Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 90


My life has been wonderful for the last month and a half. Brick, Gretchen and I have been living together in a house Brick had owned. We have had our ups and downs but what do you expect for three people suddenly living together. But there are a hundred more ups than there are downs. We make sure we talk about everything. That is the most important thing that is keeping us strong. And the sex. Oh, god the sex. I can’t get enough of them. Or they can’t get enough of me. I’m not sure. It doesn’t really matter. It is just out of this world. I know I have passed out several times after some seriously intense orgasms. And they never fail to give me an orgasm. And then there is the we have just goofing off. Just yesterday I was outside washing my bike. Gretchen came out to bring me something to drink but she startled me and I accidentally sprayed her with the hose. It turned into a water fight and us chasing each other around the yard. Brick came home and found us soaked to the bone laughing our asses off and my bike still not washed. He just laughed at us and stole the hose going after Gretchen and me. I’m sure we looked like a bunch of goofballs but who cares.

My racing is going well. I haven’t dropped below the top three so far. And I’m training for a bug race coming up for the top three drivers in the state. I’m looking forward to proving myself as one of the best. Ratchet is excited to compete against other pit crews. He says his crew has to be the best in order for me to be the best. He isn’t wrong. So he and the pit crew have been training hard as well. I have made a home here and I like it. I have a large family, good friends, and a good job. My life could get much better than it is now.

Gretchen and Brick have to work tonight so I have the house to myself for a few hours. I’m happy about it because it gives me time to work on a surprise I have planned for them after the All-Star race. After a while of working on my computer I get a text from a number I don’t know. It says it is from Brick and he wants me to come to Club Reckless. That he has a surprise for me. It seems odd that he texted from another number but I figure I’ll just ask him when I get there. I sent a quick text to Gretchen to tell her where I was going so she wouldn’t worry about me if she came home and I wasn’t here. She told me to have fun and would see me when she got home. And the best part is that she told me she loved me. I can’t get enough of them telling me that.

I arrive at the club and greet Fred at the door. He seems a little surprised to see me but ushers me inside. Maybe Brick forgot to tell them I was coming. I go to the bar and ask about Brick. The bartender says he is in his office. I figure I will sit and wait for him to come down. I don’t want to bother him while he is working. I was waiting for thirty minutes before I started to get impatient. I was about to go to Brick’s office and ask him why he wanted me here if he was going to ignore me. A guy I didn’t recognise in a security tee-shirt came over to me. “ Miss Diamond. Boss sends his apologies for the delay. He asked me to give you this key card and he wants you to meet him there.” He hands me the card. I thank him and look at the card. It is to the room we went to when we first got together. I smile at the thought. I finish my drink. After all he kept me waiting now he can wait for me this time.

Unlock the door and something seems off. The lights are dimmed so low I can’t make out anything. Luckily I remember the layout of the room as I move to the center. I don’t hear or see anyone. Something isn’t sitting right with me. I hear the click of a lock and spin around. I see the figure of a man shorter than Brick and nowhere near as built. “ Who are you? Where is Brick?” I ask. I'm very uncomfortable about this situation. “ I’m Trent. You buddy Brick loaned you to me for the night.” he says. “ No he didn’t. Now let me out.” I said getting pissed off. Who does this guy think he is? “ It is very true. How do you think I got this room? He said he was bored with you. He said I could have a little fun with you before he cut you loose.” he says. If this had been before my therapy and building a strong relationship with Brick and Gretchen I might have believed this guy. I know he is talking out his ass, but why? What is he hoping to gain from trying to trap me here?

I had to move around him to get to the door but Trent grabbed me hard by my arm and pulled me back with such force I was thrown to the floor. Before I could sit up Trent was on top of me. He straddled my waist and slapped me hard across the face making me dizzy. “ I’m not done with you. You are mine for the night.” Trent said. I balled up my first and punched him in his nose. I heard the crunch of bone telling me I broke it and blood started pouring out. He grabbed his nose “ You broke my nose, you dumb bitch. You will pay for that.” he groaned. While he was worried about his nose I used the distraction to shove him off of me. I stood up and kicked him in the ribs. Thinking he was down I ran for the door again only to be tackled from behind.

I tried to elbow him in the side but he caught my arm and pinned it behind my back. I wiggled around trying to break loose of his hold. I was trying to remember everything Alaric and Mac had taught me. I knew I needed to stay calm. I slammed my head back and smacked him in the head. Trent retaliated by smashing my head into the floor. It hurt like hell and I knew I was bleeding but I wasn’t giving up to this asshole. “ I will teach you to submit.” Trent said. I don’t think so. “ Never.” I yelled, shoving my other elbow in the side. I heard him grunt. I was able to push him over a little bit but got a punch in the ribs for the trouble. Fuck I screamed in my head. But I refused to show him I was in pain. That is what he wanted. He wanted submission alright, but through pain and humiliation. I have dealt with this kind of Dom before, once. They got off on your screams of pain and tears. That was all it took and I was out.

Trent moved his hand around my neck. I took a chance. I lowered my chin and bit the top of his hand as hard as I could. When I could taste his nasty blood in my mouth I headbutted him as hard as I could. I needed to get him off me and find something I could use as a weapon. I push my body up as hard as I can and elbow him again. When he rolls on his back I stand up quickly. I’m not giving him a chance to get to me again. I stomp my foot into his stomach twice before running to find anything I can use to knock him out. I grab the first thing I can get my hand on and throw it at him. He dodges and charges at me. I run to try to grab something else but it is so dark I can’t make anything out. I grab a hold of a leather handle just as he grabs the back of my shirt. I twist causing my shirt to rip. The handle turns out to be a flogger. I smack him hard across his face with it.

“ You like it rough. I’ll show you rough.” Trent says as his hand goes for my neck. I lift my leg and shove my foot into his chest causing him to stagger. I don’t take my eyes off of him as I blindly reach behind me to grab something else. I feel a paddle and I swing it at him as he charges me. I hit him in the side of his head just as I felt a burning sensation in my arm. I can feel blood dripping. I realise too late this fucker had a knife and he managed to cut me. The last blow to his head causes him to stagger back. I try to go to the door again but this time I trip. I hit the floor hard enough to knock the wind out of me. I gasp for air and try to get up. I need to get out of here now. That is when I remember that the room has a security phrase. I rolled over but I didn’t see Trent come up behind me. He grabs me by my hair just as I yell “ Maverick.” at the top of my lungs. I see the lights flash telling me it worked. Now I just have to keep this guy at bay long enough for help to get here.

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