Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 50


“ Welcome lovely ladies and gentlemen. Please come in and enjoy your night.” Mitch says as he opens the door for us. I’m just about to go in when Mitch says “ Sexy lady. Connor says you got some moves. Maybe save a dance for me.” I give him a good look up and down. He is a very handsome, muscular, but not bulky guy. Short blond hair with nice green eyes. I have nothing to lose. It might even be fun. I smile at him “ If you think you can keep up, come find me later.” He laughs “ I’ll do that. My boyfriend is bartending. Tell him I said to take good care of you.” He is gay. Even better, I won't have to worry about turning him down at the end of the night.

I get inside and the place is jumping. The walls are vibrating from the music. Strobe lights are going everywhere. The dance floor is packed with bodies grinding against each other. Yes, I needed this. Thank the heavens for friends like Merigold. I make my way to the bar to catch up with the others. I stand next to Merigold and the bartender comes over to get my order. He is cute. He reminds me of what Alaric would call a twink. A youngish guy with a sparkling pink halter top and skin tight booty shorts. And full make-up. And he manages to pull it off. He looks at me and says “ Honey you are making me wish I was straight. That dress is amazing.” I laugh and I love this guy “Thank you. Can I get a rum and coke?” “ Dressed like that you can have anything you want.” he says and goes to make my drink. He sets it in front of me and I go to pay him but he shakes his head “ No lady put that away this is on me. You let my man have a dance and we are even.” he says. “ You are Mitch’s boyfriend. I’m Kelley.” I go to shake his hand. He grabs mine and lightly shakes it “ Paul. I look forward to seeing you dance. Connor says you have got some moves.” I laugh and wave by to him as I go find the table Merigold is at.

I’m making my way to the table. I notice the couples and it finally clicks. I take a seat next to Merigold and yell over the music “ You brought me to a gay bar to go dancing.” Merigold turns and I swear she is blushing “ I figured you didn’t want to have to fight off groping assholes all night. This way you can have a good time with no worries.” I pull her into a half hug “ And this is why you are my sister . I love you so much.”


Since Speed has a race in four days Viper called a meeting for us to go over a few things for at the track and here at the clubhouse. Viper wants to have a party after the race to congratulate Speed no matter how she places and it turns out Casper and a few of his members are going to be in town. Viper invited them to come to the race and even secured tickets for them which I’m surprised and happy to say are almost sold out. At least twenty were taken by our crew and the auto shop. Thor and Merigold are going to close the shop for the day so everyone can be at Speed’s race. The rest is because the manager Jason has been doing some serious advertising about Speed being in this week’s race. He even has one of Speed’s time trials posted on the track's website as well as some pictures of Speed posing by Frankenstien. Since I was there they took the photos I have one on my phone. I couldn’t resist she looked hot as fuck leaning against her car, hair blowing in the wind. I even sent a copy to Gretchen. If I’m not mistaken she has it as her wallpaper.

We are getting close to the end of the meeting when Axel and Rowdy’s phones go off every few seconds. They would silence them and they would go off again. After the fourth time of this happening Viper asks “ Do you need to get that, brothers?” knowing it could be Merigold. Axel shakes his head “ Nah, it can wait.” Viper looks skeptical but lets it go. By the time we are finished their phones have gone off four more times. “ Alright that’s it. Answer those damn phones.” Viper snarls. Rowdy laughs and picks up his phone “ Easy brother. It is just Merigold posting on Facebook.” Axel swipes his phone and looks at it “ Yea she sent some videos of her night out with Speed and Trina.” Axel presses play and I can hear music playing in the background. Suddenly his face changes from smiling to shock “ Rowdy did you see the girls before they left? Or what they were wearing?” he asks. “ I saw Merigold and Trina. They were dressed fine. Why” Rowdy answers. What is Axel worried about?

Axel shakes his head and blows out a breath “ But you didn’t see Speed?” Rowdy shakes his head no. Axel nods and says “ Check out the video.” Rowdy grabs his phone and asks “ What’s the big deal?” before he hits play. He watches the video for about a second before he yells “ What the hell?” He stops the video and places the phone on the table shaking his head. “ Merigold let her leave wearing that?” Rowdy asks. “ Yea, our wife did.” Ace grunts “ What is your problem boys?” Rowdy doesn’t say anything, just slides his phone to Ace. Ace picks it up and hits play. What is the big deal? It can’t be that bad. Can it? “ Fuck. Is that girl trying to start a riot? What is she thinking?” He stops the video.” I can’t look anymore. That is my niece.” shaking his head. “ What is wrong you guys? I’m sure you are making a big deal out of nothing.” Viper says.

Axel stands and walks over to Viper handing his phone over to him. Axel points to something and backs up. “ It is a post for Alaric.” Viper says. Axel nods” Rare footage of Speed Salsa dancing. What the fuck is salsa?” Viper asks. “ Just watch.” Axel says. Viper presses play. Suddenly he shouts “ What the fuck? How is that even a dress? It looks like it is being held together by dental floss.” Viper gets quiet watching. I move to get a look at what the issue is. When I’m behind him he shouts “ The bunnies wear more than she is right now.” I snap my head to see the video. I see Speed dancing with a guy and that pisses me off because nobody should be touching my girl. And she should not be shaking her ass against anyone but me or Grecthen. I really get heated when I see what the guys are talking about. The dress and that is being very generous, is nothing but two pieces of black fabric in front of her and back being held together with a tiny piece of string. It goes from her waist to mid thigh showing off her sexy muscular legs. And I mean all of her legs. It is completely open on both sides. When she spins around I can see her thong, for crying out loud. And her shirt. I want to laugh.Shirt yea right. It is a small gold piece of fabric that she has barely covering her tits. It looks more like half a tube top.

Viper stops the video and scrolls down to the next video. “ Speed may have converted a few guys. Lol. What the hell does that mean?” Viper asks when he presses play. I see Speed dancing with another guy. Dancing, that is laughable they are almost fucking on the dance floor. I look up at Axel “ Where are they?” I growl. “ Chill brother. Merigold took them to the Pink Panda. It is a gay bar about thirty minutes from here.” Good now I know where I’m going. “ Gretchen.” I shout. She comes from the back and looks at me confused. “ Brick, what’s wrong?” she asks. “ Get changed. And bring some extra clothes that will fit Speed. We are headed out.” I told her. I know she doesn’t understand but she will. Gretchen turns to change without a word. “ What’s wrong with you? Why are you going after them.” Viper asks. “ I’m going to teach a little girl about dressing properly.” Viper knows what I am so all he just nods. Ace on the other hand says “ Brick,I don’t approve of what she is wearing either but you can’t go charging in there like you are her ol’e man.” “ I agree. And why are you dragging Gretchen out?” Axel says. Gretchen is back with a bag in her hand. “ Drag me where?” she asks. I reach for Rowdy’s phone and show her one of the videos. Gretchen starts to shake “ Has she lost her mind? Oh, fuck no.” Gretchen looks at me “ You riding solo or with me?” “ Bike “ is all I say before we head out the door. I know my brothers are wondering if I have lost my mind. I’m sure they have questions but I don’t have time to answer them right now.

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