Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 55


“ Becca I can’t take away what happened to you tonight. I will make him pay for what he did. This is supposed to be a safe place. If you want to withdrawal your membership I’ll understand. And I will give you a full refund for the year you have paid.” Becca places her hand on mine “ No. I’m not withdrawing.I have been coming here for years and never had a problem. I actually brought the problem in. This is a safe place. That's why I chose it. That distress word saved me. Not many places have that. I’m going to be a little more careful in the future. Play with Doms I know. But I’m not going anywhere.” Becca says with a smile. I’m grateful that normally she does feel safe here. And doesn’t want to leave. Not that I’m worried about losing the money. I can make more. But if the people who join don’t feel safe or get hurt it isn’t worth being open. I smile at her “ I’m glad to hear that. But I would like to offer you something. How about your next year on me.”

Becca laughs. After all she has been through she laughs. “ Add a fifty dollar bar tab on my next visit and you have a deal.” There is no way I was going to deny her that. “ You have a deal. I’m going to leave Melonie with you so you can tell us what this guy looks like. And when you are ready she will walk you out just to be safe. If you ever need anything in the future, find any of my guards or we.” I told her. “ Thank you, Brick. For how you run this place and how your staff has treated me.” Becca says. “ That’s what we do. Stay safe.” I left her to go out and talk to my guys. I see Fred, Jerry, and Vince waiting for me. “ Vince check the footage going in and out of the room. The client gave permission. I want a good picture of this guy. She is also giving Melonie a description. It was Trenton. He used her to get in and changed his appearance. He beat her up so she would not feel safe. He wanted her to spread the word out. I want him found. I’ll get my brother’s in on this as well because he threatened to burn this place down.”

“ On it, Boss.” Vince says and leaves to get to work. “ Fred, we can’t make up for what happened to Becca but we are going to try. Her next year is on us and her next visit and give her a fifty dollar bar tab on me.” Fred types away on his tablet making sure my order gets done. “ Jerry, when she is ready I want you and Melonie to escort Becca out and don’t leave until she is secure in her car.” I told him. “ You got it, boss.” Jerry said. I run my hand down my face. Man, I'm getting tired. “ There is nothing more that we can do tonight. I’m going to head out. Call me if you need me.”

Thirty minutes later I pull up at Speed’s house. I see the tv flickering and hope that Gretchen didn’t let our girl stay up. Speed needed rest. I walk in and lock the door behind me. I look in the living room and see Matt and Ratchet curled up on the couch watching tv. Matt looks up at me “ Tell Ratchet I said good night.” He nods and I go upstairs. I get to Speed’s room and I like the sight I see. Speed is asleep with her arm draped over Gretchen. I quietly take off my kutte and place it on the dresser. I get my boots off then strip down to my boxers. I carefully so I don’t disturb them by crawling into bed with them. I lay my arm over Speed’s hip and get comfortable. After a minute I feel movement and notice Speed has scooted closer to be but still hanging on to Gretchen. “ Did you just get in?” Gretchen whispers. “ Yea. How was your night. Speed do ok after I left?” I ask because I want to our girl was taken care of and not majorly upset by my leaving.

“ Yes. I did everything you told me and added a few things of my own. She asked if you were coming back and I made sure she knew you were. I asked her if she wanted to talk about what happened but she didn’t. I didn’t feel right about pushing her so we talked about racing. Brick her whole light up like a kid on christmas morning talking about it.” Gretchen says. I have to hold my laughter in. “ I know. Wait till you see her on the track. The world lights up from her smile. You did good, Gretchen taking care of her.” I told her. Gretchen clears her throat. “ Brick, I don’t want to over step. Or undermine what you are doing. But I was thinking. Speed might need a little more help than we can give. A professional.” “ You mean, therapy.” I ask. “ Yea. With us helping and going to therapy I think she can finally deal with what happened to her. I don’t think she ever had time to do it before.” I think for a second and Gretchen is right. We can help her only so much. She may need more than we can give. If it will help I will do anything. “ I’ll do some checking. And we can talk to Merigold to see the best way to bring it up to Speed.” I told her. “ Thanks for understanding. Goodnight.” Gretchen says. I reach over and squeeze Gretchen’s hand “ No need to thank me. We are a team in this. Get some rest.” I kiss Speed on the top over her head and inhaled her scent before I close my eyes.

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