Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 72


Merigold comes over to us after about an hour. We are standing by ourselves near the inside bar. I just refilled the ice and beer. “ You two need to talk to Speed. She is alone in the backyard. She is relaxed sipping on a beer. I think now is a good time. Now go. Go.” Merigold says while she practically pushes us out the door. We find Speed all the way in the back relaxing in a wicker chair. Brick stops me just before we get to her. “ Brick, what’s wrong?” He looks nervous. Brick doesn’t do nervous. Now he is making me nervous. “ We say hi. We chat. We let her set the pace.” he says. “ Brick, we have got this. Let’s just see how it goes.” I told him. We walk over to her and see her head is laid back and her eyes are closed looking very relaxed. I almost don’t want to disturb her but I have to. “ Hey, baby.” Speed’s eyes snap open and look at us but she doesn’t say anything. I hold my breath and clutch my hands waiting. Then she smiles “ Hi.”

Just that and I feel like my world has just gotten brighter. “ Hi, little girl. Can we sit and talk to you for a bit?” “ Hi, Brick. Yea, that will be ok.” Speed says. We don’t waste a minute grabbing the chairs next to her. She has given us an opening. “ Baby, we were hoping we could talk about what happened. About me being a bunny.” I told her. We sat in silence for a few minutes waiting for Speed’s answer. This is Speed’s pace. We can’t rush it. Speed finally answers but not in the way I expected. “ I will hear you out. But in return I ask that you hear me out. There are some things I need to tell you.” Speed says. I want to shout that of course we will hear her out but Brick beats me to it. “ Little girl, yes we will hear you out. We are just happy you are talking to us. Giving us a chance to explain.” Our girl smiles again and says “ How about we just agree we need to talk some things out. But I think you should go first.”

That is fair since she feels like we lied to her. “ Baby, I was a bunny. When I met you and we started seeing each other I backed off almost everything until I got with Viper to quit all together. Viper agreed to me quitting but let me stay on to work with Anna around here. And he put the word out that I was untouchable. Unfortunately Casper and Ice didn’t get the message yet before you met them.” I wait a minute to let her take it in before continuing. “ I wanted to tell you so many times. I just didn’t know how. I tried a few times but it always seemed like the wrong time. Baby, I know I should have tried harder. But I swear I never meant to hurt you. I wasn’t keeping it from you to be mean or to play with your feelings. Some of it was fear and some was just being a coward for not telling you right away.” I laid it all out there for her.

“ I didn’t say anything to you or warn you because I didn’t feel like it was my place to tell you. I was Gretchen’s story not mine. But I didn’t hide it from you to deceive you. It just wasn't for me to tell.” Brick says. Speed looks at both of us and leans forward. “ Gretchen, honey. I do wish you had told me sooner. But I get it. And I have some more questions. And Brick, I get why you didn’t tell me. You're right it wasn’t your place to tell me. I don’t know if I need to forgive you because you didn’t do anything wrong.” Speed says. “ Are you sure baby? And you can ask anything you want.” I say. I have noticed this whole time we have been talking she hasn’t once asked me to stop calling her baby. She even called me honey. I want to squeal like a teenage girl with excitement. She hasn’t used a pet name for me before.

“ You said you backed off? I might regret asking but what do you mean?” Speed asks. I was dreading this question but I will not lie to her. “ I had dropped it down to dancing for the guys. Keeping them company. I gave Ace a few neck rubs. And some hand jobs. I um gave a blowjob or two.” I told her. I was nervous waiting for her to start screaming and name calling. But they didn’t come. “ Gretchen, I don't have a right to judge. I will be honest I’m a little uncomfortable by what you used to do. Can I ask a few more questions? I think it might help me get past it.” Speed asks. “ Sure baby. Anything you want.” “ Why did you stop?” Speed asks. That is an easy answer. “ I stopped for you. I wanted and still want to be with you. It would be wrong of me to continue being a bunny and pursue a relationship with you. I don’t want to share myself with anyone but you.”

“ Wait. You mean to tell me you gave it up to be with me. Knowing I wasn’t a sure thing?” Speed asks. Why is it so hard for her to believe? “ Yes, I did. And I would do it again. For you. I wasn’t going to give up then and I’m not going to give up now.” I say. “ WOW. Just wow. I don’t know what to say. Should I thank you or call you crazy? Noone has ever gone that far to be with me.” Speed says. “ How about you say that you will listen to us and think hard about giving us a chance.” Brick says. “ I think there are some more things we need to talk about. There are some things you need to know before you decide to be with me. After I tell you everything and you still want to be with me. I think we can talk it out and start again. With no more keeping things from each other. We tell it all. The good, the bad, the ugly.” Speed says. I launch out of my chair and hug Speed tight before I realise what I’m doing. But she doesn’t push me away. “ I will listen to whatever you have to say. I don’t think it is going to change my mind about you. I have missed you so much.” Speed hugs me back and says “ You have been on my mind. Both of you.”

Speed has been thinking about us. This is great. I pull back “ When you are ready. I will listen.” Brick clears his throat behind us. “ Gretchen, if you're done hogging her maybe I could get one of those.” Speed and I laugh. Speed opens her arms “ Come here big sexy. I got one for you too.” I swear this big tough guy launches himself into her arms. He holds her tight and I’m beginning to worry about her breathing. “ I have missed you little girl. It feels good to have you in my arms again. When you are ready to talk we will be here. Both of us.” What Speed does next shocks me so much you could have knocked me over with a feather. She keeps one arm around Brick with her head on his chest. The other hand she holds out to me and brings me to her other side. This moment couldn’t have been more perfect.

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