Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 59


I know I surprised Grecthen but it was so worth it. That kiss we shared before she had to go back to work was incredible. Everytime we kiss it gets better and better. Hell everything just keeps getting better and I’m loving it. I can feel myself starting to care for Brick and Gretchen. But something at the back of my head is nagging me. I feel like something is going to happen. I just don’t know what. I decided I’m going to ignore it for now. I have Gretchen and Brick. I won my first race and I’m here to party to celebrate my victory. I wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of that.

I had been at the party for about two hours. Chatting with the brothers.Explaining what it felt like inside the car when it fishtailed. Well the best I could anyway. You could never try to explain it was something you have to experience yourself so I offered to take anyone who wanted a ride on a clear track. At first the only takers were Tank and Rowdy. Axel was worried it would upset Merigold. But Merigold just laughed away his concerns saying that she trusted me and had even been in the car with me herself. After that Axel and Thor wanted a ride as well. I will have to set it up and make a day of it. It was going to be a lot of fun and not just for me but for the guys. They are going to experience what I feel everytime I get behind the wheel of Frank. I like seeing the look on the people’s faces that I take for rides. Huh, maybe I should see if Gretchen wants to go for a ride. It may help her overcome some of her anxiety she has about me racing. I’ll have to ask her tonight when she comes over.

I’m standing close to the door that leads to the backyard chatting with Merigold and Lug Nut when three guys I have never seen before come back. They were wearing kuttes like the guys here but they looked a little different but I couldn’t tell for sure without getting a closer look. Another thing that stood out was these guys were hot as hell. Like panty melting hot but still not as hot as Brick but damn close. They are tall like the brothers of the Renegades. The shortest one had to be at least five foot eleven the tallest had to be six foot six. And had a powerful don’t fuck with me arua. Who are these guys? Merigold squeals at my side “ Casper, it is about time you got here. I was wondering if you forgot about me.” And in that one sentence the gruff dangerous looking guys changed to smiling goof balls. The one in front came over to us followed by the other two. He took Merigold’s hand and kissed the top. “ You very well know we could come for a visit and forget you, my Princess.” Now I’m used to Merigold being shown a high level of respect around here but to see someone doing it and using her princess title is weird. Merigold throws her arms around him the best she can and laughs “ Casper, always the charmer. How have you been?” He hugs her back then pulls back “ We have been good. Just a couple things have come up. Nothing we can’t handle.”

Merigold turns serious “ Have you talked to Viper about it?” “ Yes, Princess, we just got done talking. It’s been handled. I just needed to give him an update.” The guy I’m assuming is Casper assured her. Merigold nods her head “ Good. So business is done?” “ Yes,” he says. “Then I want you guys to meet my very best friend.” Merigold says. She turns to me and points to the guy in front “ Casper meet Speed.” “ Speed, this Casper. He is the Prez of one of our sister clubs. The Red Devils. To the right side of him is his Road Captain Vice. To the left is his VP Ice. “ Merigold says. “ It is nice to meet you guys.” I say holding my hand out to them. Caper shakes my hand first “ No the pleasure is all ours. We saw you in action today. I was impressed and that isn’t easily done.” I smile as I shake the other guy's hands. “ Sweet talking and eye candy. I’m liking it.” Merigold gasps “ Speed.” I look at her confused. “ What? You have heard me say worse and when have you ever known me to hold my tongue.” She huffs “ Damn it.”

Casper and his crew laughed at our antics. Anyone who didn’t know us would think Merigold is truly mad about what I said, but she isn’t. When we collect ourselves Ice asks Merigold “ Have you seen Gretchen around? I could use some of her personal attention.” Personal attention? Does he want her to bring him drinks all night? “ Gretchen?” asks Merigold. Vice smiles “ Come on Princess, you know she is the only bunny I use while I’m visiting.” All of the sudden I can’t breathe. The ice wall around my heart that was thawing just built back up and reinforced. A bunny. Gretchen was a fucking club bunny. A whore. And Brick knew this. He has probably used her a few times himself and neither one of them told me. I was played for a fool. This is what happens when you let people get close to you. They screw you over and you get hurt. Fuck them.

I put on the best smile that I can. I am determined to not let those lying assholes ruin my night. “ I thought I saw her inside getting some ice. You might want to check there.” I say to Ice. He just nods and walks away. I need a drink and a distraction. I look up at Casper “ So big sexy. Feel like keeping a lady company and having a drink with me.” Casper smiles, “ It would be my pleasure.” I hook my hand into the bend of his elbow and lead him away to the bar set up they have out here. Before we get too far Merigold calls out “ Speed, you ok?” I don’t know why she is asking. Maybe she saw the drop in my mood but she couldn’t know the reason behind it. “ Why wouldn’t I be? I won tonight. I have a hot man on my arm. And the night is young. I couldn’t be better.” She doesn’t look convinced but I don’t care.

Casper and I have been chatting for about an hour. We talked about his club. We talked about my racing. We talked about family. I learned he has a little sister that lives here in town. If it wasn’t for recent events I could even see myself sleeping with him. He is attractive, funny, charming and I get the feeling he knows how to please a woman. And most important no attachments. But I just can’t do it. Casper gets called away by some of the brothers and excuses himself. I need to get out of here. I need to get drunk with no judgement and I can’t do that here. For one I’m driving. Two Merigold would ask too many questions and I’m not in the mood. I have said my goodbyes and I just walked by the bar inside when Gretchen called out. I just walk past her and go outside but Gretchen catches up with me. “ Hey baby. I have another hour here then I will see you at home.” Is she fucking kidding me right now? Come over to my place. I don’t think so. I turn to make sure she can see me clearly “ Don’t you have brothers to service?” “ What do you mean?” Gretchen asks like she doesn’t know what I’m talking about.

“ Isn’t that what you do at these parties? Bunnies are here to take care of these guys' needs. So you should stay here. After all, you are one of them.” I all but yelled. Gretchen gasped “ You found out. I didn't mean for this to happen. I can.” “ Shut up. Yes, I found out. Ice is looking for you. You are his favorite afterall. I don’t want to hear another word that comes out of your nasty mouth. I do want you to answer one question.” I say. “ Anything. I’ll tell you anything you want.” Gretchen says urgently. Probably hoping to get me to hear her out. Or her side of the story. “ When you signed up to be a bunny did you know everything about it going in? That you were going have to fuck and blow random guys.” I ask. I have to know if she knew all the details or was fooled. “ I knew.” she whispered. I feel like I’m going to puke. Gretchen goes to touch my arm but I yank it away. “ Don’t ever touch me again. You disgust me. You played me. Both you and Brick are the most vile people I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. You both make me sick. You are nothing but a cheap whore. You sold yourself to multiple men day in and day out and for what. Someone to take care of you. And I’m just another part. Someone for you to take care of. Right. It was just some sick game you and Brick played.” I yelled.

I turn to leave “ Kelley, please. That wasn't it I promise. Just listen to me. We can talk this out. You, me and Brick.” Gretchen cries. On any other day her cries would hurt but not today. “ Don’t ever call me that again. Don’t call me. Don’t come near me or I will do worse to you than Merigold ever could and I won’t show an inch of mercy. Make sure to tell Brick as well. If he comes near me I will make sure he knows what pain is. I may not be able to beat him but I do know Alaric, Mac, and my other brothers. My true family will make him pray for death. I would run you over with Frank but I don’t want you to corrode him with you grossness.” I leave her there crying but I don’t care. It is time for me to get drunk and turn off my feelings for the rest of the night.

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