Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 49


The day after Ratchet's date Brick and Gretchen disappeared. I didn’t see them for two days. I thought they finally got the hint and decided to leave me alone. Or they had figured out that I wasn’t worth the trouble because nothing could come from trying to have a relationship with me because it wasn’t going to happen. Whatever the reason they stopped coming by, I was glad. At least that was what my head said. My heart was a completely different story. The stupid thing was hurt that they were gone even knowing it was for the best. I can’t do relationships. Then on day three I was at the shop doing some work with Jesse and Ricki before today's time trial when Brick came by. He said he was riding with me to the track. That seemed odd to me since I know he loved riding his bike but left the subject alone.

Brick stayed in the pit during the trial and even helped Ratchet and the other guys out.After the trail was over and we went back home I expected him to leave. Go to the club house of his club anywhere that wasn’t by my side. Nope that didn’t happen. What did happen when we got home was that Brick came in the house with us to find Gretchen was in the kitchen making dinner. Brick was the only one who wasn’t surprised by this. And this type of thing happened everyday for almost a week. Either Gretchen would come hang out with me during the day and Brick would be at the house with dinner or the other way around except for the fact Gretchen cooked. They always left after dinner so at least I was by myself then. But I don’t get it. For two days they were gone and when they showed back up it was like nothing happened. And it is like they are working together. But why?

And when I try to tell them to leave me alone I can’t seem to get it out. For so many reasons I don’t know where to start. One is I’m starting to like the attention even though I know in my head I shouldn’t. My body and my heart are loving them being around me. I swear I can feel some of the glacier that surrounds the wall I have around my heart starting to melt. I need to fight this,but they are making it hard dammit. From the way Gretchen takes care of me, like making me dinner, rubbing my shoulders or just sitting and watching tv with me. Or the way Brick uses his Dom voice on me, to him making sure I’m ok on and off the track. He is the hard side and Gretchen is the soft side and between the two of them they make the perfect person. It is like they know what I need before I do sometimes.There is a part of me that wants to be with them. And every day they are with me that part gets bigger and bigger. But as much as I'm starting to not want to today I’m telling them I don’t want to see them anymore.

I’m having lunch with Merigold and spending some time with my nieces and nephews. I was hoping hanging out with them would help me get my head clear for what I had to do. I could almost hear my heart yelling at me not to go through with it. But I know it is for the best. “ Alright, that’s enough. What’s going on with you?” Merigold says. I look at her “ Huh?” I ask her. “ I have been talking to you for five minutes now and you have been staring at that tomato like it is your worst enemy.” Merigold says. I look down at my fork and see I have smashed my food to bits. I drop my fork and look at Merigold. She is my best friend, my sister and I still can’t talk to her about this. I have never talked to anyone about this. I swear if I try I can feel the marks on my back begin to burn as if reminding me to never speak of these unnatural habits of mine. “ It’s nothing. I have a lot on my mind.” I told her. It is the truth I just don’t go into details.

Merigold leans back in her chair and crosses her arms across her chest. Shit I know this look. It means she isn’t buying what I’m saying. Damn, I need to get her off of this real quick. “ I’m good. Just a lot going through my head.” I try to convince her but I can tell by the look on her face she isn’t. “ You want to talk about it? You know I will always listen.” Merigold says. I smile at her “ No. I’ll get it figured out soon. It won’t be a problem soon.” I said. And it is true, it won’t be a problem when I finally lay down the law and tell Brick and Gretchen to get lost. Something I said made Merigold’s face change from I’m not taking shit to compassion. She lays her hand on top of mine and says “ Kelley, my hermana. You should know this already but you can tell me anything. You will get no judgement from me, just support.” I take a good look at her because for some reason I feel like she is telling me more than she is actually saying. But that can’t be right. There is no way she could know what I’m going through. I have been careful around her and the others. But Brick and Gretchen, not so much. “ I’ll get it worked out. I promise. And yes, I know I can come to you for anything.” I told her.

“ Good. Now I have an idea on how to help you clear your mind.” Merigold says with an I up to no good smirk. I laugh “ Oh yea? What is this great idea of yours?” “ Simple. You need to let loose. We are going dancing, just like we used to do.” Merigold says. It is actually not a bad idea. Merigold and I haven’t done that in a few years and it is a good way to just let go. “ Deal. But do you know any clubs around here?” I ask. “ You let me handle all of the details. I’ll even see if I can get Trina and Lilly to come out. You just need to do one thing.” Merigold giggles. This can’t be good. “ I’ll bite. What do I have to do?” Merigold’s eyes sparkle with mischief “ Did you bring that black dress of yours?” I know the one she is talking about. I did happen to bring it for a reason I still don’t know. I guess I know now. I just lean back and smile. “ Good, now finish your lunch. You are going to need it. I have some calls to make.” Merigold says and gets up from the table. I did as she said and finished my lunch. Because if tonight is anything like what it used to be like she is right I’m going to need all the energy I can get.

I’m washing up my dish when Merigold comes back in, smiling like she just won the lottery. I guess she got every set up. “ You need to be here at seven thirty dressed and ready to go. We are going in my truck. And we have a few more people coming. Trina is coming. Lilly can’t make it but she is coming over to watch the kids with Anna. Connor and Neil are coming since Connor wants to dance and they know where a good club is.” Merigold says. “ Why can’t Lilly go?” I asked. I kind of like the idea of hanging out with her. “ Poor Bastian is teething, making him super cranky. And the guys have a meeting so Tank can’t watch him.” Merigold says. “ Poor baby. I feel bad for Lilly.” I say. “ As long as she keeps humming he is usually fine. And she has some good teething medicine for him. He just wants to be a mommy’s boy.” Merigold says. “ That’s good. Well since Connor and Neil are coming, how about I text Ratchet and see if Matt and him want to come out with us?” I asked. “ Oh what a great idea.” Merigold squeals. I knew she would like the idea so I already have my phone out texting Ratchet. I get an instant response. I look at Merigold and nod “ They are in.” “ Good now get out of here. I want to see you in a few hours looking sexy as hell.” Merigold says as she shoves me out the door.

Later that night

I got to Merigold’s right on time only to be pushed out the door again by Merigold and Trina. We loaded up in Merigold’s SUV and were off. Apparently we were meeting everyone else there. That worked for me as long as Merigold knew where we were going. We all chatted about anything and nothing. We talked about the kids, about how Ratchet was doing with Matt. We talked about my upcoming race. It was nice to not have to think. I know I was supposed to talk to Brick and Gretchen tonight but I needed this night out more. And Brick was busy at the club so it wasn’t a good time anyway. But I will get it done very soon. But I needed to focus on my night out and my race that is in three days.

Forty five minutes after we got on the road we pulled up outside a nightclub called the Pink Panda. There is a waiting line going down the side of the building so it looks like we are going to have a long wait. Merigold, Trina, and I get out. I see Ratchet and Matt pull next to us. I sign “ You got your boogie shoes on?” Matt laughs and Ratchet shakes his head as we all go to get in line. Before we get too far I hear someone shout Merigold’s name. I stop Ratchet and Matt and we all turn to see Neil and Connor waving us over to the bouncer who is guarding the door. We go over and Connor introduces us to the bouncer “ Mitch, these are the ladies I was telling you about that are friends of ours.” Point to each of us “ This Trina, Merigold, and Kelley.” Then he points to Ratchet “ This is Marcos and his boyfriend Matt. If we aren’t here please let them in as our guests.” I let the boyfriend remark go for now. I will talk to Ratchet about that later. I knew they were dating but I didn’t think it had gotten to the boyfriend stage yet.

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