Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 67


I was in the kitchen helping Anna out with this week's grocery list. I was in the pantry writing down everything we needed to replace so Anna could go to the box store in the next town. As I add fruit snacks and juice boxes to the list I can’t stop the smiles that came across my face. I have been at the club for four years now and when I first got here I would have never thought we would have sippy cups in the kitchen cabinets. Or ten pound bags of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets in the freezer. Or a special shelf in the fridge just for the kids. We even have children’s ibuprofen and cartoon band aids in the med room now. Electrical sockets now have safety covers. Last year they even took down the stripper pole we kept in the corner when little Kadance fell and smacked her head on it, giving her a little cut and a goose egg on her forehead. Poor thing cried and Ace lost his shit. He picked Kadance up and rushed her to the med room shouting he wanted that thing removed. I was shocked and so were several brothers. Ace loved watching the bunnies dance around that pole.

When Ace came out of the med room a few minutes later with a happy baby who had a new princess band aid on her head and saw the pole was still there he yelled “ Why is that thing still here? I told you to get rid of it.” “ Ace, man. You love that thing. I wasn’t sure you were serious.” Goof said. Before Ace could yell some more Kadance pointed to the pole and said “ Ouchy.” Ace cuddled her close and kissed her forehead. “ Don’t worry baby. Uncle Ace is going to make sure it never hurts you again.” And just like that it was gone because it hurt one of the kids. It is amazing all the changes the club has gone through over the years. But you know what I don’t miss the old days. The club seems happier now. Closer in some ways. Don’t get me wrong these guys still party hard. They still get rowdy and drunk. Fuck who they want out in the open without a care. They just make sure the kids aren’t exposed to any of it. I thought Ace would have regretted getting rid of that pole but he never has.

Thinking about that pole I picture Speed sitting in front of it relaxed in a chair after a race or long day. Brick rubbing her shoulders while I dance for her and only her. Just before we went upstairs to make love to Speed all night. Speed, fuck I miss her. These two weeks have been hell. I don’t think I would have gotten through it with Brick and Merigold’s daily updates. Brick has been by my side as often as he could. We have become closer than before. We were both grieving Speed’s absence and it brought us together even more. We comforted each other. We have more than a friendship but not a romantic relationship. I’m not sure what you would call us. And honestly I don’t care if there is a name for it.

I’m pulled from my thoughts when I hear my phone ring ‘ Sweet Home Alabama’. My ringtone for Merigold. I drop my clipboard and yank my phone out of my pocket. I look at Anna and tell her I’m going out back to answer it. I press the green button to accept it and press it to my ear as I walk out back. “ Merigold, what's going on? Is Speed ok? She isn’t sick again, is she? Did she get hurt?” I spout out questions not giving Merigold a chance to answer one before I move on to the next. Merigold laughs. What the hell? Can’t she tell I’m worried here? “ Gretchen, calm down. Speed is fine. More than fine. She just had her first therapy session.” Merigold says. I flop down on one of the benches and breathe out a sigh of relief. “ So she is ok? She actually went.” When Merigold told us she was helping get Speed set up in therapy we were all concerned she would go. Speed is hard headed and I was pretty sure she wasn’t going to go. “ Yes, she went. And I think it went well. She didn’t tell me everything but she did look a little lighter when she came out. And she was smiling. She even set up her next two appointments.”

I laugh and wipe a tear from the corner of my eye. “ That’s great. I’m so proud of her.” I say. “ I know you are. That is one reason I called. The other reason is I wanted to make sure you and Brick are ready for next weekend.” Merigold says. Speed is racing again that weekend. “ Yes we are. I will be in the stands with you. Brick will be in the pit working security.” I told her. “ That’s good. But I was talking more about the party.” Merigold says. “ What do you mean?” I ask. Merigold explains for the next thirty minutes what she means and what I need to talk to Brick about. “ Come hell or highwater we will be ready. It is time to start getting our girl back.” I tell her before we hang up. I stay sitting on the bench for a while and think about what Merigold told me and begin to get ideas that I need to talk to Brick about.

That is where Brick finds me. He sits on the bench next to me and pulls me close, rubbing my back. “ Why are you smiling and crying at the same time? What happened? Who do I have to hurt?” I snuggle into him and laugh. “ Noone, Brick. Believe it or not these are happy tears.” I told him. “ I’m glad you aren’t crying but I need you to explain.” Brick says. I tell him about Merigold’s call and how Speed went to therapy and how she is going to keep going. Then I tell him about the next part of the call. “ Merigold said that Speed will be at the after party and that we needed to be ready. She is sure Speed will talk to us. And may be ready to let us explain what happened. But we let Speed take the lead on that part. But Merigold stressed that Speed needs for us to prove how serious we are about her. Speed feels like we kept me being a bunny from her because it was just a fling so it wasn’t important.”

He thinks about it for a second “ I can see her point. We were both wrong and will admit that.” I nod against his chest and pull back to look at him. “ Brick I have a few more ideas I want to run by you. We don’t need to do them immediately but I think we should think in that direction.” Brick lays his arm over my shoulder “ Tell me what you're thinking.” I lay my head on his shoulder. “ One thing is I think we need to find a house. One with enough room for all of us, including Ratchet if he wants. And a special room for you. Space enough to park Speed’s rig. Something permanent you know. If we want to have a serious relationship with Speed we can’t keep coming to the club house, or you club.” I’m getting nervous thinking that maybe I have gone too far. Brick rubs my shoulder “ Hey, calm down. I can feel you tense. You have a good idea. We need somewhere for Speed to call home with us. But we don’t have to look for one.” he says. “ I don’t understand.” I told him.

“ I already have a house. I just rarely use it. Since it is just me it is easier for me to crash here or at my other club instead of going there by myself.” He turns on the bench to look at me. “ I’ll take you over this week so you can have a look at it. If you think we need to change a few things we can. If you think it will work we can get it ready for all of us.” I beam at him “ Really. Do you think it will be big enough?” Since I don’t know what it looks like but since he brought it up I’m guessing it might be. He laughs “ Yes, it is five bedrooms. The master bedroom is big enough for the three of us to share. And you can even have your own room to have your own space. I even have a special basement.” “ Wow, Brick, this is wonderful. We could make a home for Speed.” He nods “ Now tell me your other ideas.”

“ You are going to mark Speed. So I was thinking I would get a mark as well. Have Merigold draw it up. I would want it to be similar to the one she gets but it would say I belong to her.” I said. “ I think Speed would like that. I think Speed would like your name on her mark too. We can make sure it is next to mine.” I can’t help it. I bounce up and down getting excited. “ I would love that. Are you ok with it?” Marks are a big deal in the club. It shows everyone that you are claimed by a brother and untouchable. It is more important than a wedding ring. Damn, now I’m thinking about my ring on Speed’s finger. “ I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t ok.” Brick says. I take a deep breath because this one I don’t know if we can make happen. “ The kutte you get for Speed. Is there any way I could have my name on it somewhere? Even if it is in small letters. I know I’m not a member. And Speed won’t officially be my ol’e lady even though she will be.” “ That one I can’t give you an answer on yet. It has never been done before but that is because no one has been in this situation before. Let me talk to Viper about it. There are things in this club that have changed so I don’t know why this would be any different. Hell, I know Casper’s club has two women who have patched in so I don’t see why we can’t add your name to Speed’s kutte. It is only right. I’ll talk to Viper and when the time comes I’ll bring it up in church for a vote.” I don’t contain myself. I jump up and hug Brick as hard as I can. “ Thank you. Thank you.” Brick laughs and wraps his arms around me. “ Anything you my girls. I want you both happy.”

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