Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 73


Hugging Brick and Gretchen almost brought tears to my eyes. I didn’t pay much attention to it before. To be honest I took it for granted. But this time it felt so incredible. I didn’t want to let go. But I knew we needed to talk. There were things they needed to know. Things I found out recently. I know they say they want to be with me . Form a relationship and for the first time in my life I want that too. But there are things they need to know and things I need to do for that to happen. I hate to do this but I pull back from hugging them. I really don’t want to. It feels right having them both around me. Like a puzzle finally fitting together. Gretchen whimpers when I pull back. I know honey but it has to be done I think to myself. “ I have heard what you said. Now it is my turn to talk. You may change your way of thinking. But I need to be one hundred percent honest with you or this will never work if you guys still want to be with me. And I never thought I would say this but I really do hope you do still want me.” Gretchen lets out a little squeal that is so cute I have to fight myself to pull her in my arms again. “ Let me grab another beer then we will sit and listen to anything you have to say.” Brick says. I grab mine to notice it is empty. “ I’ll grab another one myself.” I turn to Gretchen. “ Do you want anything, honey?” I have to hold back a laugh when her eyes get big and round like they are going to pop out of her head and she nods. Brick doesn’t hold back at all and laughs. “ Sit, I'll grab one for all of us.”

While Brick takes off and Gretchen and I sit. I see her bouncing her knee. She looks nervous. I place my hand on her bare knee. It feels so soft under my hand. Just like the rest of her feels when I have her naked pressed against me. Soft and silky. That’s my Gretchen. I chuckle in my head. Don’t get ahead of yourself yet.But I like calling her mine. But one step at a time. “ Hey, don't be nervous. I don’t think this talk is going to be bad. At least I hope not.” I told her. Gretchen turns to me and places her hand on mine. “ Oh, no. I’m not nervous. I’m so happy I can’t sit still.” Didn’t I say she was cute? While we sit there I take a chance to look at her. I mean really look at her. She has on a sundress I have never seen her in. Now that I think about it I have never seen her in a dress. It looks good on her. Showing off her toned sexy body without being slutty. She did her make-up light and her hair is down in waves down to the middle of her back. I push a piece of hair from her forehead to behind her ear. I remember running my fingers through it while she would lay her head on my shoulder or when she kissed her way down my neck. Damn it, now is not the time to be getting hot and bothered.

“ Have I ever told you how beautiful I think you are? Have I ever complimented you?” I ask. Because I can’t think of a time I have. Gretchen things for a minute “ I’m not sure. But it isn’t important.” Fuck! They were always saying how nice I looked or how hot they thought I was. They always paid me compliments and took care of me. But I made no effort to take care of them other than sex. If we can work this out I make a vow to myself to fix that. It was seriously very wrong of me. “ No, it does matter. I need to fix that starting now.” I say. I lean in and press a light tender kiss to her cheek. “ You look very beautiful tonight.” I whisper. Poor Gretchen sniffles “ Thank you.” “ You both look hot as hell. And I’m one lucky mother fucker.” Brick says. I didn’t hear him come back. I had all my attention on Gretchen. Gretchen and I turned to him and laughed. I winked at her. I stood up on one side of Brick and I motioned for Gretchen to stand on the other. He handed us our beers. I leaned in and so did Gretchen and we kissed him on the cheek. I’m happy Gretchen caught on to what I was doing. Brick smiled and said “ Yep, one lucky fucker.” As fun as this is, we needed to talk.

“ Have a seat, guys.” I said and took a seat myself. I took a hard draw from my beer to give me courage. I look over and see Merigold standing on the steps talking to Axel and Viper. She looks over, smiles and gives me a thumbs up. I see her mouth ‘ you have got this.’ She is right. I can do this. “ First I’m sorry for how things went down the last time I saw you. I handled things badly. I can see that now. And in time I hope you will forgive me.” I take a deep breath. “ Thanks to some strong arming from Merigold I have been seeing a therapist. I won’t give you all the details yet. I’m just not ready. There are some things from my past that affected me. Badly. I had thought I dealt with it and I was fine. But after a few sessions I discovered that was not the case.” I told them. I looked around to see if they had any questions. Or if they wanted to get up and walk away. Instead Brick grabbed one hand and Gretchen put her hand on my shoulder in support.

“ I know I told you many times that I was broken. And I said it was wrong to be with you.” I gave a pathetic laugh as I thought about my last session. “ I recently learned that everything I thought about myself. Stuff that was beaten into me. Was wrong and broken. Not me. I had been told things that I truly believed. But it was all wrong. I don’t have all the answers yet. And I need more sessions. Like a lot. But I had a major eye opening and I now know I’m not broken. At least not in the ways I thought.” I told them. “ Do you have anything you want to ask before I continue?” I asked since they haven’t said a word since I started. Gretchen lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her shoulder to keep her close. “ Little girl, we never thought you were broken.” Brick says. “ We are just happy you see that now. We can see the difference in you already.” Gretchen says. “ There is more. I’m not fixed yet. I may not ever be fully fixed but I’m getting there.” I said.

I told them about my PTSD diagnosis and how I need to continue to work with my therapist to get better. I told them that this is going to be a process and not something that you get over in one night. I also told them how Tim told me how important a support system was. I even tell them that if they are going to try to be in a relationship with me Tim may want to involve them in some sessions. With my permission of course. And how there are some support groups I might check out. I gave it all to them so they could make an informed decision. “ I know I laid a lot of heavy information on you. But you need to know if you are serious about me. I don’t need an answer right now or even a week. Take the time you need. I know I have sent you on a rollercoaster with me pushing you away then letting you close. And I am sorry about that.” “ I have one question.” Brick says. I nod for him to go ahead. “ Are you going to continue to go to therapy? You are going to see this through?” he asks. “ Yes, I need to. For me more than anything. I need to be the best possible version of me I can. And I know therapy will help that. And if I have hope of ever having any sort of romantic relationship in the future I need to work through my demons.” Brick looks at Gretchen who nods in some unspoken agreement between them. “ Then we don’t need time to think. We want to be there to help you slay those demons. We will do it together. I have no plans on ever letting you go. And I know Gretchen feels the same way.” Brick says. Gretchen leans into me more “ Yes, I do.”

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