Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 54


“ I like how you talk about your car like he is part of the team.” Gretchen says. I feel her hands ghost over my overheated ass. She gently rubs lotion on one cheek before I answer. “ That’s because he is. I wouldn’t be racing without him. And he wouldn’t be on the track without me. We have to work together to win. Frank is as vital to the team as Ratchet, Jesse or me. So he is definitely part of the team.” Gretcehn gets to a really sensitive part of my ass that is on the side closer to my hip and I hiss. “ I’m sorry baby. Brick got that side pretty good.” I turn my head and say “ Gretchen you have nothing to be sorry about. I could have said the safe word but I didn’t. I know it may sound strange to you. And one day I will try to explain. But I needed what Brick did. And he knew that. Maybe even more than I knew myself. Just like I need you right now. I don’t understand it all. And I’m very confused about a lot of things. I’m going to need time to figure it all out. Not to mention all the questions I have. But you never have to be sorry.”

While my head was still turned Gretchen leaned over my back and very gently kissed me as if she was afraid I would break. But there was also sweetness and caring behind it. It didn’t last long either because before I knew she pulled away. Gretchen smiled at me “ We will give all the time as you need. But we will be by your side the whole way. We will answer all your questions. In the morning. Right now you need to rest.” Gretchen climbs off the bed and hands me my night shirt and shorts. She helps me put them on then hands me a bottle of water that I didn’t see sitting on the nightstand. “ Brick said to drink the whole thing.” she said. “ Have you heard from him?” I ask as I climb into bed. Gretchen climbs in with me letting me lay on her chest. She pulls the covers over us before she answers. “ He checked in while you were in the tub. He said the problem is taking him longer to deal with but he will be back here as soon as he can.”

I nod at what she said because I’m too busy yawning. Gretchen runs her fingers through my hair making it hard to keep my eyes open. “ Tell me what it is like.” Gretchen says. “ What’s what like? Racing?” I ask for clarification. “ Yes.” she says. I think about how to put it into words what I feel when I’m behind the wheel of Frank. “ It is accelerating, scary, and an adrenaline rush all at the same time. To have to keep complete control of a four hundred and fifty horsepower machine that could be crushed like a can going at the speed’s we do under control. The engine vibrates through your entire body. It is incredible.” I yawn the last part. “ Rest baby. I can’t wait to watch you in action.” Gretchen says. “ You are coming?” I ask in surprise. She kisses the top of my head. “ For you, my girl. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” That makes me smile and that is how I fall asleep.


We had finally made some head way with Speed and my fucking phone goes off.There was an emergency at Club Reckless that needed my immediate attention. As much as I didn't want to leave Speed’s side I had to. But I knew my girl was in safe hands. Once I gave Gretchen aftercare instructions I reluctantly left vowing to come back as soon as possible. I ran my bike as fast as I could and made the thirty minute trip in under twenty minutes. I parked in my spot in front of the club and walked in. I did a quick survey around to make sure everything was running smoothly. When I saw nothing amiss I went to my office where I knew my security guys were waiting.

I sit down at my desk and look at my fiercest, most loyal guys. They have been with me since I opened the club. “ What happened?” I ask. Fred steps up. “ Boss, a regular brought in her new Dom in. None of us recognised him. But she vouched for him so we let it go.” I nod for him to continue. It was common for our members to bring their partners with them so we don’t normally question it. “ They were having drinks and enjoying the floor show for about an hour. There weren't any problems. She asked to use one of the private rooms. I checked her into room twelve and reminded her of the distress code. Then I went back to work.” Fred finishes. So far everything is on the level.

Vince steps up. “ Boss, I was in the control room. I say they had checked in. About thirty minutes went by and the voice alarm was triggered. I notified Fred and Jerry. When I got to the room the only person in there was our member. The guy she was with had gotten away through the back before Fred and Jerry got there. She was beat up pretty good so we took her to the med room for treatment.” You might be wondering why this club has a medical team on staff. It is simple. We can take all the precautions in the world but accidents do happen. A rope gets pulled too tight. A hook breaks. Someone got carried away with hot wax. A toy gets lodged in a place no one wants to mention. And most of our clients would like to avoid going to the hospital. We have them evaluated here first and decide if we can handle it or more medical care is needed. “ How are her injuries?” I ask. Fred taps on the tablet and says “ The doc says most are just superficial. She is going to be bruised and sore for a few days. But nothing is broken.” “ Has she talked about what happened?” I ask.

“ We were waiting for you to take a report.” Vince says. After any incident in the club we do interviews with all those involved. That way we can take proper action whether it be faulty equipment, having to ban someone from the club or even having someone arrested. I stand, “ Let’s see if the lady feels like talking. Have one of the lady guards meet us there. Just in case.” I say as we walk out. If this was a traumatic event I won’t make her talk to us until she is ready. I will never make a victim feel uncomfortable. Since this guy took off I’m sure what happened to this lady was not consensual.

We enter the med room Melonie is waiting for us. I ask the nurse on duty to see if the lady involved is willing to talk. While we wait I have Fred pull up her membership information. I’m looking it over when the nurse calls us back. I ask Fred and Jerry to stay back so we don’t crowd the lady. And Melonie and I go into the room. I see our victim sitting on the bed wrapped in a robe. She has a busted lip, a black eye, and a handprint on the side of her face. That is just what I can see. “ Miss Daniels, I’m Brick. And this is Melonie. I was hoping you could tell us what happened but only if you feel up to it.” She reaches out her hand towards me “ Call me Becca. It is nice to meet you. Although I wish it were under better circumstances.” I shake her hand then Melonie does the same. “ And yes, I don’t mind talking to you.” Becca says. She told me that she met the guy she brought with her about three weeks ago at an event. She had worked with him a few times already before he brought him here and never had a problem.

“ I wasn’t going to bring him here. At least not yet. I wanted to get a better feel for him. And this to me is my place I don’t want to just bring anyone in. But over the last week he became very insistent. Said he really wanted to experience it with me. So I caved.” Becca said. Melonie and I didn’t say anything. We let her tell her story at her own pace. “ Everything was fine for a while. We had a few drinks. We danced. We even watched the show tonight. After the show was over he suggested we get a room. I was feeling pretty good so I agreed and I approached Fred.” She takes a deep breath and asks “ Do you need to know all the details?” I shake my head “ No,just what led you to use the distress code.”

“ So we were doing a scene and I don’t know, something about him changed. He got more aggressive. I dealt with it for a little while. But when it was too much I said my word to slow down. But he just slapped me and I needed to toughen up.He started up again and I yelled my word to stop but he still didn’t listen and just kept hitting me. When he hit my eye I yelled the distress word. He hit me in the mouth and ran.” She pauses for a minute before he turns her head to look at me. “ He said the strangest things just before he left. He told me to tell everyone that I got beat up here. When he ran he said he would see this place in flames.” As soon as she said that I knew exactly who did this to her. But I’m confused as to why my guys didn’t recognise him.

I sat in the chair in front of her. “Becca I need to apologise to you.” I said. She looks at me in confusion. “ I believe the man who did this to you is a guy who owns a rival club. He has been trying to get me shut down for years. He has even been banned from coming in here.” I told her. “ Well that would explain why when I told him I was a member he was so institant to come here. I didn’t know.” Becca said. “ All my guys know what he looks like but he got past them. Would you be willing to give a description to Melonie and I need your permission to look at the footage from the room. Only of you entering and leaving.” I ask. “ Yes, of course. Anything to help.” Becca said. Good we need updated information on this asshole.

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