Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 44


I felt better after my talk with Brick. I didn’t get all the answers I wanted but between Gretchen and Brick I have a pretty good idea about what is going on. Both Brick and Gretchen want a relationship with my sister. And they are working together to win Speed over. I’m not clear on how it works but I don’t need to. The thing that I was worried about was cleared up by talking to them. They have no intention of hurting my sister. Anything else is not my concern. They can figure it out amongst themselves.I leave Brick to meet up with Gretchen and Speed to go shopping and get me a haircut.

After we got home it was already late when we got back to the house leaving me only an hour and a half to get ready. It sounds like a long time but when I have to put all my stuff away, take a shower, shave, and get dressed it really isn’t. I run up the stairs and throw my bags on the bed. I have way more bags than I have ever bought before thanks to Gretchen. She insisted that Speed and I have more than everyday clothes so she helped us pick out several outfits each. I quickly put away the things I know I won’t wear tonight leaving three choices on the bed. I stare at them for a minute and still can’t decide so I figure I will figure it out after my shower.

I grab my things and head to the shower. I put my towel on the counter and get out my shaving kit. I can’t help but remember when Speed tried to teach me how to shave. She figured it would be easy since she knows how to shave her legs. Let me tell you, shaving a face and legs are two different things. After I got nicked the third time Speed called in for reinforcements. I stood in our bathroom with part of my face covered in shaving cream and toilet paper on my face to cover the little cuts when Alaric and River walked in. They showed us both what to do and what not to do. My poor sister felt so bad that this was one time she couldn’t help. I swear she was going to cry. But River and Alaric assured her that she doesn’t have to know how to do everything to be able to take care of me. And that they would always be around to help if we needed it. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I kind of wish they were here now but I can always call them later.

I quickly but carefully shave then jump in the shower. I scrub up using a little body wash than necessary. I pay close attention to my hands and nails to make sure I don’t have any grease on them. With me working on Frankenstein often with Speed it is almost impossible to get all the grease off no matter how hard I try. Satisfied that I’m as clean as I’m going to get I turn the water off and jump out grabbing my towel to dry myself off. After I’m sure I’m not going to track water through the house I wrap my towel around my waist, gather my things and go back to my room. I put my boxers on then my deodorant and some light body spray. After staring at the clothes on my bed for five minutes. Getting nowhere I call for help.

Gretchen and Speed enter my room. “ What’s wrong?” my sister signs. “I can’t decide what to wear.” I sign. “ Just put on some nice jeans and a tee shirt. What’s the big deal?” Speed signs. Gretchen and I look at her like she has lost her mind. Really for a first date, she wants me to wear jeans. Gretchen looks at Speed but makes sure I can see what they are saying. “ Baby, why don’t you let me help Ratchet? You can be at the door waiting for Matt.” I make sure Speed doesn’t know I heard them. Gretchen’s calling my sister baby isn’t something Speed wants me to know since she hasn’t told me about their relationship yet. My sister, stubborn as she is, is still trying to push them away. I think it is cute when she blushes every time Gretchen says it.

After Gretchen not so gently pushed Speed out of the room she turned to me “ No let’s see what we can figure out.” She goes to the clothes I have on the bed. I swear it takes her less than a second to hand me a black pair of slacks and a belt . “ Put these on. I’ll figure out the shirt.” she says before turning her back to me to give me some privacy. It is a sweet gesture and it makes me like her even more. After putting on the pants and buckling the belt I turn back to her. Her back is to me but she has her arm behind her back with a cream colored polo shirt in her hand. I take the shirt and put it on. I look down at myself and have to admit I look pretty good.

I tap Gretchen on the shoulder to let her know it is safe to turn around. When she does she looks me up and down and smiles. “ You look so handsome.” She reaches up to adjust my collar. “ Matt is a lucky man to be going out with you.” I grab my phone from the dresser and type “ I’m nervous.” Gretchen grabs my hand “ I know I have no place to give you advice. Not yet at least. But it is ok to be nervous. But don’t let that rule you. Just have fun. Get to know him. And If you are uncomfortable for any reason, text any of us and we will come get you.” I nod. She says she doesn’t have a place to say these things and help me out but as far as I’m concerned her and Brick are already family. It is just a matter of time before Speed gets it.

