Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 9


I was at the after-party for about twenty minutes before I was ready to go to the house. This is not where I should be. And Marcos definitely shouldn’t be here. I was warned about the bunnies. But seeing it out in the open like this was too much. Seriously there was a guy getting a blowjob in the corner and no one bats an eye. And the way they are dressed is better suited for a strip club than anything else. I’m wearing jeans and a tee-shirt but they make me feel overdressed. Neither Marcos and are stupid when it comes to sex. I know he knows about it hell I had the talk with him when he turned fourteen. Talking about awkward. For both of us. But it had to be done. He has access to the internet. I'm almost one hundred percent positive he has seen nudity. He is days away from being eighteen so it is a safe bet. But the live porn show right before our eyes is a bit much. No, not a bit much, it is worse than that. But I can’t say anything. Apparently, this is normal for this club. But it is just gross. The only thing that I’m grateful for is that I noticed that none of the ol’e ladies aren’t doing anything more than making out. And the only guys messing with the bunnies are single. No cheating. I like that.

I’m about to grab Marcos and leave when Merigold stops me. “ I should have warned you better. That’s on me. I’m sorry. Let me take you to the backyard while we wait for the band to get here.” “ Snow, it is not a big deal. You are used to it, I'm not. And I don’t think this is a good place for Marcos to be right now. You can introduce me another time.” I don’t why she is so instant that I meet the band. Would like to meet them, yes but it isn’t anything I can’t live without.” She takes my hand and pleads “ Just a few more minutes, please. I really want you to meet them. They are a great group and I think you will like them. We can go to the back away from the smut. That is where most of us hang out so we don’t have to see the bunnies work. There are benches and cooler full of drinks.”

I look at Marcus to see what he thinks. He signs that he is ok with staying just a little longer. He really wants to meet Songbird. I huff “ Fine just a little bit longer.” Merigold hops up and down. “ Yay.” She leads out to the back to the furthest bench. I see a few people I recognize like Brick, Viper, and Thor with his ol’e lady. I see a few bunnies walking around grabbing drinks, picking up empty bottles and glasses. Basically, they are acting like waitresses. I can handle that. A commotion inside draws Merigold’s attention. “ I’ll be right back.” Marcus and I take a seat and wait since we have nothing better to do. Marcus and I chat for a few minutes about the designs for Frankenstein before I decided to get a drink.

I grab a beer for myself and a soda for Marcos before I head back to the table. I get back just as Merigold comes out the door with the guys from the band. “ Speed, get your ass over here. I got some people I want you to meet.” Marcos is already standing and has his eyes glued to the guy who sang rock at the show. I have to admit he is pretty good looking but I don’t get why Marcos is staring. Maybe he is fanboying on the guy.

Merigold signs as she speaks “ Speed. Ratchet. I want you to meet some good friends of mine as well as members of the band you saw tonight.” She points to the guy Marcos is staring at first and goes around. “ This is Neil and his husband Connor. Then we have Dez, Rick, Steve, and Lug Nut.” When Merigold said that Neil was married I could have sworn I saw Marcos’s face drop. What is going on with him? Then I caught the last name Merigold said. Lug Nut. I know I have heard that name before. Then it hits me “ Lug Nut you were the one the Snow goes on and on about that tried to protect her when she was kidnapped. Got your ass knocked out for the trouble. Oh and a ladies’ man.”

The guys laugh at the ladies’ man part “ It is nice to finally meet you Speed. Merigold has blessed me with stories of you as well I feel like I have known you forever.” Lug Nut holds out his hand. I shake it and he turns to Marcos making sure Marcos can see his lips moving. “ It is nice to meet you Ratchet.” Marcos nods. We shake hands with the rest of the guys. With my help, Marcos tells the guys how much he enjoyed the show. I compliment them as well and tell them how much I enjoyed the music. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Tank come out but don’t pay much attention. We talk for a few more minutes about how they enjoy putting on the shows but they like doing the charity events even more. I thought it would be the other way around but they said they like being able to give back even if it is just a small way. Who knew a group that can rock out to a large crowd are really down-to-earth people.

