Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 92


“ Could be. That and she is creasing from the adrenaline rush. It is making her sleepy. And the rest will allow her to heal.” I thanked the doctor and let him get back to work. Ten minutes after the doc left Fred came in with Tank behind him. Tank looked around and shook his head but didn’t say anything about the mess. “ Ace and Goof already loaded up that guy Fred said you wanted taken to the clubhouse.” I nodded and turned to Tank. He had his eyes glued to Speed. I can almost see the images of Merigold and Lilly running through his mind. Our ol’e ladies have been through hell but amazingly they manage to bounce back with a smile on their face. “ I want to deal with him.” I motion to Speed and the room. “ He did this.” Tank growls. He is pissed. Not that I blame him. He motions with head towards Speed “ Let’s get her home, brother.”

As gently as I can I slide my arms under Speed and lift her up cradling her to my chest. Speed whimpered and groaned. I whispered in her ear “ I’m sorry my girl. We will be home soon.” “ I’m sore Nathan.” she whispered. “ I know. I’ll have Ryans give you something. Just rest. I have you.” I told her as I followed Tank out. “ I know. You always do.” she said as she laid her head against my chest. I got in the back of the med truck with Speed. We had a bed back here but I refused to put Speed down. She was safestest in my arms. Tank drivers as fast as he can while being careful not to bounce us around. Speed slept the whole way. I can feel us pulling up to the clubhouse. Before I know it Viper has the back door open. I stand crouched to get out of the truck. Viper offers to take Speed so I can jump down. “ I got her brother.” I told him. I’m not letting her go until I have to. I make sure Speed is still covered up and jump down and unfortunately jolt Speed. She whimpers and I feel bad but it was the quickest way to get out of the truck. Viper says “ Ryans is ready for you in the med room. Gretchen is there as well.” I’m a little surprised Gretchen didn’t meet us at the door. Now I know why.

I walked past all my brothers not ready to answer their questions yet. Once I know Speed is ok I will fill them in. They give me room to get by thankfully. Unfortunately we have had to do this more than once. I’m getting sick of people going after our girls. I know my brothers are too. I carefully lay Speed down on the gurney we have in the med room. Gretchen runs to Speeds side and grabs her hand. “ Brick. Gretchen I gather this young lady is important to you. But I need you to back up and let me have a look at her.” Ryans says. I hate it but I do what he says. I take Gretchen’s hand and pull her to me while we wait. I hold her in my arms with her back to my chest. “ How is she?” I turn and see Merigold and Ratchet standing in the doorway. “ I haven’t had a chance to look her over yet.” Ryans says. “ I’m good.” Speed rasps. “ It is good to see you are awake. I’m Dr. Ryans. I’m going to have a look at you and assess your injuries.” he introduces himself. “ Go for it.” Speed says. She turns her head and opens her eyes. She looks at all of us. “ I’m fine I promise. Takes more than this to knock me down.” she says trying to smile but it comes across more of a grimace I kn9w she has to be in pain.

“ Kelley, can you tell me how you are feeling? If anything is more painful than others?”Ryans asks. “ I feel like I was jumped by a fat wolf then hit by a truck. My head hurts like hell, the rest is just very sore and achy.” Speed said. Ryans does an exam on her. After thirty minutes Ryans is finally finished. “ You are a lucky young lady. Nothing is broken. It looks like you have a mild concussion. You are going to be sore and bruised for at least a week. But nothing, some ibuprofen and rest won’t fix. Your cuts are superficial. I’ll get them cleaned up and bandaged. ” he says. Speed smirks, “ You should see the other guy.” I know she is going to be fine since she is being sassy. Gretchen slumps against me after hearing Speed will be ok.

While Rayns cleans up Speed’s cuts I ask her about what happened. She told me everything and kept apologizing even though it wasn’t her fault. When she is done I tell her “ I need to go talk to my brothers and fill them in. When Ryans is done just rest until I come and take you home.” “ I can’t go home yet, big sexy. I need to go get my bike.” “ No, you need rest, baby. You are in no condition to ride.” Gretchen says.Speed pouts “ But, honey. My bike.” I want to laugh because she is so cute. “ I’ll have a couple of guys go get our bikes.” I told her. “ You better tell them to be careful with her. Or I will hurt them.” she said. “ I promise they will be careful.” I told her. She cares for her bike like my brothers and I care for ours. Next to our ol’e ladies, our family, our bikes are our world.

I leave Gretchen and Merigold to take care of her and go talk to my brothers. As expected they are all hanging around the bar. When Ace sees me he jumps up from his stool “ How is she?” I look around and say “ Speed will be fine. Some bruising. She is sore as hell. And a mild concussion. She just needs some rest.” “ Good, now tell us what the hell happened.” Viper says.I explained how Trenton lured her to the club claiming to be me. How he had gotten a key card to a room and had someone tell Speed to meet me there. “ Is he in the hole?” I ask Goof. Goof laughed “ Yeah, he is down there. Funny thing. He is a clumsy fellow. Kept falling and hitting his head on walls on the way down.” We all laugh at that. I know they ruffed Trenton up a bit for what he did to Speed. I’m not mad. “ I will deal with him tomorrow after church. Right now I just want to take my girls home.” I said.

“ No problem. Have a good night. We will keep an eye on him for you.” Viper says with an evil glint in his eye. He will probably take a few hits himself. “ Oh can one of you guys go and grab Speed’s and my bikes. That way I don’t have to fight her to keep her from trying to do it.” I ask. Ace “ Give me the keys. I have been wanting to try out her ride.” I toss him the keys to both bikes. I need to grab my girls and go home. Tomorrow we are going to need to take a vote and I have a piece of garbage to punish.

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