Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 89


Halfway through dinner I see Speed looking at me then to Brick. She is nibbling her lip. I picked up that that is something she does when she is nervous about something. I give her another minute to work out whatever she has in her head hoping she will just come out and ask. When we moved in and moved to the next level of our relationship we agreed there would be no secrets. No hiding our feelings. And we are free to ask questions without judgment. We need to express our needs and concerns with each other. This relationship is new to all of us so we are learning as we go. Communication is a big part of that. “ Brick, why don’t you ever kiss Gretchen?” Speed blurts out. “ I do kiss Gretchen. All the time.” Brick says. Speed shakes her head “ No, I mean on the lips. Do you just not want to? Or do you think I might be upset?” Speed asks then looks at me “ Or do you not want him to?” I honestly don’t know how to answer that. “ Umm, baby. I will admit I have thought about it a time or two. I can’t speak for Brick but we just never brought it up.”

I’m curious about Brick’s answer but I just assumed that he wasn’t comfortable with it and was saving his lips for Speed. Brick sets his fork down and gives Speed his full attention. “ Kelley, when we first started this I had no attraction towards Gretchen other than friendship and a common goal of being with you. Over the time we have spent together I have gotten to know her on a deeper level. I have grown to care for her. Not on the same level as I feel for you. We have grown affectionate with each other and more comfortable. But Gretchen is right. I just hasn’t come up. I do think in the beginning it was because we didn’t feel the desire too.” “ Do either of you have a desire to now?” Speed asks. I wonder where these questions are coming from? And where are they going? I feel like Speed is leading up to something.

“ Like Gretchen, I have thought about it a few times. But I didn’t want to make Gretchen uncomfortable or risk upsetting you.” Brick says. I get a little rush that Brick has thought about kissing me but I’m on the same page as him. I don’t want to upset Speed. I watch her face and I can see her struggling with something. I placed my hand on hers “ Baby, remember you can talk to us about anything. Is something bothering you?” Speed squeezes my hand. “ I’m not sure. I’ve been thinking lately. I even talked to Tim about a few things. But he told me to just talk to you. I’m trying to. I just don’t know where to begin.” she states. “ We will do one thought at a time.” Brick told her. “ One part of me thinks I might be holding you two back from each other.” Speed says. “ I know you both love me. And I love you both very much. But I feel out of respect for me that you don’t show as much attention to each other as you may want to.” she continues.

“ You are holding us back. I promise. But you do bring up an important issue that I think Gretchen and I need to think and to talk about. We need to discuss what we are comfortable with. Things have definitely changed since we first started.” Brick says. I can agree with that. But I’m not ready to think about that yet. I feel Speed has more she needs to say. “ The other thing is something you said when we were in Alabama, Brick. You may have been saying it to piss off Hernando and Marissa and I get that. But it has led to some fantasies. And some things I might want to try. But without knowing how comfortable you are with each other.” Speed says but she is now looking at the table. Her face is as red as boiled lobster. She shakes her head “ You know what. Just forget what I said.” She grabs her plate and gets up from the table. If I didn’t know better I would swear she is angry. But she is embarrassed. Speed still has a hard time expressing her wants and desires. Speed can tell us her needs easily. But everything else she will shut down fast if we don’t stop her. This is Brick’s department.

“ Little girl, get over here right now.” he says using the Dom voice. It is the only way we are going to get Speed to open up right now. She walks over to him. He pulls her onto his lap holding her tight so she can’t get away. It gives her comfort that she is safe and will open up more. “ Tell us about these fantasies you have been having,” he tells her. “ I don’t want you to be mad.” she whispers, burying her head in his chest. “ Little girl, we will never be mad at you telling us your desires. The most we will do is tell you it is something we aren’t interested in. But we won’t know until you tell us.” he tells her. “ There are a couple. I will tell you one for now. Is that ok, sir.” she says. “ It is a start. We will deal with one at a time.” he says.

By taking one at a time it gives Brick and I time to see how we feel about whatever Speed may ask. “ It involves us giving you a blowjob. At the same time.” Speed said. That isn’t so bad. It isn’t like I haven’t tasted him on her before. “ You want to suck my dick with your girlfriend?” Brick asks. Really Brick you need her to say it again.Speed nods. “ I wouldn’t be a guy if I didn’t think that idea is hot as hell. At least it is with you two. And I’m not opposed to the idea. Gretchen, what are your feelings on it?” I think about it for a minute. Sucking dick isn’t an issue for me. I don’t mind it. And not to pat myself on the back but I like to think I am pretty good at it. But doing it with Speed and Brick gives it a level of intimacy that I have never had before. The times before I was on autopilot with no feelings behind it. Thai time there will be a lot of feelings.The feelings part makes me want to do it. To share something with Speed. “ I don’t have a problem. I think it will be hot.” I say. “ So you guys are ok with us trying it sometime?” Speed yawns. “ Yes, some time. But for tonight you need some rest, little girl.” Brick says.

I expected Speed to try to fight him on it but I see her eyes already closing. Brick picks her up and takes her to bed. I clean up the table and kitchen before he comes back down again. Brick finds me in the kitchen. He grabs a beer and looks at me “ I think we should talk.” he says. “I agree. How do you feel about what Speed asked?” I ask. I want to know his feelings. “ About the group blow job. Like I said. I’m good. About us kissing? Gretchen, I have come closer to you than I ever thought I would. The time we have spent together has made me attracted to you. I would like to kiss you. At least once to see if we even like it.” he says. “ I like the idea of kissing you, like I kiss Speed. But I’m also ok without it. And I am more attracted to you as well. But just Brick. Not the Dom Brick. I do care about you. More than a friend but I’m not in love with you.” I told him. Remember what I said. This is all about communication and the truth. Nothing good will ever come from this if we hide our feelings.

“ Same. I think we should try kissing each other. But I want to do it when Speed is with us so we can gauge her reaction. She may say she is ok with it until it actually happens.” he says. “ I agree. On a different note. I’m worried about how tired she has been lately. I hope she isn’t getting sick again.” I said. “ We will keep an eye on her. Cut back on the sex a little instead of everyday. And for now limit it to once a day. We need to talk to Ratchet and make sure she isn’t over working herself either. I know this new race is important to her but not at the cost of her health.” Brick says. Now that we have it settled I decided to go to bed with Speed. Brick is going to watch tv for a bit before he comes to bed. Overall another wonderful night spent together in our new home.

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