Suddenly I hear a woman’s voice call out. I turn to see a woman that looks like Songbird but she has lost all her make-up and costume. She is now in a long tee-shirt, what I think is pajama pants, slippers, and a kutte. And she has a golden retriever by her side. She looks around then yells “ I’m looking for a big gruff biker to take me home.” She looks around and smiles. The woman and the dog start to walk towards Tank who is looking like he is trying not to laugh. When she gets to him she gets on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around his neck “ What about you big guy? Want to take me home?” Tank laughs and gives her a quick kiss. “ Anytime you want, sweetheart.” The woman laughs and melts into Tank’s arms. Everyone around me is amused. Me I’m very confused.

Merigold shouts “ Lilly come here. I want you to meet a few people.” Tank and Lilly come over to us. Merigold hugs Lilly then turns to Marcos and me. I notice Merigold keeps her hand on Lilly’s arm. I wonder what that is about. “ Lilly I would like you to meet Speed and Ratchet. Guys, I want you to meet Songbird. Or as we like to call her Lilly.” Tank chimes in “ I like to call her my wife.” Well, that explains the little act Lilly did. I hold my hand out for Lilly. I see Merigold help Lilly’s hand reach mine. Lilly smiles “ I have heard wonderful things about you Speed. It is good to meet you.” “ It is nice to meet you as well. My brother and I enjoyed your performance tonight. I don’t normally do charity events but I like yours.” “ That is very kind of you to say but it is a joint effort with the band or none of it would be possible,” Lilly says. I see all the guys shaking their heads ‘No’. Lug is pointing at Lilly and mouthing what ‘I think is all Lilly’. I get the feeling Lilly doesn’t take credit when it is due but I will leave it.

Merigold leads Lilly over to Ratchet and guides her hand to his. While they shake hands Merigold signs for Lilly and speaks for Marcos. “ Merigold why are you talking for him?” Lilly asks. Does she not see Merigold signing? Merigold answers “ Lilly, Ratchet is deaf. When he signs I talk for him. I thought it would be easier for you.” Lilly nods “ Oh. I understand. But stop it.” “ But Lilly how will you?” Merigold starts to say but Lilly interrupts. “ Just let me try something, please.” Lilly turns to Marcos and grabs his hand again. “ If you read lips tap my hand twice.” We wait for a second then Lilly says “ Good. You said you enjoyed the show. So you feel the vibrations of the music.” I look at their joined hands and see him tap her hand twice. “ Wonderful. Now I would like to talk to you without yes or no questions. Would you be willing to text me so we can talk easier. One tap for no.” I see him tap twice. “ Honey will you help?” Lilly asks Tank.

“ Merigold what is going on?” I ask. “ Lilly has an app on her phone that speaks out texts or tells her the person who is calling.” Merigold says. “ Ok but why is she doing that?” “ Since Lilly can’t learn sign she is giving Ratchet a way to talk to her without having to ask others for help.” I still don’t get it. And why can’t Lilly learn sign if she wants. Merigold sees my confusion but asks “ Lilly?” Lilly just smiles and nods. “ It’s ok. I’m surprised you have said something before now.” This conversation just gets weirder and wierder. Merigold make me turn to look at her. “ Speed, Lilly is blind. Well mostly blind. She can see us moving our hands but will never be able to see the signs. But having him text her the phone will tell what he is saying.” Wow. I feel like a dumb ass. I turn to Lilly “ I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” I expect Lilly to be upset or even yell at me for being rude but she just smiles and says “ No worries. It isn’t like I’m wearing a shirt that says ‘ Watch out. Blind lady walking’.” We all get a laugh. I really like Lilly. Merigold has told me some stories about her but meeting her in person is something else. I think we are going to be good friends. She accepted Ratchet and me the instant we were introduced.

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