Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 43


After talking to Ratchet I knew I needed to know more. Ratchet didn’t have the answers I needed so I’m going to have to talk to Merigold. And I was going to have to take Gretchen with me since we were in this together. She should hear the story first hand instead of getting the half assed version from me. I also know it will take some convincing to get Merigold to tell us the story. Merigold is a good woman and she would feel like she is betraying her friend by telling us. And it can’t be done at the club. I have a feeling this is a story best told in private. But that will have to wait for another day. Before he left Ratchet told me about his date tonight. I’m excited for the boy but I want to check this guy out for myself so I’m going to be there when Ratchet’s date shows up.

The guy is supposed to pick Ratchet up at six thirty so I arrive at Speed’s at six to make sure I don’t miss them. If I sound like a protective big brother it is because I am. He may not be my brother by blood but he is family. And I’m going to make sure this guy is good enough for Ratchet. I knock on the door and wait. Speed opens the door with a smile on her face until she sees that it is me. “ What are you doing here?” Speed asks. “ I heard Ratchet has a date tonight. I’m here to support Ratchet and check this guy out.” I saySpeed looks like she is about to tell me to leave but suddenly stops. She motions for me to come in“ Ok. But I’m interrogating the guy.” Speed says. I try hard not to laugh. I’ll let her do most of the questioning but I’m getting a few myself.

I make my way to the living room and ask “ So where is our boy?” Speed raises her eyebrow and her lips twitch but doesn’t say anything about how I worded the question. “ He is upstairs with Gretchen trying to pick the perfect outfit. I don’t know shit about fashion. I thought jeans and a tee- shirt would be fine. Apparently I was wrong. Or so they said.” Speed laughs. For where they are going I agree with Speed but I’m not going to say anything. “ How is he doing?” I ask. “ He seems nervous and excited at the same time. This is his first real date. Most of the time he would just hang out with friends as a group but nothing like this.Even when he went to his prom it was more of a group event.”

This is Ratchet’s first real date and I get to witness it. I feel a strange sense of privilege knowing this. I feel the urge to take out my phone so I can take a bunch of pictures of the milestone. Hell I’ll probably do it anyway. I take a seat on the couch while Speed takes the recliner. I’m about to ask her how she is doing just to get her to talk to me when she says “ You don’t have to be here. But thank you. I’m sure Ratchet will appreciate it.” I look Speed dead in the eyes so she knows how serious I am. “ Kelley, I want to be here. Not just for Ratchet but for you too. This is a big deal for him and I want him to know I support him and have his back if he needs it.” Speed starts to say something but there is a knock at the door. Speed stands to answer it but I motion for her to sit down. If it is Ratchet’s date I want the first thing he sees is me. To know that if he hurts Ratchet he will have me to deal with.

I open the door and see the guy I remember as being the D.J. at Ratchet’s birthday party. He takes a step back to look up at me. I can see the guy is nervous. Good I want him to be. “ Hi. I’m Matt. I’m here to pick up Marcos.” I nod and step back so he can go in. I shut the door and motioned for him to go to the living room. When we get there Speed stands up shaking her head. But I can tell she is trying to hide a smile. She steps in front of Matt and holds out her hand “Hi, I’m Kelley. The big guy there is Brick. You must be Matt.” The guy nods and shakes Speed’s hand. “ I remember you from the party. It is nice to meet you again.” “Marcos will be down in a minute. Have a seat.” Speed points to the couch. She gets back in the recliner and I stand behind her keeping my eyes glued to Matt.

“ So Matt I know you D.J. is that a full time thing or do you have another job.?” Speed asks. “ It is pretty much full time. I stay booked up most of the time. I make pretty good money doing it. I also do the sound system and lighting at Songbird’s concerts.” Matt says. So he knows Lilly. I will have to ask her about him. “ How long have you been doing it?” Speed asks. Matt cocks his head like he is thinking. “ I started being a D.J. in high school. Mainly just for friends. But seriously about two years. I have been working for Songbird since just before baby Bastian was born.” Speed nods so far she is liking what she is hearing. He works steadily so he isn’t a complete loser. Before Speed can ask her next question I blurt out “ How old are you?”

Speed looks over her shoulder at me but doesn’t call me out. Matt looks even more nervous but his voice is steady when he answers me “ I just turned twenty one a month ago.” A three year difference isn’t bad. “ Have you always lived here?”Speed asks. Matt nods “ Yes, ma’am. Born and raised. My parents and younger brother are still here as well.” “ And your relationship with your parents. How is it?” Speed asks. I know she is worried and doesn’t Ratchet around haters or rude people. Matt smiles “ I have a good relationship with my parents. They have always been very supportive and accepting of me.” They way he said it makes me think he is telling us that his parents know he is gay and are good with it.

“ Where are you taking Marcos tonight?” I ask. Yes, I said I would leave most of the questions to Speed and I have for the most part. I didn’t say I wouldn’t ask any questions. “ First I’m taking him to dinner at Rosco’s barbeque. Then there is a small carnival going on I thought we could check out. And if we haven’t had too much junk I thought I would take him to Mary’s Cafe for some cheesecake and coffee.” Matt says. I know both of the food places he is talking about. They are pretty good. Not bad choices for a first date when you are still getting to know the person. I like that they are all public places so If Ratchet feels he needs to leave he can. Speed looks over her shoulder at me like she is waiting for me to say something. I think she is going by my judgement on this since I live here.

I look at Matt and say “ Good picks. And you don’t have a problem with him being deaf?” Matt straightens up and looks offended that I would even ask that. I like that response. He looks at me then to Speed like he knows she needs to hear what he is about to say. “ If I had a problem with it I would have never asked him out. Is it different from others I have dated ? Yes. But I’m good with that. Has it made talking to him a challenge? A bit at first. But we found a way around that.” I hate to admit it but I’m starting to like the guy.

Speed leans forward putting her elbows on her knees. “ What are you expecting to get out of tonight?” I like where she is going with this. She wants to know if Matt is just out to get laid. Matt looks Speed in the eyes “ Miss Speed. I get that you are his sister. I get that you have raised him and you are being protective of him. I respect that so I’m going to lay it all out for you. I’m hoping that we will have a good time and get to know each other. And to be honest I’m hoping to hold Marcos’s hand and maybe a good night kiss. I like Marcos. A lot. I would like to see if we have something between us beyond friends. Do I see a future with him? I don’t know yet. But I would like to spend time with him to figure that out.”

“ I respect your honesty. And you are right I’m looking out for my brother. That being said I think I have Brick’s back up on this. If anything happens to him. If you hurt him in any way. You will have to deal with me, all the guys from Brick’s club, Merigold and all those guys that came from Alabama.” Speed says. I grab her shoulder in a show of support and say “ She is right. So keep that in mind if your hands decide to wander.” I feel Speed’s shoulders shake like she is laughing. “ Other than that, have fun and I look forward to seeing you at the race.” Speed says. I’m about to say one more thing when Ratchet comes in.

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