Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 76


She backs but like a dumbass she is, asks “ How does that work?” Viper growls at her words but doesn’t get to say anything. Gretchen does. “ How it works is none of your business.”

She says as she wraps an arm around my waist. I respond in kind and kiss the top of her head. “ Morning.” I say ignoring Mandy. Gretchen hugs me “ Morning.” Gretcehn pulls back and grabs two mugs down. “ Gretcehn are you the girlfriend or the girlfriend's girlfriend?” Mandy asks. She is getting on my nerves. Gretchen huffs before grabbing the pot. She is getting irritated. We don’t respond to Mandy but Viper does. “ Unless you want to end up like Nessa I suggest you shut your mouth and get to work. Aren’t you on breakfast duty today.” Mandy scurries to the fridge without another word. I nod to Viper in thanks. “ Speed up already?” I ask Gretchen. She stirs the second cup of coffee and from the smell it belongs to Speed. Grettchen doesn’t use flavored creamers in her coffee. “ No,Miss Grumpy isn’t up yet.” Gretchen laughs. “ I thought I would bring coffee to her to help wake her up.”

I kissed the top of her head again “ You are good for her.” Gretchen smiles and looks up at me “ So are you.” I see Gretchen's face fall. I don’t like that look. “ What is it?” I ask. Gretchen shakes her head “ It may be nothing. But when I got up Speed’s shirt moved up her stomach and I saw what I think is the beginning of a bruise. I think she may have been hurt during the race yesterday.” I pull Gretchen into my arms to comfort her. I know she is worried about Speed. “ It may be nothing. But when she wakes up we will ask Speed. We don’t know much about racing; this could be a normal part of it.” “ Good idea. When she was hit yesterday Merigold did warn me Speed might be sore today since she got jostled around. We will talk to her and see how she is feeling. If she is sore I’ll rub her down.” Gretchen pulls back and smirks “ Or I could just rub her down even if she isn’t sore.”

I laugh but it isn’t a bad idea. I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on Speed as well. Gretchen keeps talking “ I could start with her shoulders and move down to her back. Or course Speed would need to take her shirt off so I could make sure I got all of her.” “ Yes, having all her skin exposed is better.” I say. “ Then I’m sure her legs must be tight. So I will have to rub oil on them and work the muscles out really well. We would want her to get a muscle cramp next time she drives.” I shake my head. I got a good picture of Gretchen massaging Speed. “ No, you are right. We couldn’t let that happen. And if her shorts get in the way?” I say keeping our game going. “ Well, the responsible thing to do is help Speed take them off. It is all about Speed’s comfort.” I nod but reach down and adjust my dick that is now pressing against my jeans as the picture fills my head.

“ And if Speed happens to be wearing a thong that shows off her incredible ass?” I ask. Gretchen’s breath hitches at the thought “ Well, I’m only human. I would have to admire the view.” “ It would be wrong to not admire our girl.” I say. “ And if I happen to spill some oil. I wouldn’t be a good girlfriend if I didn’t rub it in. And you know Speed may need a man’s touch. You know to get good and deep in her muscles.” This game is getting out of control quickly. I believe we are both seconds away from racing up the stairs. “ I would be happy to help. But that thong might have to go.” I say. I hear a chair strapping across the floor “ Fuck this. I’m out.” Viper says, shaking his head. He refills his coffee and heads out. “ I know you want to take care of Speed. Just don’t forget we have church. And Gretchen, be careful how you talk. You don’t want to give the brother’s any mental pictures.” Viper says over his shoulder then leaves. Gretchen bends over laughing. I don’t bother to hold mine in either. “ I forgot Viper was there.” Gretchen says while trying to catch her breath. So did I.


When Brick and I were talking I forgot there was anyone in the kitchen with us.It got pretty heavy. That was not my intention when we were talking but Brick just kept going along it was too fun to stop. I didn’t notice we had gone too far until Viper got up and walked away. But when he said I needed to be careful how I talk around the brothers I was confused. “ Did you think Viper was picturing what I was saying? Is that why he warned me?” Brick, who was already laughing, laughed even harder. When he caught his breath and calmed down “ Two girls rubbing on each other.Yes he was. He is a guy. Comes with the territory.” I was a bunny. I know this shit. I have heard the brothers talking about watching porn with girls fucking. It’s a biker club. It is normal for them to do that. So I didn’t think to watch my mouth since there are no kids around.Then something else dawns on me. I gasp “ Oh fuck. Do you think he was getting turned on? Do you think he was picturing Speed?” I don’t want any of the brother’s thinking of my girl like that. They shouldn’t be thinking about her without her clothes.

