Chapter 10
I have had my hair curled, straightened, crimped, slicked back into a ponytail, and curled with a straightener today, had makeup put on 6 different times – and I washed it off six different times; I stood still for forty-five minutes on a stool while the head seamstress stitched me into a dress, and walked the runway under bright lights for hours on end. I am done.
I am so exhausted I feel delirious. But, Alexander dragged me here after dress rehearsal. As usual, up here, the dress code is strict: ladies in elegant evening wear or lingerie, and – of course – clothing optional, and the men in tuxedos. The general public can go to the bar downstairs or to the hotel, but the Members Only area is vetted. A person only becomes a member after an application process including submitting full body and headshot photos, interesting responses to a career and interests questionnaire, and an income statement; And if an applicant gets through to that point, they must do an interview with Alexander himself… Members pay $100,000 for a yearly membership, and $1,000,000 for life, and upwards of $2,000 per event to attend a party up here. Memberships for women who make it through the vetting process, are free.
Up here there are more secluded little nooks created by deep purple draped curtains, love seats, club chairs, curved walls, fireplaces… and the lighting looks like golden candlelight… The music is loud and feels dangerous…
As I look around the club, I see beautiful women sitting on the laps of the men in tuxes, women walking hand-in-hand with them, leading them into hallways that disappear like tunnels around the outskirts of the club… and if I look closer, I see people having sex in the little nooks that are strategically placed around the club, while others look on, discretely.
There is a stage that is visible from almost every area of the club; Right now there is a velvet French-style couch in the center, a beautiful woman lying on her back draped across it, fully naked, pink nipples and porcelain skin, honey hair in waves, one leg up and over the back of the couch, one dangling to the floor… a man with toned abs wearing only tuxedo pants, his tuxedo coat and dress shirt strewn about the couch and floor, kneels in front of her wide open legs... licking her pussy, his head returning to her again and again, lapping her up... running his hands up and down her thighs as she undulates slowly beneath his tongue...
No one pays for sex once they walk in the door here, all fees are taken care of beforehand, and sex is by consent. Everyone signs forms and has a formal meeting about the rules before they come here. But once they’re in, they have access to any fantasy they desire…
I know I am Alexander’s accessory. I am here for the fantasy. I am a little treasure for the wealthy men to collect. They can say they’ve been to a party with Sophia Cortez. Sat with Sophia Cortez. A lot of the men try to touch me, want more of me than I am willing to give. Alexander wants more of me than I am willing to give, too. But, I owe him a lot.
I look at him as I sit next to him, I feel my bare shoulder and thigh against his silky royal blue tuxedo, his arm caged around me in the curved booth. I am watching him laugh and joke with the wealthy men in tuxes at our table, many of which I recognize as frequent patrons up here. He has dark, severe features, and a thin black line of facial hair which punctuates his sharp jaw. His tux fits impeccably and has a touch of shimmer, like it is spun with silk. It probably is.
Alexander is the heir to Alexander Accardi fashions. He is the son and namesake of the original Alexander Accardi. His true name is Alexander Leonardo Accardi II, though he dropped the "the second" part after his father died. His father died unexpectedly of heart failure when he (Alexander II) was just 24. Alexander had just graduated from Harvard and had planned on going into architecture when he inherited the fashion house. With his inheritance, he hired Gio as his designer, and built Alexander’s, the most exclusive sex club you could get into in New York City, with an adjoined club and hotel open to the public. But, there has never been a wife. Always women – but in the entire two years I’d walked for the fashion house as Gio's muse, never a girlfriend, never a wife. There is no woman alive who could take this fantasy as her reality.
But, Alexander offered me a break. And a life. And he paid for my luxury Manhattan apartment… I owe him more than I wish I did…
I am here to make the wealthy men smile, liven the party. But, I am not lively tonight. I want Alexander to release me, I have an early call in the morning. And Alexander knows it.
