Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 51


I get to the bar first with Gretchen right behind me. Once she is parked we both make our way to the door. No way in hell are we waiting in line. The bouncer tries to stop us” You need to wait like the others.” He says. The guy is built like Axel but I know I can take him if I have to. I show the guy my phone that has a picture of Speed on it. “ We are looking for her.” He looks at the picture and smiles. I want to punch him in the face just for looking. “ She is in there. He and her friends are tearing up the dance floor.” He looks me up and down, eyeing my kutte and asks, “ You gonna cause trouble?” Gretchen steps up “ Not if you let us in to get our girl.” The guy nods and lets us through. We walk in and start searching for any of the girls. Hell I would be happy to find Matt or Ratchet. We are about half way through before we find Trina and Merigold sitting at a table with Neil, Ratchet and Matt. We go straight to them. I don’t bother with saying ‘Hi’. I don’t have the time or patience to deal with that shit right now. “ Where is she?”

Merigold swings her head around “ Brick, what are you doing here?” I didn't answer her question “ Where is she?” Merigold points to the center of the room that has grinding bodies on it. “ Dancing.” Merigold says. “ Brick, she is fine. Let her have fun.” she adds. “ I’m all for fun. Why didn’t you tell her to put more clothes on?” I ask. Merigold just smirks. “ You told her to wear that?” Gretchen asks, pissed as hell. “ What she looks hot as fuck in in. Or course I told her to wear it.” Gretchen tosses the bag in a chair and stomps to the dance floor with me right behind her. We push our way through the crowd to see Speed dancing with Connor and some girl. I don’t like the way he is dancing with her but at least I know the guy and know she is safe. But Gretchen is another story when she sees Speed dance with the girl. Gretchen stomps over to the girl.She taps the girl on the shoulder and motions for her to get lost. I see Connor go over to what I assume is to protect Speed. When he sees me, I shake my head, he nods and backs off.

Gretchen grabs Speed and I think she is going to drag her off the floor but instead she grabs Speed roughly around the waist pulling Speed to her. The dirty dance with each other grinding against each rubbing thier bodys so close like they are trying to fuse together. Watching my girl and her girlfriend go at each other on the dance floor is sexy as fuck. I’m getting turned on looking at them. I may not be attracted to Gretchen in that way but I am a man. Or course I would get a hard on. I see Gretchen motion for me to come over. Speed has her back to me so she doesn’t see me come up behind her. Gretchen pushes Speed towards me so her back hits my chest. Speed stopped moving and tried to turn to look at me but Gretchen won’t let her. I grab the other side of Speed's waist digging my fingers into her hip and dance with the two of them. I reach my other hand and grip the base of her neck firmly. I pulled a little enough to force her to lay her head back and look up at me. I leaned down to her ear and whispered “ You have been very bad,little girl.” I felt her shiver against me and she put her arm around my waist holding me close to her. Anyone watching would see a very erotic scene. I didn’t care what people thought as long as they got the hint not to touch our girl.

The song ended and Speed pulled away from both of us. I grabbed her to pull her close “ Where do you think you are going, little girl?” Speed glares at me “ To my friends. Away from you two. What are you even doing here?” “ Gretchen get the bag. We are leaving.” I said. Gretchen left. Speed tried to pull away “ Good. Now I’m going to have a drink and dance some more. See you around.” “ I don’t think so. You are coming home with us.” I said. Speed laughs in my face “ I don’t think so. I came to have fun. I came to get away from you. You aren’t my boss. You are nothing to me. And you aren’t going to tell me what to do.” Speed turns but I yank her back. I force her to turn and look at me. “ That is where you are very wrong. I’m something to you. So is Gretchen And the sooner you accept that the better. I’m telling you, you are coming home with us now.You want to fight me I will throw you over my shoulder, spank your ass and take you with me.” I tell her making sure she she understands I mean every word.

“ You wouldn’t.” Speed yells. “ Try me.” I smirk at her. “ Whatever.” Speed huffs. She yanks her hand out of mine and takes one step before I grab her and spin her around. “ I warned you” I say as I bend down,pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. “ Put me down you big oaf.” Speed yells while she smacks me on the back.I ignore her. I start walking out the door where I see Gretchen waiting. “ I said put me down” she shouts and is now punching me in the back. I want to laugh because she thinks she might actually hurt me. I reach up and smack her ass “ Hush or I will spank you again. We are going home and burning that dress.” When I say that about her dress she starts to struggle and fight me. “ You will not touch this dress. Do you hear me.” She punches me harder and kicks her feet. I smack her ass twice and because her skirt has shifted I get bare skin. “ Ouch, put me down. I want to have more fun.”Speed yells. “ I will smack you again little girl. You have enough fun for tonight.” we reach Gretchen’s car. Gretchen opens the passenger door and I place Speed in the seat and buckle her up. I point at her as I back up “ Be a good girl and don’t move.” I shut the door and turned to Gretchen. “ Take her straight home. If she gives you any problems let me know. I’ll be right behind you.” “ Are we just dropping her off?” Gretchen asks. “ No. We are going to remind her she is ours.” Gretchen just smiles and gets in the car.

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