Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 57


We are standing just outside the bay to give them some privacy although I wasn’t sure what they needed it for. The bay echos so we can hear Alaric say what I can only describe as an odd prayer so I’m guessing this is part of their pre race ritual. At the very end I’m having a hard time keeping a straight face when they all yell. I see Viper and Thor having the same problem. After they are done Merigold and the twins leave to go to the stands. I back out of the way to let Speed and Ratchet do what they need to do but still keeping an eye on things. The other racers have started to show up and are getting rowdy but Speed is completely focused. Ratchet moves the car to the pit area with Speed sitting on the hood, her legs hanging over the side. She has her suit on up to her waist and her helmet by her side. I have know clue why that looks hot but damn if I don’t get hard in an instant.

Speed stays on the hood while Ratchet and the others move around doing only what they know they are doing. I see one of the other drivers go up to Speed. “ When Jason told me there was going to be some chick racing I thought he was joking. Are you in the wrong place, sweetheart? This is just for tough guys. Not some little girl who wants to play with the big boys.” the asshole says. I’m getting pissed. Noone calls Speed little girl but me. I move closer to stop trouble before it starts. If this jackass thinks he can mess with my girl he has another thing coming. Speed just smirks at the guy “ I’m where I’m supposed to be. But if you think I’m wrong you won’t be scared that I’ll beat you.” The guy laughs “ I’m the best here. There is no way you can beat me. I own this track.” “” We will see.” Speed says with confidence I’m sure she has earned. The guy didn’t even get her flustered. It makes me proud to see.

Seeing he isn’t getting the reaction he wanted he walks off in a huff. Speed laughs and leans back on her hands racing her head to the sky soaking up the sun. Fuck she looks beautiful. I snap a picture and send it to Gretchen whoi I know is in the stands with Merigold. Gretchen answers back “ Fuck she looks stunning.” I can’t help but agree. There are no more problems after that guy leaves. The other racers give curious glances but nothing more. Like Speed isn’t worth their time. Before I know it the racers are being called to take their positions. This is the moment I have been looking forward to and nervous about at the same time but I refuse to let it show.

When Speed hits the track I go to stand with Ratchet at the computer so I can hear what is going on. Speed is in fifth position out of eight drivers. I put my ear plugs in just before the drivers start their engines. Even with the plugs in it sounds like a jet is about to take off. The drivers take off slowly at first zig zagging up and down the track for one lap. One the second lap the green flag drops and all hell breaks loose. All the drivers take off at top speed. But not my girl and I’m wondering what is going on. She is keeping up with most of the drivers but not passing them. She does this for three laps. I look at Ratchet hoping he will explain. “ She is watching the other drivers' patterns. And fucking with them. Just wait one more lap.” I nod because I have no choice but to trust him.

Half way through the next lap Speed makes her move and passes two cars like it was child’s play. I see the yellow flag drop and know the cars are coming into the pit. Speed comes flying in and the guys get to work. David adds gas. Jesse checks the tires. Ricki checks her windshield and cleans it. And Ratchet talks to Speed. All of this takes less than twenty seconds before Speed takes off again. It was very impressive and I can see my other brothers are shocked by how fast that went. The green drops again and Speed makes another lap keeping her third place. I see her make a move to the outside on a turn and her makes it into second position behind the jerk who came up to her in the pit.

The next lap she tries to go high to get around him but he blocks her. She goes low but gets blocked again. We are down to two laps and she tries to go high again. This time her tail end is bumped by the guy in third place. I’m on edge watching this. I feel like I’m going to snap. My nerves are shot as I see Speed spin a little before she gets it under control. I can hear Speed shout through the speakers “ It’s time me and Frank show these guys you don’t mess with this country girl.” It’s the last lap, they are halfway around the track and Speed goes high. The other driver goes high again to block her but suddenly Speed drops low and passes the high earning her first place spot. I shout “ Yes, that my girl.” Not caring if anyone can hear me. The guy speeds up and rams her but Speed never loses control. Speed blocks his every move to pass. They are just about to the finish line when he tries to pass again but misses slamming into Speed’s side causing her to fishtail.

I’m about to freak out when I hear Speed shout “ You don’t mess with this girl asshole.” She must have floored it as she gains control hitting the finish line just as the checkered flag dropped. Holy shit. Speed won. Speed drives over to get the flag to make a victory lap while the other cars come into the pit. She makes her lap and comes into the pit herself. Ratchet races over to help her out of the car. She sits on the roof raising the flag in the air. “ And that boys is the way country girls do it.” I don’t know why I look up to the stands but I do. And I’m not disappointed. My brothers, all the ol’e ladies, the rest of the guys from the shop, and some of Casper’s crew are cheering for Speed. I swear I can feel the pride flowing from here. I pull my ear plugs out so I can hear everyone better. Viper has pulled Speed off the roof and is spinning her around. He set Speed on her feet and said “ That is the coolest and scariest shit I have ever seen.” Speed just laughs “ All in a day's work.”

Jason comes over with the other drivers behind him “ I have never in my life like to be proven wrong. Speed, you have some serious driving skills. It is my honor to present you with this first place trophy.``He hands her an envelope “ And the prize money. Speed shakes his hand, thanks him, then raises the trophy in the air. The other drivers came over and congratulated Speed. I didn’t like these guys around Speed but held back my growl. The last driver is the ass from before. He shakes his head “ I can’t believe I got beaten by a girl. But you handed me my ass. That was some impressive driving.” He shakes her hand “ Never underestimate a girl.” Speed says. The guy laughs “ Trust me I won’t. Not again.” When he leaves Viper comes over “ Let’s help our champion pack up. We have some celebrating to do.” And I have some calming down to do. Seeing Speed spin like that I swear I lost a year off my life. I have never been that scared in my life and I have been in gun fights. I need my head clear to help my girl celebrate her well earned victory. And have her in my arms for the rest of the night.

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