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Chapter 78


Today is our first therapy session with Speed. I can tell she is nervous because her leg is bouncing like crazy. Gretchen already put her hand on one leg to try to get her to stop but it hasn’t worked. I don’t know if she is nervous because she is afraid we might run after we hear what the therapist has to say or us just being here. I can’t stand to see her like this. I grab her hand and turn to look at her.” Little girl, calm down. You don’t need to be so nervous. We are here with you. We aren’t going anywhere.” I say. Speed looks at me then to Gretchen. “ I know that. I do. But in there you might hear some things you won’t like. That might make you angry. I just don’t want you angry at me.” Speed says. I can hear the vulnerability in her voice. I’m sure this is one of the few times she can let it out. Most of the time she has her guard up. There is only one other time she lets it down and that is when I’m in Dom mode for her. I know it is going to be stressful for her and most likely for me and Gretchen. So I have an idea for tonight to help us all. I just need to run it by Gretchen first. I hope she agrees because I think this will bring us closer than ever.Gretchen squeezes Speed’s other hand “ We know there are going to be things that are going to be hard to hear. And I may need a stiff drink after this but none of it is directed at you. More like we will be angry for you.” Speed takes a breath and nods.

After another minute a door opens and a guy a little shorter than me with buzzed cut sandy blond hair comes out. He is dressed in jeans and a blue polo shirt. Very casual looking. Not what I was expecting a therapist to look like. “ Kelley, why don’t you guys come on back.” he says. Speed gets up and we follow her in. Once the door is shut the guy holds his hand out to me first “ I’m Tim. Kelley’s therapist.” I shake his hand, “ Brick.” Tim nods and turns “ Gretchen.” and she shakes his hand. “ It is good to meet you. Thank you for coming. Why don’t you guys have a seat and we can get started.” Gretchen and Speed take the couch. I take the chair beside them keeping Speed in the middle of us. We don’t do this on purpose. It just happens that we surround Speed at all times. I didn’t notice it until Merigold pointed it out the other day. “ Before we start I need to ask. Kelley, do I have your permission to talk freely in front of your friends?” Tim asks. I’m liking this guy already.

“ Yes, you can.” Speed says. “ Good. You need to know that this is an environment where Kelley can express herself with no judgment. We are here to support Kelley. If you can’t abide by that I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Tim said. “ We aren’t going anywhere. We are here to support Speed. Nothing else.” I growled out. Tim smiles. That is when I realize this fucker was testing us. “ That’s what I like to hear. Because today she is going to need extra support.” Tim says. He turns to Speed. “ Kelley, I asked you to bring some support today because I’m going to suggest something that is going to be difficult for you to do. But I believe it will help you. Before I go on. How much do they know? And I want to know why you picked them over Merigold?” he says. “ They know almost everything. They have seen the scars. They know I have PTSD. But I haven’t told them the cause yet. I chose Brick and Gretchen because we want to be in a committed relationship. My first ever. And to do that they need to be part of this. To understand and accept this part of me. And to be another source of support. “ Speed says.

“ So these are the two people you were telling me about?” Tim asks. Speed lights up smiling and nods her head like a bobble head doll. It is funny. Tim laughs, “ It’s good to see you smiling like that.” I have to agree with him. “ Kelley, do you want my help to tell Brick and Gretchen about the scars? Is that why you haven’t told them yet?” Tim asks. Speed just nods. “ Why don’t you start. I’ll help you along the way if you need me.” Speed rubs her hands on her jeans. “ I want to tell you but I need you to promise to keep your cool the best you can.” Speed says. “ We promise.” Gretchen and I say in unison. That’s all it takes for Speed to launch into the story behind her scars. Some of it we already knew from Merigold but I won’t tell Speed that.But Speed gives us details I know that not even Merigold is aware of. Now I understand why Speed asked us to keep as calm as possible. Because I’m so close to murderous rage I’m seeing red. I want to inflict the same torture on her parents as they did to Speed and then some. Poor Gretchen has silent tears running down her face and making no effort to stop them. I want to hold them both right now but I know Speed needs to finish this nightmare of a story.

“ So that is my whole story as to why I thought I was broken. And one of the reasons I pushed you both away. Tim helped me see that it wasn’t me who was broken but my parents.” Speed says. Tim hands Gretchen a box of tissues. She smiles and wipes her face. I have to close my eyes and take several deep breaths to calm myself enough to talk. Gretchen talks first while I get myself under control. “ Baby, even with those scars I never thought you were broken. But I’m so grateful Tim helped you see that. I see a survivor.” They hug, Gretchen doesn’t look like she is going to let go any time soon. When she finally does, Speed lays her head on Gretchen’s shoulder and looks at me. For the first time since I have known her I see fear in Speed’s eyes. “ Brick?” she whispers. “ I just need a minute.” I told her. She looks at Gretchen with worry. Damn it. I’m supposed to have Speed’s back and now I have her worrying over my reaction. Calm down asshoile. This isn’t about you. “ I’m ok. I just had to calm down.” I say. I look into Speed's eyes. “ I’m furious but not at you. I promise.” “ Are you sure you are ok?” Speed ask. “ Yea, I’m good now.” Speed visually relaxes.

“ Kelley has made wonderful progress since her first breakdown. She is cured and may never be. These things don’t just magically go away. But she is on the road to recovery. I have an idea that may help. It is something I want to think about.” Tim says. “ Kelley, I want you to consider confronting your parents.” “ What?” I yell. Speed turns pale and shakes. “ I get your reaction, but hear me out.” Tim says. “ Kelley, I know this sounds scary. I’m sure it isn’t going to be easy. But until recently they still had power over you even though you may have not noticed it. Their words and actions greatly impacted your life. You were their victim. I think if you confront them it will help break that. It will give you back your power by letting them know they didn’t win. Show them that you survived and are stronger than them. You won’t let them influence your life anymore.”

I get what he is saying now that he explained it. Speed never got justice. She got it for Ratchet but not herself. She never got to confront her abusers. But is she ready for something like that. Speed clears her throat “ I need time to think about this. I also need to talk to Marcos. I want his opinion as well.” “ You take all the time you need. This isn’t something you want to decide overnight. But if you choose to confront them. Let me know. I can arrange to have someone I trust to be there for you.” Tim says. If Speed does this I’ll be damned if she does it alone. “ I’ll be there too.” I tell her. “ So will I.” Gretchen says. “ And I’m sure Alaric and the guys will be there as well. You won’t have to do this alone. But the choice is all yours.” I told her. I have her back but I won’t influence her on this. We talk a little more on Speed’s progress and her hopes for the future. A future she sees me and Gretchen in.

When we leave I can tell Speed has a lot on her mind. Which makes me think my idea for tonight is a good idea. I still need to run it by Gretchen. I want to bring her into the other part of mine and Speed’s world. Gretchen has seen some of it at Speed’s house. But she needs to know all of it. I want to take Speed to the club tonight so she can clear her head but I want to include Gretchen. I don’t want her feeling left out. If Speed still holds to her no sex rule there are other things we can do but I truly think we all need a release. I will take my cues from Speed if I can get them to go. I have to be there tonight anyway. Speed wants to go home and talk to Ratchet. We took her home. After a round of hugs and hot kisses, Gretchen and I go to the clubhouse. That is where I will talk to her.

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