Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 77

“ Baby, I have no problem with that. And I don’t think Brick will either. We want to take this at your pace.” I tell her. As much as I would love nothing more than to roll Speed over, climb on top of her and make her cum until she passes out. And I’m sure I will get there but when Speed is ready. There is no need to rush. “ I have to agree with Gretchen, little girl. I can hold off until you are ready. But if you think that is going to stop me from kissing you. Or hugging you. Or spending time with you, you have another thing coming.” Brick says from the doorway. Speed looks over and smiles “ Hi big sexy. And thank you.” “ Anytime. Now get your sexy asses out of bed. Breakfast is ready.” Brick says. “ Oh, fine. But I was so comfy.” Speed whines. I shake my head and get out of bed. This morning has been great. I can’t wait to have many more.


I have been hanging out with Brick and Gretchen for a week now. I have to say it has been even better than before. After I broke down in Tim’s office each day I feel lighter and lighter. And I have been more open with those two. And Merigold. And more importantly I have been more open with myself. I have made my needs and wants known to Brick and Gretchen. They are being respectful of my no sex rule I made. Which I liked very much.I have a reason for putting a stop to sex for now. I rushed into sex with them before thinking it was a fling. If we want something stronger and more meaningful we needed to take a step back from the physical for now at least. Don’t get me wrong I want to have sex with them both. Maybe even at the same time. Now that sounds like fun. But I’m getting ahead of myself. We haven’t had no physical contact at all. There have been some heavy make out sessions and some cuddling. I have enjoyed cuddling more than I thought I ever would.

It has been a few weeks and things are going good. When Brick found out Ratchet and I were staying at the hotel we went ape shit and told me I had two choices. Either go back to Merigold’s old house or move to the clubhouse until something permanent could be found. I did what he asked and moved back to Merigold’s where he said I would be safer. I thought at first Gretchen would back me up but she sided with Brick. She said that me staying at the hotel wasn’t right and she didn’t think I would be safe enough. I had to admit it wasn’t the greatest place to stay but it was a bed. The first night back at Merigold’s Brick and Gretchen came over and cooked Ratchet and me dinner. After Gretchen prepared me a bath with candles and bubbles with orders to relax. Got to tell you a girl could get used to that. When we haven’t been working we have been spending time together just the three of us. Or Ratchet and Matt would join us for dinner and a movie. Or we would go hang out at Merigold’s and play with the kids. Watching Brick and Gretchen play with my nieces and nephews made my ovaries come to life.

We still have some things we need to work out but we are definitely on the road. And for the first time I can say I’m truly happy. I know it won’t be all sunshine and unicorns but that’s fine by me. Tomorrow they are coming to a therapy session with me. Tim thinks it is time to meet them since they are a big part of my life. Merigold has sat in on a few sessions and so has Ratchet. Alaric and Mac have done a video session. I knew I had friends and people I could rely on. But I know when things get tough people can leave. In my case when things get hard I have friends and family coming out of the woodwork to give their support. It makes my heart feel full.

But tonight isn’t about any of that. Tonight is to just sit and relax. We are hanging out at the clubhouse listening to music and having a few beers. Gretchen gets off work in a few minutes and Brick is shooting pool with Ace. Me I’m sitting in a chair by the tables just watching Brick and talking to Goof. Since I’m involved with Brick I have made a point to get to know all of the guys better. I look from Goof and see Gretchen coming towards us. I can’t help but smile. She stops at Brick first handing him a beer. She starts to walk towards me when Brick grabs her waist pulling back to him. Gretchen looks up and he gives her a kiss on the cheek and says “ Thanks.” before letting her go. I laugh at them. I like to see them interact with each other. It helps me figure out how we are going to work. If they hated each other it wouldn’t happen. But I notice they keep the physical affection to a minimum compared to what they do with me.