“ Why do you think Viper walked away and gave you that warning?” Brick said. “ Oh, hell no. There is no man beside you that can think of our girl like that. Fucking perverts. They should be looking at Speed like a sister, not with lust.” I blurt out. “ I agree but in the end they are still guys. We just have to be careful about what we say around them.” Brick says. I reach over and grab the coffee I made for Speed. “ I’m going to take this up to our girl before she wakes up.” I kiss Brick on the cheek not caring that Mandy is staring at us. I get our relationship is different but you don’t need to stare at us. I don’t see them staring at Merigold when she is with Axel and Rowdy unless it is jealousy, envy or lust. But not just gawking. But whatever. I have much better things to do.

I get back to the room to see our sleeping beauty is still out cold. I stood there enjoying the view for a minute.I can’t believe my luck that this incredible, sexy, talented woman is mine. Even all rumpled, her hair is everywhere. Her feet are tangled in the sheets. Her shirt has slid up again and I can see that mark again. I’m worried about it but I’m not going to jump the gun on it. I’ll just ask her about it when she is fully awake. “ I can feel you staring at me. And as flattering as it is. I really want that coffee that I’m hoping is mine.” I laugh and walk over to the bed. I set the coffee on the nightstand and climb into the bed.I lean against the headboard and say “ Yes, it is for you. And if you sit up I’ll give it to you.” Instead of sitting up she scoots up in the bed and wraps her arms around my waist. She lays her head on my lap and says “ Stay cuddled up with you or wake up more and have the coffee you made for me. Why such tough decisions early in the morning?” I laugh at her antics. Speed can be so grumpy in the morning but her grumpiness is cute. “ How about you get up here and lay your head on my shoulder. I will hold you while you have your coffee.” I told her. “ Now that is an offer I can’t pass up.” Speed says.

When she is comfortable on my shoulder I wrap one arm around her then hand her the cup. Speed takes a deep breath of the aroma before taking a sip.We don’t talk but that is the way Speed was until she finished at least half her cup. But I didn’t mind. I just held her running the tips of my fingers up and down her arm. Speed hums “ You keep doing that and I’m going to fall back asleep. And I need to get my ass moving and check on Frank later. I have to see how much damage was really done to him.” I knew she had to check the car out. That is something they do the next day after every race. Until Speed I had know idea how much work and maintenance actually goes into racing. I just thought the driver got in and took off. And since she was awake enough to bring up Frank I thought now would be a good time to bring up the mark I saw.

“ Baby, I need to ask you something?” I told her. Speed lifted her and looked at me “ What is it?” “Earlier your shirt moved and I saw a mark and it worried me. Did you get hurt yesterday and just didn’t tell us?” I asked. Speed looks confused. She puts her cup down and lifts her shirt. “ Huh, I didn’t notice. I guess I jarred more than I thought.” she said. She pulled the strap of her shirt aside and I saw another mark. I reach up and run my finger over. “ Baby, what happened?’ I can’t stop the worry in my voice. Speed looks up at me and smiles. “ I promise you this is nothing. It is just some minor bruising from my harness. It happens sometimes. When I got hit yesterday my harness dug into me a little bit. It can make me a little sore and bruise a little but the alternative is much worse.” Speed says. It makes sense. And I don’t want to think about what would happen if the harness didn’t hold.

“ But are you sure you are alright?” I ask. I have to be sure. “ I’m fine. I didn’t notice anything other than some sore muscles.” Speed said. I have to trust her on this. I wink at her “ You know I could help you work that soreness out if you want.” Speed laughs. “ I would love to take you up on that. I do know how your fingers can work some magic. But it will have to wait until later.” I nod. I know she has rontines she has to follow. “ Gretchen, there is something I want to talk to you about. Well both of you. Do you want to wait for Brick or just tell you now.” Speed says. I think for a second. I don’t know if I can wait for Brick. I’m already getting a knot of worry in my stomach. “ I don’t think I can wait. I’m already anxious.” “ It isn’t bad but ok. I like spending time with You and Brick. I liked sleeping between the two of you. But as far as sex goes. I want to hold off a little. We jumped in the first time and in the end it didn’t do any of us any good. I would like to go a little slower this time and get to know you guys.”

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