need to know what kind of guy Brick is.” I type.

Viper looks at me weird for a moment before he says “ He is a good guy. I trust him to have my back. He owns his own business. But I don’t think you're his type.” I shake my head and type quickly before Viper gets any more wild ideas. “ Not for me. I think he may have a thing for Speed.” Viper nods “ I agree with you on that. I have never seen him look at a woman the way he looks at Speed. I’m guessing you want to make sure he is good enough for her.” I just nod. “ Ratchet, I’m going to be straight with you. He is a good man and I’m proud to have him as a brother.” Viper says.

“ What if he was interested in Merigold? Before she married I mean. Would you be good with that?” I type. “ I see what you're getting at. I think I would be. He has no interest in Merigold but loves her like a sister and would do anything for her. He would never screw over her best friend. If it happens between Speed and Brick I think it would be a good match. That is unless he has a death wish. I know most of my brothers, all the Alabama crew and Merigold would kill him if he ever hurt Speed. And I wouldn’t do anything to stop it.” Viper states.

I feel like I can breathe a little easier after what Viper said. “ Thank you. Can you tell me where he is?” I type. Viper points behind me. I look over and see Brick walking in the door. As Brick comes over to us I type so I will have the message ready. “ Hey Ratchet. How you doing?” Brick asks. I showed him my phone “ Can I talk to you?” “ Sure kid.” I normally don’t like it when people call me kid but today I’m going to let it slide since I need some answers. I type “ In private.” Brick nods and leads me down a hallway. He stops in front of a door and turns to me “ This is my office. We can talk in here.” He opens the door and lets me go first. He has a couch on one wall and the other a large desk with three different computers all doing something.

His set up reminds me of some of the stuff Mac has. Mac helped me and Speed set up the system we use on the track. It is pretty cool. Brick taps me on the shoulder and motions to the couch. I take a seat and he sits in the chair at the desk. “ What did you want to talk to me about?” Brick asks. I type one word “ Speed.” His body instantly changes from relaxed to concerned. “ Is she ok? Did something happen?” he asks. I like his response. “ Speed is fine. She is at the grocery store.”I type. Brick relaxes again. “ I want to know what is going on with Gretchen, you and my sister.” I type.

Brick leans back in his chair. “ Did Speed say something?” he asks looking hopeful. I shake my head and type. “ No,as much as I wish she would tell me what is going on she hasn’t said a word.” Brick nods. “ She will when she is ready. I will tell you my part. I care about your sister very much. I can see building a future with her. I would go as far as to say I’m falling for Speed, hard.” I like what I hear so far but I still have questions. “ Where does Gretchen fit in? Is she your girlfriend?” I type. Brick shakes his head. “ No, Gretchen isn't my girlfriend. I won’t tell you too much about that because it is something Speed should tell you when she accepts it and is ready. I can tell you Gretchen and have never been involved and never will be. We are in this just for Speed and nothing else.” Brick says.

“ So you both are going after Speed no matter how many times she pushes you away hoping she will pick one of you?” I type. “ Ratchet, I'm going to talk to you as one man to another. Kelley has a fortress around her heart when it comes to relationships. I don’t know why it got built but Gretchen and I are working together to not only knock it down but keep it down. Gretchen and I bring different things to this that we truly believe Kelley needs. We aren’t going to ask her to choose. We think she needs both of us. Kelley is fighting it. But we are fighting harder. Gretchen and I believe in our hearts we can make Kelley happy. And Ratchet neither Gretchen nor I can think of a life without Kelley in it.” Brick says.

I lean back and absorb what he just said. They both want to be in a relationship with my sister. But not some male threesome fantasy. They want a future with Speed, not just a fling. They know it will be hard and are ready for that. “ I need you to promise me you won’t hurt her or use her.” I type. Without hesitation Brick says “ I give you my word.” I hesitate for just a minute before I type my next message. “ Not that you need it but with your promise I give you my support. There are a few things I think you should know.” Brick holds up his hand for me to stop. “ You can tell me in a minute. But Marcos Gretchen and I do need your support. It means a lot to me and I’m sure it does to Gretchen as well. Thank you. I feel when the time comes Speed will need your support and encouragement as well.”

“ She has it.” I type. Now for the hard part. “ I think I know some of my sister’s problem. I know it has something to do with the scars on her and my parents. I don’t know much because Kelley and Merigold made sure to shield me from it. I do know something very bad happened when Kelley was sixteen. I don’t know the details. Speed has always taken care of me. She never left me at home. Where she went I went. But this one week I remember I didn’t see her. I stayed with Merigold and Alaric since Merigold was living with him and his parents. I would ask about Speed. They would tell me she would pick me up soon and we were going to live with Mac.”

I had to stop for a minute to gather myself. That was a bad time in my life for both of us. I was scared but Merigold took good care of me. I type again “ When Speed finally did come home she was bruised and bandaged up. She had to stay in bed for several days with Mac and them taking care of her. I asked her what happened. She said she had a little accident but she would be fine soon.” I look up at Brick and see he has a white knuckle grip on the chair arm. I’m worried he might break it. “ I was young but I knew something really bad had to have happened. I remember seeing some of the marks when they changed her bandages. They were really bad. And she had marks on her neck.” I type.

“ Marcos, why are you telling me this?” Brick asks. “ I want you to understand that I think the reason why Speed is having a hard time letting you in probably has something to do with what happened. Merigold knows the whole story. She might be able to help. I want you to get through Speed’s walls. She is going to push you away. If you love my sister like I hope you do, please push back harder.” I type. I wipe my eyes when I feel a tear go down my cheek. I never cry in front of people but I can’t help it.

I didn’t notice that Brick had moved until he grabbed my shoulder. I look at him and he says “ I give you my word I will not give up on Kelley. If I do, I will stand still and let Merigold unleash hell on me.” That statement means the world to me. “ Then I welcome you to the family, brother.” He gives me a smile, says “ Thank you.” and bro hugs me. I feel better after talking to Brick. I know my sister will be in good hands. I just hope it all works out for all of their sakes.

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