Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 79


When Brick came to me after Speed’s session he told me he had an idea of what we all needed. He wanted to bring me into his and Speed’s other world. I had to admit I have been curious about Club Reckless. But not enough to ask about it and I never thought about going there. I figured that would be something for just Brick and Speed. And I was ok with that. I would find something for just me and Speed. But when he said he wanted me to go with him to the club tonight I was a little surprised but happy he was including me. He said he thinks it will help us bond more. And I’m all for anything that will strengthen our bond. Add getting Speed’s mind off today’s session before she thinks herself sick. Sign me up. He told me what time to meet him. He said he would leave my name with the bouncer at the door. He said to dress nice, comfortable and easy to remove. I laughed at that. But I agreed. I don’t know what I’m getting myself into but I trust Speed and Brick. And Brick did say he would explain more when I got to the club.

So here I am walking into my girlfriend’s boyfriend's club. We really need to come up with something better than that. I did as he asked. I am wearing a black flared skirt that flows to my mid thigh. Short I know but I’m showing off some leg for my girl. I took a page from Speed so I have a red short sleeve flannel shirt that is tied just below my tits and the buttons between my tits buttoned. With my favorite pair of red strappy three inch heels. I have my hair pulled up in pigtails for a sweet sexy look. I walk in the first set of glass doors to a reception area. Blocking the next set of heavy wooden doors is a big buy a little shorter than Brick and not as built but good looking anyway. “ This is a private club, Miss. Do you have a membership?” He asks sternly without being rude. Just business attitude. I can respect that. “ No, Sir. Brick is expecting me. The name is Gretchen.” He looks down at the tablet in his hand. He taps the screen a few times then looks at me. “ Yes. Just a moment someone is coming to escort you to the bar. I have messaged Brick that you are here.” he says. “ Thank you.” I replied.

The door opens and a lady about five foot eight and maybe one hundred and eighty pounds wearing a form fitting security tee shirt comes out. “ Miss Gretchen.” she asks . I nod. “ I’m Penny. I have been assigned as your escort. If you will follow me.” “ Lead the way.” Cool, I have my own escort. Brick is making me feel very important. I like it. Penny held the door open for me. Just as I go through Penny turns towards the bouncer “ Fred, boss says Diamond is coming in in about an hour. You're her escort.” “ Hot damn, boss just made my night.” Fred smiles excitedly. I shake my head at him and follow Penny. “ Boss is finishing a few things up. He asked for you to wait at the bar for him.” Penny said. I looked around as I followed. I noticed everything was black and red. From the dance floor to the D.J. set up. To the booths and tables. Even the bar. It is fairly dark with the exception of the dance floor and the bar. The D.J. station has red rope lights around it. When we get to the bar I take a seat. “ Pete, this is Gretchen. A VIP of the boss’s. He says to give her what she wants.” Penny says.

“ Pete will take care of you.” Penny says. “ Thanks Penny.” I say then turn back to Pete. He smiles “ So what can I get you?” I haven’t had a mixed drink in a while and I feel I need something stronger than a beer. But I also don’t want to be knocked on my ass. “ How about a tall screwdriver heavy on the juice.” I say. Pete nods and gets to work. The bar is packed with people and so is the dance floor. I can’t see the booths clearly but I do see several are occupied. It looks like business is good for Brick. I find myself smiling at that. I’m proud of him and what he has done. Pete places my drink in front of me “ He you are miss. If you need anything, wave me down.” “ Thank you. I will.” I say. I sit and sip my drink while I wait. It is perfect.

I was about a third way through my drink when I felt a man slide beside me “ Pretty lady, how about I show you around before our guest arrives?” I turn to the voice and laugh. “ Big guy you can show me around anytime you want.” I say to Brick. He looks at Pete “ If Diamond gets here before I get back. Take care of her.” That is the second time I have heard that name. She is clearly someone important. But something is bugging me and I’m going to ask Brick about it. He grabs my hand and shows me around. He shows me the stage they do shows on. He shows me the different rooms and explains the purpose of each. I’m stunned. I knew a few things about BDSM but I had no idea there was so much more to it. Different levels and types. It is interesting. As we walk around Brick tell me an idea of what he has planned for tonight. He even shows me the room he has reserved for us. Brick lets me look around. “ Gretchen, I need to know your comfort level. With me touching you. I know you aren’t into being a sub. That’s not what I’m asking.” He explains what he wants to do. And what will be involved. He explains that he doesn’t want to have sex with me. I think about his terms and agree. I won’t tell you what they are yet. We have to wait for Speed. I see Brick tap his ear “ Yea, Fred.” he says. That is when I see the ear piece. I’m able to hear “ Diamond arrived ten minutes ago.” “ Make sure she is comfortable. You are on her until I get there.” he says. He looks at me and smiles“ Let’s go.” “ Brick, who is Diamond? Do you have something going with someone here?” “ No, I don’t have anything going with anyone. Not since Speed pulled into the club.Come on I’ll show you who Diamond is.”

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