Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 93


I left the girls sleeping even though it was after ten in the morning. They never slept this late but I knew they needed it. Speed’s body was recovering from her injuries. And Gretchen was up and down all night checking on Speed. Everytime Speed whimpered in her sleep Gretchen would be checking up on her. I tried to tell Gretchen that if Speed needed us she would let us know but Gretchen wasn’t having it. It went against her nurture instinct so I let it go. I made sure to start some coffee before I left to get to the clubhouse. I had church and then I was going to deal with the fucker who thought he could put his hands on Speed. I wanted to kill him but I knew I couldn’t. I was just going to give him a warning he will never forget to never come near me or mine then turn him over to the sheriff.

When I got to the club I had to run to my office to grab a few things I needed for our meeting. I heard a thump on the wall and a giggle from the office beside mine. I shake my head thinking a brother and a bunny are going at it just before church. He couldn’t have waited until after church. It could be a prospect now that I think about it. What I hear next blows all those theories out of the water. “ Tank, we can’t. You are going to be late for church.” Lilly giggles. “ I’m stealing a moment with my wife. It has been two days since I have had you all to myself since we both have been busy. They can kiss my ass.” Tank grunts. There is another thump and a moan. I’m going to help my brother out by stalling the church to give Tank a few minutes with Lilly. I have to give it to my brothers that have ol’e ladies even after being together for years they still act like teenagers in heat. I understand.I can’t keep my hands off Speed. I haven’t been with Speed that long but I see it stopping anytime soon.

I had managed to give Tank an extra ten minutes before church began. Viper called the meeting to order. Viper asked how our businesses were running. I pulled up the reports of each business on the big screen so everyone could see it. All of our businesses were pulling in nothing but profit at this point. All of them were co-owned by the club. We all got a small percentage. So none of us were hurting for money. Tank explained the expansion of his tattoo shop was almost done. Then Viper moved on. “ Any new business?” he asks. “ Prez Lilly and the band are doing the national anthem at the All- Star race. As well as one song when everyone is in the winners circle. I think we should add some extra security for her and Speed.” Tank says. “ Congrats to Lilly and you Lug Nut for landing that gig. We will put several prospects on it.” Viper said. He looks around the table “ Anything else?” “ I want to sponsor Speed. I can do it on my own but I would like the club to be involved. Or at least some of the other businesses.” Thor said. “ What do you mean by sponsoring Speed? Does she need some money?” Viper asks. I hate to admit it never crossed my mind to ask Speed if she needed help. I should have. I thought she was doing pretty good money wise.

Thor shakes his head “ No, Prez Speed doesn’t need money. Sponsoring her is more for us than her. Think of it as buying ad space on her car and her jumpsuit. I had tee-shirts made for her pit crew with the shop’s name on it.” “ Merigold already has her signature on the car and it has added to her business. She is booked out for three months now.” Axel said with pride. “ It doesn’t sound like a bad idea. What’s the bottom line?” Viper asks. Thor laughs “ Speed says if she is going to be a walking billboard we have to make it worth her time. A patch on her helmet or jumpsuit is gonna cost fifty dollars per business. One hundred and fifty for the car unless we want the hood or roof. She says that it will cost two fifty.” That doesn’t sound that bad to me. “ Is that a normal rate?” Ace asks. Rowdy looks at Thor puzzled “ That is all Speed asked for?” Thor says “ Yeah, why.” I’m as confused as he is. “ Is there a problem?” Viper asks. “ Not a problem at all. If that is all she is charging I’m in. I would say you all should do the same.” Rowdy says with Axle backing him. “ I get the feeling I’m missing something.” Viper says.

He isn’t the only one. “ Prez we have talked to Merigold about being curious about Speed’s racing. According to Merigold with Speed’s talent and her standing in the racing community she has what it takes to go pro. Especially now since Ratchet is an adult.She has a huge following in Alabama, Florida and Georgia. And is gaining here as well. Speed could easily sell a spot the size of a cigarette pack on her jumpsuit for three hundred dollars. Having her pit crew wear Reckless Auto shirts would cost anyone else five hundred. And a spot on Frank could go for thousands. And you get every penny back in business.” Ace shakes his head “ When will these girls take the credit owed to them. I swear they are all humble as hell.” He isn’t lying. None of the girls take credit for their accomplishments.

In the end we all agree to get patches for Speed’s suit and a few spots on the car. Next order of business is the prospects. We need to figure out if any of them are ready to be patched in. “ I have to tell you, Prez. The only one I have seen worth a damn is Goof.” Ace says. We all agree. The prospects seem to have gone downhill lately. We all vote to make Goof a patched member and hold a ceremony for him. “ Lilly will be thrilled when she hears this.” says Tank. Goof has been Lilly’s devoted bodyguard since there was trouble with her uncle. Even when things died down he stayed with her and went to all her concerts as her guard. “ Any other business before I call this meeting?” Viper asks.

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