My phone vibrates in my hand, I look at it and it is a text from Speed saying Matt is here. Gretchen smiles and says “ Time to go get your man.” I hug her tight before we go down stairs. When we get to the living room I notice Brick standing behind my sister. When did he get here? I don’t have time to think about or say anything to him because Matt stands up and comes over to me. He is dressed in a pair of khaki pants and a light blue button down shirt. I’m even more thankful for Gretchen’s help. His light brown hair is styled and I can smell a hint of his aftershave. Damn this man looks good.

Matt steps in front of me and I forget everyone else in the room when he smiles at me. He raises his hands and signs “ You look handsome.” My jaw drops at what he did. I type quickly on my phone “ You learned how to sign?” He blushes “ I only know a few. I wanted to impress you.” he says. I have to stop the tears so I can type “ Consider me impressed. And you look handsome as well.” He signs again “ Shall we go?” then offers me his hand. I nod, taking his hand. Before we can reach the door Speed stops us. She hugs me and tells me to have a good time. Then Gretchen hugs me and tells both of us to have fun. Brick says something to Matt I don’t catch then pats me on the shoulder.

Matt walks me to the passenger side of his car and opens the door for me. After I get in he closes the door acting like a perfect gentleman so far. We drive for about twenty minutes before he pulls into a parking lot of what looks like an old fashioned diner. I reach the door handle to get out when Matt lays his hand on my arm. “ Let me.” he says. I nod and wait for him to get out and come to my side. After getting out Matt takes my hand and leads me inside. Once inside I see that this place is a lot bigger inside than it looked from the outside and it has a rustic look to it with the light wood looking paneling. Matt checks in with the hostess and we are led to a booth in the back. I look around and am surprised we got a table because this place is packed to the rim.

I sit first and Matt sits across from me. The hostess places menus in front of us and says something I don’t catch. When she leaves Matt says “ The waitress will be here in a minute.” I nod. He points to the menu “ Have a look.” I look it over for a minute but I’m having a difficult time deciding. I pull my phone out and type before sliding it over to Matt. “ Any recommendations?” Matt looks up and smiles “ You can’t go wrong with the sampiler. It has a bit of everything.” I look back down and read it over. It doesn’t sound bad. The waitress comes over and starts talking but she is going so fast I can’t understand her.

Matt taps my hand “ What do you want to drink, honey?” he asks while sliding my phone to me. I know I’m blushing a bit since he called me honey. No one has ever called me that. It was nice. I answered with sweet tea. Matt nods and tells the waitress. Matt looks at me again and asks what I wanted to eat. I typed my order to him and he told the waitress. I’m sure it looked weird but I didn’t care. And Matt was being so sweet about helping me out. I was so used to being out with Speed or my friends from school I hadn’t thought about how it would be to go out with others but Matt seemed to have an endless amount of patience.

When the waitress left we talked. He told me about growing up with his parents and brother. He told me the story about coming out to his parents. I was relieved to find out they had the same reaction Speed had when I came out. It sounded like he came from a very loving home. It felt like just a few minutes before our food was brought out. We ate and talked more. I told him how Speed had raised me and even though she is my sister she is the only mom I know. I told him about growing up with Merigold and Alaric and the rest of the guys who are more like overprotective uncles than friends.

After dinner he asked if I wanted to go to a fair in town. I decided it would be cool to check out. We walked hand in hand through the whole thing. We played games. We had way too much junk food. And most of all we continued to talk and get to know each other. We had a lot in common and I had a great time getting to know Matt. I was hoping he was having a good time as well. I think he did because he was smiling the whole time. He even told me he was looking forward to going to the race. I could wait to see what he thought about it. I already planned on giving him a tour of the pit to see what I do.

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