Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 60


The party was going great. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I was looking for my girl. I saw her go outside and Gretchen had followed Speed out. I figured I would sit at the bar and have a beer while I waited for them to come back in. After five minutes I wasn’t worried and sipped on my beer. But after ten minutes my gut started bugging me telling me something was wrong. I finished my beer and was about to go outside to check on the girls when Gretchen came in. Alone. Her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying. She looked pale and miserable even though she was trying to smile. I knew something was wrong. I have never seen Gretchen cry.

I followed her as she walked down the hallway to the bathroom. Once she was inside she went over to the sink and washed her face. I closed the door and locked it so we wouldn't be disturbed. I needed to find out what had her so unhappy. Before I could ask what was wrong Gretchen cried “ She found out Brick. Kelley found out by accident that I was a bunny.” Gretchen lets out a sarcastic laugh “ Well, she thinks I’m still a bunny.” I pull Grethen in my arms and hug her. I rub her back. “ It will be alright. We will talk to Speed and explain. I’m sure she will understand.” I told her. Gretchen shakes her head rapidly on my chest. “ No she won’t. I tried talking to her. You didn’t hear the horrible things she called me. And you. She thinks we worked together to deceive her.” I continue to hold Gretchen while she cries. “ I’m sorry Kelley hurt you. She was probably just lashing out from being hurt. We will give her some time to cool off. And we will talk to Merigold and get her to help us.”

Gretchen pulls away and looks up at me. “ Brick Kelley told me to tell you she never wants us to go near her. If you do, she will make sure Alaric and his crew torure you until you wish for death. If I go near her or try to contact her she will hurt me worse than anything Merigold could ever do. And if we get Merigold involved Kelley will find out Merigold knew about us and me and never said anything to her. She will feel even more betrayed.” Damn Gretchen is right. If we bring Merigold in to help convince Speed we never meant to hurt she will know not only did Merigold know about us being together before Speed was ready. But Speed will know that Merigold knew about Gretchen being a bunny and never told her. And that would ruin a life long friendship. And I definitely don’t want that. It would crush my princess. “ We at least need to warn Merigold. Maybe she has some advice.” I say.

I help Gretchen wipe her face up and we go in search of Merigold. Luckily it doesn’t take long to find her. She is chatting with Ice and Vice. “ Princess, may we speak to you for a minute. It is important.” I hope she understands from my tone that it is urgent and personal. Ice says “ Gretchen, I have been looking for you.” Merigold shakes her head “ Ice, I’m guessing Viper hasn’t talked to you like he should have. Gretchen is no longer a bunny. I should have told you earlier but I got sidetracked.” Then Merigold turns to me and Gretchen “ I know what you want to talk about. I was standing next to her when she found out. Why didn’t you tell her even though you stopped? She was so caught off guard and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. I had to watch my best friend pretend she wasn’t devastated.” Gretchen wipes her eyes. “ I was going to tell her. I tried so many times. I just couldn’t get it out. I guess part of me was hoping she would never find out.” “ Well, she did, in the most horrible way possible. At least if you had told her up front she would have had time to process it. Now she also feels like she was lied to. And made a fool of.” Merigold says.

“ Merigold I know we fucked up. But we need to know how to fix it.” I say. Standing around playing the blame game isn’t going to solve anything. We need to find a way to get Speed to forgive us. “ First I need to talk to Viper sso this never happens again. Next we need to talk to Ratchet to see if he has heard from Speed. Then we are going to give her a day to cool down. And you both better hope she hasn’t called Alaric yet. But I feel like that would be her absolute last step because Speed would have to admit a few things she isn’t ready to do.” I’m going to let Merigold take the lead even though it goes against everything that I am. Part of me hates to admit it but Merigold knows Speed much better than Gretchen and I do.

We go find Viper first. Merigold stands in front of Viper looking pissed as hell. The bunny that is sitting on his lap scurries away in fear and Merigold hasn’t said a word. “ Merigold, is there a problem?” Viper asks. “ Yes, there is. Did you forget to tell Casper and his boys that Gretchen is off limits?” Merigold asks even though she knows the answer. She just wants him to admit it.” Yes, I forgot to tell them. What is the big deal?” he asks. “ The big deal is you did do what you promised. The big deal is someone very important to Gretchen found out before she could warn them. And that person now thinks Gretchen is a good for nothing whore who played with their feelings.” I see Gretchen cringe and slide closer to me. I’m guessing what Merigold said is close to what Speed called her. Although Merigold could have probably worded it better she got her point across. Viper looks at Gretchen “ I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. I should have told them before they came out here. I didn’t think Ice would ask about you.” You are probably wondering how Viper knew who the person was that outed Gretchen. It is common knowledge among us the Gretchen is Ice’s favorite when he visits so Viper should have said something when he was meeting with them.

“ Wait. You mean to tell me the person you were dating was here? And I didn’t know?” Viper asks. Poor Gretchen doesn’t know how to answer him without outing Speed or letting down her Prez.I don’t blame her we are both between a rock and a hard place. Merigold comes to the rescue. “ Ethan, the person has been hanging around the club for a while now. But none of us could say anything. They weren’t ready. But I’m going to tell you. After you swear to me as your sister you won’t say a word to anyone. Please big brother, it is important.” I don’t know if this is a good idea but at least Viper will understand why we haven’t said anything. He looks at Merigold and can see how serious she is. “ I swear. On my honor not to say a word.” Viper says.

Before Merigold could say anything Gretchen spoke up. “ It was Speed. I have been dating Speed. But there are things going on that have been keeping her from letting it be known. One part was that she wasn’t ready.” Viper looks shocked. Then he looks at me for some reason. “ Brick I thought you had something going on with Speed. I have seen the way you look at her.” Viper is clearly confused. I place my hand on Gretchen’s shoulder when I answer Viper “ I have also been dating Speed. We both have.” I will not hide away from my Prez. If he doesn’t like what we have going he can kiss my ass. He has no right to judge my relationship. Viper shakes his head. “ I don’t fully understand. Nor do I need to. I’m sorry Speed found out the way she did. Is there anything I can do to help you guys fix this?” Viper asks. Merigold shakes her head “ Right now no. What is done is done. The only thing you can do for now is make sure you make sure word get out about Gretchen. Hold to your promise to me. And when the time comes be supportive of your brother, Gretchen and Speed.”

“ Of course you have my full support. It isn’t my job to tell you who you can love.” Viper says. He hugs Gretchen and shakes my hand congratulating us. Merigold looks at us and says “ I know this isn’t what you want to hear. But for tonight at least leave her alone. Give her some space. Tomorrow try calling her but do not go over and see her. Not yet. I’ll talk to Ratchet and make sure he keeps an eye on her. I’ll help you but you have to do what I say.” She is right I don’t like it but I will do what she asks so she will help us get our girl back. I’ll give Speed some space. Grecthen looks up at me, I nod and wrap my arms around her for comfort. We have to be there for each other to get through this.

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