Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 83


I am at Speed's house in the kitchen where Speed is going to teach me how to make chicken enchiladas. Ratchet’s favorite. We have the chicken ready and are working on the sauce that covers everything. We are having a family dinner which includes Matt. Speed is going to talk to Ratchet and get his opinion on confronting their parents. I’m chopping some jalapeno peppers for some homemade salsa when I feel Speed’s arms come around my waist. I have to fight not to lean back into her embrace. I always melt in her arms. She places her chin on my shoulder. “ Brick is working tomorrow night so it will be just us.” she says. I knew this so I had planned to do a simple dinner for the two of us and maybe watch a movie. “ Yep. I'll get you all to myself for a while.” I say. I don’t mind the times when it is all three of us but our alone time is special. “ So I was thinking that I would take you out. On a date.” she says. Well, that is unexpected. I drop the knife and turn around in her arms, careful not to touch her because of the pepper juice on my hands. “ You want to take me on a date?” I ask just to clarify.

She nods “ Yes, I want to take you on a proper date. I want to pick you up and take you out.” Speed uses her finger tips to brush some hair behind my ear. “ Honey, you have been so good to me making sure I’m always taken care of. You have the patience of a saint to put up with some of the things I have done and said. You are always pampering me. You have stood by me while I figure out this mess of my life and have asked for nothing in return. It is past time I show you some appreciation for everything you do. So will you, my Gretchen, go on a date with me tomorrow night?” I have never been asked out on a date like that. It was the sweetest thing I have ever heard. There is no way I would say no to her. “ Yes, baby. I would love to go on a date with you.” Speed smiles “ Good. I will pick you up at the clubhouse at six to take you to dinner.”

I give her a quick kiss and pull back “ I’m looking forward to it.” “ Me too. Now let's get this dinner finished up.They guys will be here soon.” We set to work and in thirty minutes we have dinner ready and are setting the table. Matt and Ratchet walk in just as we put the last dish on the table followed by Brick. We all sit down and start passing dishes around. We have done this so many times now we have it down to a science. We always let Ratchet go first because Speed insists he is still a growing boy. This time Matt goes next then Brick, me and lastly Speed. She prefers it this way. We talk about our day and just catch up with each other. I like it. Ratchet tells us he has fixed the back fender on Speed’s car so it is good to go for the next race. I look over at Brick and see him leaning back in his chair smiling. He is a handsome fucker when he does that. I nudge Speed for her to look. “ Brick, what are you smiling at?” she asks and signs for Ratchet. “ Why shouldn’t I smile. I have good food and family and two beautiful ladies.” Speed laughs and starts gathering plates. When she walks by Brick and leans down “ That was the cheesiest and sweetest thing to say.” Then she leaves after giving him a quick kiss. I grab a few dishes and follow her. I stop long enough to kiss Brick on the cheek “ I agree.”

We all meet in the living room so we can talk. I sit on the couch with Brick, Speed between us. Matt sits on the recliner with Ratchet in his lap. I’m pleased that they feel comfortable enough with us that they can show affection in front of us. Speed sign and talks out “ Ratchet, I wanted to get your thoughts on something Tim suggested. He thinks I need to confront our parents.” Ratchet who was relaxed now sits up ramrod straight. He looks at Brick and me. “ What do you think about it?” he asks us. I sign “It isn’t up to us. We will just support Speed and you in whatever you guys decide.” He smiles and nods. He asks Speed to explain why Tim said that. And she tells him all about the session.

None of us say a word while letting Ratchet think it out. I notice Matt is rubbing Ratchet's back to sooth him. I don’t know how much time has passed before Ratchet signed “ I think you should do it. I think you should stand in front of those sorry ass pieces of shit and show them the incredible person, mother, sister, friend and driver you have become despite what they did to you. Show them your strength. Bring back up, not because you are afraid but to show these motherfuckers all the people who stand with you and support you. Show them your website so they can see what a champion you are. Let them know that they didn’t have shit to do with how you turned into the awesome person I’m proud to call my sister and mother.” By the time he is done I have tears in my eyes and pride in my heart for this young boy. “ I still need to think but thank you hermano.” Speed says.

Matt raises his hand slightly “ I know my opinion doesn’t matter. But I have to say from what I have seen in the short time I have known you I have to agree with Marcos. You are cool as hell. And you need to show them that. Show them what they missed out on because they couldn’t get their head out of their asses.” I knew I liked this kid. “ That being said, I think Marcos should go as well. Just like you he has his own revenge to get by showing them he did become a good man.” Matt continues. He told us Marcos told him about what his parents said when they were arrested and Speed was granted custody. How she would screw up his life and he would never amount to anything. After hearing that I have to agree they both need this. Speed signs to Ratchet “ We take them on together just like we have always done.” “ You and me against the world,'' he signs. “ With a team of support with you.” I signed. Since Ratchet understood me it made me proud that my skills are getting better. Brick still struggles but I think that has more to do with Speed and me translating for him than his ability. So it looks like we will be making a trip to Alabama soon.

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