Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 69


“ Kelley has my whole club should she need it. And even though she may not be ready to hear it. That includes Brick and Gretchen.” I tensed when she said those names.I have tried very hard not to think about those two since the fight. Tried. Did it work? No. Am I mad at them? Yes. Are they always on my mind? Yes. My heart can’t seem to let them go. Maybe this therapy will help me with that as well. After Tim is sure I have plenty of support he leads Merigold back to the waiting room. He sits back down “ Do you want to talk about why you suddenly got tense and quiet when Merigold mentioned those names? Brick and Gretchen.” I stay silent for a minute thinking about if I really want to talk about this. But I’m here to get better. “ I was in a relationship with both of them. Well, I was sleeping with them.” I hold my hands up “ I know it is wrong. And I shouldn’t have done it. I craved something they gave me. So I took it. But it was wrong of me. They wanted more. A full relationship. I can’t do that. It was just a couple of times. But I know it can’t happen again. But they kept pursuing me. And I almost gave in. I was close. But then I found out they were hiding something and it made it easier to push them away. I haven’t seen or talked to either one in weeks. Like it is supposed to be.” I told him.

“ Kelley I’m not sure I understand.” Tim says. So I explain my unnatural attraction to Brick and Gretchen. And everything we did and went through. I explained about Brick being a Dom. I explained that Gretchen was the nurturer. I explained how they both satisfied my cravings. And how they would work together. Making sure he understood I knew it was wrong and I wasn’t going to do it again. “ I just have to avoid them and I’m sure this attraction and urges will go away soon. And maybe you can help me be more normal so I can make sure stuff like that doesn’t happen again. Teach me to resist my cravings.” I asked him. Tim looks at me with his mouth open in shock for a full minute and I’m getting nervous. He is probably is fixing to have me committed or throw me out of his office for being disgusting. Tim shakes his head “ We are going to go over everything you just told me. There is so much wrong with it but not in the way you think.” “ So can you fix me. Help me get rid of my cravings?” I ask with hope that he can make me better.

“ Kelley, I have been doing this a long time. I can tell you with all my training and my heart that there is nothing to fix.” Tim says. I laugh like he is the crazy one. “ Of course there is. I’m broken. It is unnatural. It’s wrong.” Tim looks at me “ Kelley, who told you that what you feel for Brick is wrong? Or what you feel for Gretchen is wrong? Who told you that the way you feel and who you are attracted to is wrong?” My hand goes to my scar again but I don’t say a word. All my life I was told I was broken, disgusting. Each mark on my body was them proving it to me. Getting me to change how I felt. “ I don’t need you to answer. I can see it. Kelley what would you say if I told you that the person who told you that was wrong. Not you.” Tim said. I snap my head up and look at him “ What?” “ Kelley I could show you research and other doctor's findings on the subject but it comes down to this. You aren’t broken. And what you feel is not unnatural or wrong.”

No, that can’t be right. I have to show him. Tim isn't understanding. I jump up from the couch, turn around and pull my shirt up showing Tim my scarred back. “ If I’m not broken then why did they do this to me? Every mark was given so I would remember how wrong I am. How broken. How unnatural. Against how they wanted me to be. If I’m not broken then why did I wake up in a hospital? Why did it take weeks of my friends taking care of me if I’m not broken?” I’m screaming at this point. But Tim doesn’t stop me. “ If I’m not broken then why did they do this to me? If I’m not broken then why did I push away to people that I care about? If I’m not broken how come the marks burn when I think or do something they said was wrong? Why?” I stop yelling and asking questions. I just drop to my knees and cry. I feel Tim place his arm across my shoulder. “ Kelley, you need to listen to me. You are not broken. The people who did this to you are. They are sick people that did this to control you. There is nothing wrong with you. There never was. You didn’t deserve what they did to you.” I just cry harder. Tim says I was never broken. He is a professional so he would know right? “ Then why? If I’m not broken then why did they do this to me? Why do I have ugly scars if I’m not broken?” I whimper.

“ I can’t answer why. But I can help you deal with the trauma and the effects it caused. I can help you see that you're not broken. I can help you get past this so you can have a relationship in the future. Whatever form that takes.” Tim says. And I believe him. And I cry harder. Tim doesn’t make me move, he just lets me get it out. I don’t hear the door open or anyone come in. I was trapped in my own world. I feel an arm wrap around me “ I’m here Kelley. Just let it out.” Merigold says in my ear. I turned to her. I launch myself into her arms and bawl like a baby. “ Tim says I’m not broken. They were. They gave me these scars because they were broken. Not me. I’m not broken. I’m not unnatural.” Merigold held me tight “ No sweety, you were never broken. I never believed that.; And you shouldn’t either. They were broken and tried to break you. Don’t let them win. With Tim’s help I know you will win this, not them.” I cry more while she holds me. Something suddenly dawns on me. I jolted back “ Oh god. I hurt Brick and Gretchen because I thought I was broken. That I was wrong. I said horrible mean things to them. I can never face them again. I pushed them away. But Snow, I cared about them and I thought it was because I was broken. What have I done?”

This has been too much. Not all I can do is cry over the past. Cry over the pain I had to go through. I cry over the future I could have had. I may not have broken before but I think I am now. “ Kelley, I know you trust me. We are going to get you through this. Brick and Gretchen, I promise you that it can be fixed. I know they haven’t given up on you. They will wait as long as it takes. They will wait for you. But one step at a time. Just don’t think it is not fixable. I’ll be with you. Just don’t give up hope.” Merigold and Tim let me cry until there is nothing left in me. Merigold helps me fix my shirt and Time helps me off the floor. I hugged Merigold again “ I’m not broken.” I can’t seem to say that enough. “ Merigold pushes my hair back from my face “ No you are not.” I turn to Tim “ Thank you for letting me have my breakdown. I have to ask. Are you sure I’m not broken?” “ Kelley, I will bet my degree on it. You have never been broken. And as far as your breakdown I call it progress. We still have a way to go but this was a step in the right direction.” I leave there holding Merigold’s hand for support but with a smile on my face.

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