Bonus chapter: Mine
"Morning students!" The professor strolled in, donning an olive green shirt and a burgundy tie. He wore glasses too, they were thinly framed in black and Fahmeen thought they suited his face well.
"Morning." The class greeted back, it sure felt like it was going to be a good day just by his bright smile. She couldn't believe her own thoughts, they were turning to mush. It was a great first week for the professor. Fahmeen noted just how well the entire school had taken to him.
She secretly loved hearing how well people got on with him. Students were even commenting on his teaching. However, the only gossip she disliked was just how delicious many girls found the new English Professor. Being a wallflower had its disadvantages.
"How about some Shakespeare this fine morning?" Rolf received unenthusiastic mumbles and grunts in response, still he took no notice.
"Ah, you'll love it. Trust me, I was the same. But I dedicated a few years to the guy and I grew to love his stuff."
Georgia made a gagging expression, making Fahmeen giggle. Unfortunately, the class grew silent at the same time.
"Something funny ladies?" The professor looked to the two girls towards the back. He sat behind his desk, and Fahmeen could've sworn he was hiding a smirk.
"Um, no. Sorry." She mumbled, embarrassed she looked down.
"It seems you two would like the chance to speak. Why not start us off?" She was confused till he gestured with a nod of his head towards the projector screen. There was an activity written out:
Today' Task: Start reading Antony and Cleopatra
They had all been given copies of the play and so with a deep breath and a final look at his face, where she found him fixated on her, she began to recite.
"I'd like Georgia to start. Fahmeen, you will be Cleopatra."
After Georgia's narration had come to an end, Cleopatra's name came up. Fahmeen found Rolf already looking at her when she met his gaze for the go ahead, his expression was expectant and waiting. His eyebrows were slightly down in concentration, he held the play in one hand as he was leaning back in his chair. His top buttons were undone, it was fairly warm in the room due to the dodgy air vents throughout the building. She swallowed away the apprehension and began,
If it be love indeed, tell me how much
She couldn't ignore the warm feeling swelling inside of her especially as he looked at her the way he did. As soon as she spoke, his eyes were on her like a predator. Hooked onto every last word which fell from her lips. He took his time as his eyes lazily fell from her lips down to the play in his own hands.
"Any volunteers for Antony?" His voice was hesitant like he regretted saying it.
"I don't mind." Said Russel nonchalantly, he had jet black hair and ghostly pale skin. Russel always wore a black hoodie and the friendliest smile.
"Go ahead." Fahmeen watched the professor's jaw clench and she wondered what made him so tense.
She always enjoyed reading, even in front of the class albeit it took a few lines to overcome her anxiety. The morning ran smoothly and the class delved deeper into the dramatic tale of Antony and Cleopatra. Every once in a while, she couldn’t help but look up at him.
She enjoyed studying his concentrated expression as his eyes followed the words recited by the student who read them. He really did suit the glasses. And she admired his colourful shirts and aesthetically matching ties. He was growing on her, she hated to admit. This was not what she had in mind when she thought of her final school year. Sure she was 18, but to have a thing for her teacher? How cliche.
"Can I go to the toilet, professor?" Holding her bladder for a long time was something she failed to master. Rolf immediately looked in her direction.
On her way back, approaching the classroom door Rolf was in conversation with another English teacher. As she passed them, he stood up from leaning against the wall and asked,
"Everything ok?"
He opened the door and gestured for her to go inside. She had to pass by him, and get pretty close and he knew it. His cologne smelt incredible, unlike anything she smelt before from boys of her age.
"Yeah we'll speak at lunch."
She heard him say to the other teacher. The closeness and depth of his voice made her tingle as he stood behind her. She could feel the buttons of his shirt on her back ever so slightly. She made a beeline to her desk and opened up the play, trying to catch up to the current position of the reciter.
English was over and so the students began packing up.
"Don't forget to take your books, and bring 'em back. Otherwise you'll have to share with me and I don't like to share." The professor lightly warned as he stood. She was always the last to leave the class, preferring to avoid the rush. So, taking her time she organised her bag and stood adjusting her jacket. She reached the door but stopped as she heard,
"Hold it." Her eyes widened in alarm, her mind instantly going into the what the hell have I done wrong mode.
Fahmeen turned around and found Rolf to walk towards her. Her back was to the door, hand gripped tightly on the handle. Her heart began racing at the sight of his wide frame getting closer. His eyes were directly on hers and she couldn't look away. Once he was close enough, he put a hand beside her head, on the wall and leaned in close. His green eyes so briefly, you almost missed it, dropped to her lips before he quietly said,
"You forgot this." She tore her eyes away from his and looked down, there in his hand was the play.
"Oh. Right." She said sheepishly. She took it and tucked her hair behind her ear as she looked back at him.
"Yeah." His eyes followed the action and he slowly blinked as he looked back at her.
"Don't forget to bring it back." He stood back and said with a devilish grin, "I hate to share."