Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 64


After the fight I had with Merigold Ratchet and I packed our things into our trailer. We locked up and left to find a motel close by. I wasn’t sure what our next move would be but I needed time to recover and to think. Ratchet wasn’t happy with me after I explained what happened between Merigold and me. To be honest I wasn’t happy with myself. But I knew I couldn’t stay in this house anymore. It wasn’t my home. When we found a hotel Ratchet and I ordered some food but ate in silence. He was made and I just didn’t know what to say. After we ate I settled into bed to rest. Ratchet decided to stay at Matt’s house for the night. I didn’t try to protest. He was eighteen now and needed his own life. He didn’t need to be burdened with my mistakes.

I woke up the next morning alone. And for the first time in my life I didn’t like that feeling. I just didn’t know what to do with it. And to make it worse was that I hurt all over. Not just physically but mentally as well. My heart felt like it was shattered. Not just from Gretchen and Brick but the fight I had with Merigold. I get up and take my medication with some water and grab a shower. I’m hoping the hot water will ease my body while my mind helps me figure my next steps. There are so many things I need to do. I know I can’t leave town and go home. Not yet at least. I let the water run down my body and make a list of all the things I need to do. The first thing I need to do is reach out to Merigold and try to fix what I broke. I lashed out at the last person in the world I should hurt. I was angry, yes. But I took it way too far. I should never have said what I did. I palm my face in disgust. I can’t believe I brought Jace into our fight. That was the lowest of the low. I am a horrible person. I need to fix this asap. I won’t be able to move on if I don’t.

By the time I get dressed I have a plan in place. I just hoped beyond hope it worked. I could deal with the rest of my uncertain life as long as I hadn’t lost the second most important person in my life. And she is only second because Ratchet will always be first. I wasn’t sure if Merigold would answer a call from me so I convinced Ratchet to make sure she was home. And he only did it after I promised to apologize to Merigold and make up with her. He didn’t care how much ass I had to kiss, I needed to fix this. His words not mine but you get the point. Once he told me she was at home and would be for a while, I ran out to the trailer and grabbed my bike. My first stop was the store. Thankfully I had straps on my bike because I was going to need them.

Once I get everything I need and strap it to my bike I head straight to Merigold’s house.The whole fifteen minute drive over I rehearse in my head everything I want to say. I will stand there while she screams and calls me names. I won’t even try to block her if she wants to punch me. I will take everything she wants to dish out because I was in the wrong, not her. I pull up in her driveway and I’m sweating bullets. If it is from nerves or the fever I’m not sure. Probably both. You may be wondering why I didn’t wait until I was better to try to make up with Merigold. The answer is simple. No matter how sick I am, this can’t wait. I know I’m not contagious so there is no chance of getting Merigold or the kids sick. If there was a chance of that I wouldn’t be here.

It is now or never. Time to face my wrongs and make them right. I get off my bike and gather the things I brought. With my arms stuffed I walk up on the porch. Knocking is difficult so I stretch a finger and ring the doorbell. Now to wait. And it was the most nauseating two minutes of my life. Finally Rowdy opens the door. “ You have a lot of balls showing up here.” He yells pissed as hell. And he has a right to be. I hurt his wife. “ I know. I fucked up. I just need one chance to try and fix it. I just need a few minutes to talk to Merigold. Afterwards I will never show my face around here again if that is what she wants.” I tell him with all of the honesty in my heart. Rowdy signs “ I don’t know what happened between you two. She won’t say anything other than you two had a fight and moved out but I know she is hurt. I’ll let you in because I know how important you two are to each other. But you hurt her again and I don’t care if you are a girl I will throw your ass out.”

Rowdy steps aside to let me in. I walk past him a little ways and stop. I turn to him and ask “ Where can I find her so I can grovel?” I say govel because that is what I’m prepared to do. “ In the backyard. Let me bring the kids in so you guys can talk.” Rowdy says. He walks the sliding glass door just as a very pissed off Axel comes walking in. “ Why is she here?” he asks Rowdy. “ To talk.” Rowdy answers. “ I don’t fucking this so. She hurt our baby girl.” Axel says. I want to tell him to shut his mouth and let me by but I won’t. He is being a good husband and protecting his wife. Even if it is from me. “ Axel, man. I know. But we have to let them try to talk it out. If she pisses our girl off again I will let you throw her out. They have too much history to let a fight mess that up.” Rowdy says. Axel looks at me “ Please, let me try Axel.” He takes in my face and eyes. I guess he can see my sincerity because he says “ One chance.” Then he calls the kids in. As much as I want to spend time with my nieces and nephews I have to earn that right back by making up with their mom. “ Come on kids. Let’s get you guys a snack while aunty Speed and mommy talk.” The kids don’t question, they just follow their dads to the kitchen.

I go to the door and prepare myself before walking through. I see Merigold sitting in one of the wooden porch chairs facing the yard. She doesn’t turn around to look at me but says “ If you have come here to yell some more you turn around and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.” Yep, Merigold is still hurt. Not that I expected to be over it. We rarely fight and yesterday was the worst of all of them. “ What.” I stop to clear my throat. Come on Speed. You have to fix this. It isn’t time for you to be emotional. “ What if I came to grovel and beg for forgiveness?” I ask. Merigold whips her head around so fast I thought I heard her neck pop. Judging by the way she put her hand on her neck it did. Merigold looks at my face then moves down to my arms. “ Kelley, never in your life have you ever begged. You said it was beneath you.” Merigold says. I nod “ In most circumstances it is true. I don’t beg. But you also know that I will be the first to admit when I’m wrong. And in this case I was the wrongest person on the planet. The galaxy. And I will beg and grovel to prove that to you.”

Merigold nods and I take that as my opening. I go stand in front of her then get on my knees. Over dramatic? Maybe. But I will not throw away a friendship that started in grade school and has stood the test of time as well as heart break because I took my anger out on the wrong person. Even Merigold is shocked by my action. I place the things I brought on the porch at her feet. I place my hands together like I’m praying and make sure I look Merigold in the eyes. “ Merigold Raider McGee. I, Kelley Michelle Rodregez, am on my knees begging you to forgive me for lashing out. I said some horrible things in a fit of anger and confusion. I was scared. I still am. But that was no excuse. Jax isn’t ashamed of you. If anything Jaxson and Jace and finding ways to haunt me for my actions. I’m a grown woman who is in charge of her own decisions. It is not your job to tell me if I am doing wrong. It isn’t your job to tell me other people's secrets. I need to put my big girl boots on and own up to my mistakes. I should have never put the blame on you.”

I shift a little because these wooden boards are killing my knees but I won't get up until Merigold forgives me. I take a deep breath and end up coughing. I turn my head so I don’t couch in Merigold’s face but still I don’t move. After a full minute I’m able to breathe again and I continue. “ Instead of lashing out. I should have talked to you. You didn’t turn your back on us. I think I was the one who turned my back on you. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get you to give me a chance to repair our friendship.” I reach into my back pocket to retrieve the paper I brought to show Merigold how serious I am. “ I’m prepared to sign over complete ownership of Frankenstien as well as the other things I have brought to prove how much I want to fix this. And I will stay on my knees as long as it takes for you to give me another chance. I humbly promise to never lash out at you for my bad choices.”

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