When Gretchen gets to me I move my legs so she can sit on my lap. She sits down on one leg and hands me a beer. I wrap my arm around her waist and kiss her. I quick sweet kiss, that leaves me wanting more. “ Thank you honey.” Gretcehn lays her head on my shoulder “ You welcome.” We just sit and watch Brick run the table on Ace. I’m running my hand up and down Gretchen’s arm just enjoying holding her. “ How was your night?” I ask her. “ Not too bad. We just did a deep clean on the kitchen. Then I helped Anna do a few loads of laundry.” Gretchen laughs. “ I swear if it wasn’t for Anna this place would be a garbage dump.” “ You got that right.” Ace says. He turns to Gretchen “ And you can down play it all you want but I see you working your ass off. Even before you quit being a bunny you would help Anna.” I see her blush at Ace’s remark and whispers ‘thank you’. I kiss her head “ Since you worked so hard today how about when we get home. I will give you a bath tonight. I would wash your hair. Make sure you are good and clean. Rub you down with some lotion.” I say keeping my voice low. At least I thought I did until I heard Goof grunt and turn his head to look at anything but me and Gretchen. I just shake my head. He didn’t do anything wrong. Just being a guy.

“ Damn it Brick you whooped my ass again. I should never have taught you to play when you were a kid.” Ace grumbles causing Brick and me to laugh. “ You shouldn’t have been such a good teacher.” Brick tells him. “ Yea, yea. Rack them up, prospect.” Ace tells Goof. Brick leaves the table and comes over to us. He sits in the seat next to us and places his arm over my shoulder. “ So how about a little something for my victory.” Brick says. Gretchen leans over me and places a kiss on his forehead. When she pulls back I lean in. Brick grabs the back of my neck and smashes his lips to mine. I lick the seam of his lips and let his tongue slide with mine. We twist them together and I let out a little moan. Not something I wanted to do in front of uncle Ace so I pulled back. “ More later.” I told him. “ Looking forward to it.” Brick says. He leans back and takes a pull of his beer. I lay my head on his shoulder while watching Ace and Goof play.

Ace is taking his shot and I see Goof looking at us but trying to look at us. I can see the questions rolling through his mind. “ Just ask already, Goof. I can see the wheels spinning in your head.” I said. The poor guy looks embarrassed to be called out. “ I was just wondering how that works?” he says waving his finger at the three of us. “ I’m not giving you spank bank material, Goof.” Gretchen says. But I watch Goof’s face. “ Shut it prospect. Mind your own business.” Ace says as he moves around the table. I look at Brick to see if he is going to say anything but he is watching me. He is letting me take the lead on this. I watch Goof for another minute before I speak. “ Goof you are confused by this aren’t you.” He blushes. Goof blushes. I can’t believe it. “ A little. Yes. I have only seen threesomes in porn and you guys don’t fit it.” he says. I look at Gretchen and Brick for their approval. I’m not going to say anything if they have any objections. They give me a nod letting me know it is safe to continue.

“ Goof, I will not give you details. But I will answer your question.” I told him. I slide my hand down Gretchen’s arm and grab her hand. “ Gretchen is my girlfriend.” I say. I lay my other hand on Brick’s thigh. “ Brick is my boyfriend. Gretchen and Brick are good friends. Does that help?” Goof still looks a bit confused. I don’t know how else to explain it. Brick speaks up and says “ Prospect it is simple. I fuck Speed. Speed and Gretchen fuck. One day I will get to watch then fuck.” I smirk, liking that idea. But maybe Brick not just watching. I would like to have them both at the same time. One day. I’ll see if I can’t bring it up to them further down the road and see if that is something they would be willing to do. “ But you don’t fuck Gretchen?” Goof asks. Gretchen answers by motioning her hand up and down her body. “ Nope. All this is for Speed.” Ace laughs. Goof shakes his head “ Brick I don’t know if you are a lucky bastard or stupid. But if this makes all of you happy. Good for you brother.” Ace says. Brick holds me tighter “ I’m a lucky bastard. Live porn when I want. Two good looking ladies on my arm. And my girls are happy with what we have. If I can’t be there Speed has Gretchen to go to. And vise versa. We are family. Just like everyone else.” Brick says. I love how he says it. It warms my heart. “ Congrats brother.” Goof says and goes back to his game. If he had just wanted the dirty details I wouldn’t have answered. But we need to understand people are going to be curious.

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