I don’t feel like smiling for the wealthy investors tonight. I don’t feel like being a thing for Alexander to display to his collectors tonight. I want him to let me go home. But they want to celebrate a successful dress rehearsal and have drinks with the Muse.
So much for a relaxing hot tub on the roof tonight.
I sigh.
I look up at Alexander, close to his face, I can see the sweat beads on his neck, smell his cologne. Alexander is gorgeous and there are probably a thousand women who would give anything to be sitting where I am right now. He leans into me, traces my neck with his finger, and pulls back my hair, whispering into my ear, “If you want, we can leave here right now, and I’ll take you back to my place…” he says.
My blood freezes.
“Awww, Alexander…” I say, twisting my face into a smile, “I’m just so tired…”
The investor sitting closest to us chuckles, shooting Alexander an amused look.
Alexander clears his throat and pulls back from me a bit.
“Sophie has an early call,” He announces to the men at the table. He turns to me, “You should probably go home, get some rest, Soph…”
That was abrupt.
I know I hurt his feelings; but finally, he has released me.
As I stand, he runs his fingers down my shoulder, my arm. He slips his fingers into mine and brings his lips to the back of my hand, kissing it… He looks up at me with his dark brown eyes…
“Good night, Love,” he says.
I hate it when he calls me that.
I smile at him.
I slip my hand out from Alexander’s and look at each of the investors and smile broadly at them, “Good night,” I say.
They respond in a chorus of, “good night,”’s.
I turn and walk away. Both the man and woman onstage are completely naked now, and he has slid up onto the couch on top of her. One of her legs is slid up onto his shoulder as he slowly pumps into her, rocking his hard cock deep into her, the purple and fuschia lights making the scene surreal.
I walk through the club, and past the guards and into the elevator and coat/dress check area. I approach the desk and ask the attendant for my coat and bag. As I wait, I feel someone slip her arm through the crook of my elbow.
I look at her, “Staaaahs!” I sing out, my face breaking into an easy smile. She is a beautiful woman, with light brown skin and clouds of curly hair, her black calf-length jacket tied at the waist, a large tote slung over her shoulder. Its been forever since I’ve seen her – casting, fittings, and dress rehearsals taking up all of my time over the last few weeks.
“Sophie!” She says, squealing a bit and leaning into me.
The attendant returns with my wool coat and bag, and Stas and I walk to the elevator.
The elevator attendant presses the button, and steps back into place.
The elevator opens and we walk in together.
There is an elevator operator inside.
"Floor?” He asks.
“Main,” I say.
He presses the down button, and the doors close. I don’t have to ask if Stas is going down. If she’s dressed like this – she is. If she were in lingerie, with a man, she’d be going up or disappearing around one those hallway tunnels…
“You done for the night?” I ask.
“Not quite. I have an OTC client I’m meeting later. I was going to go home for a bit first…”
I nod. An "outside the club” client. Stas is one of Alexander’s girls and it would make sense that she’d be working tonight, with fashion week in full swing. And from what I gathered, they could make a lot more as one of Alexander’s girls than as a performer in the club…
“You?” She asks me.
“Yes… Thank God, what a day…” I say.
“How’s the show going?” Stas asks.
“Its going to be beautiful…” I say, smiling. Gio’s outfits were amazing and I couldn’t wait to wear them tomorrow in front of an audience…
“Heading home?”
“Well… I don’t know…” I muse, “I got an invitation for a hot tub on the roof at a friend’s house in Tribeca…”
"Oooh!” Stas says.
“But…” I continue, “I don’t know if I’m going to go… It’s, like,” I look at the time on my phone. 1:25 AM. “ridiculously late now… And I’m exhausted…”
“I could go for a hot tub, I am so tight…” Stas muses.
I reflect on my day and the strenuous week it has been. “I mean… my muscles could use it, that’s for sure…” I say.
“And, it’d be relaxing… Did you say on the roof in Tribeca?...” Stas is going on.
“Yeah… Okay, maybe you’re convincing me…” I turn to her, “…You wanna come?” I ask. I don’t know if Natalie and Zane would be opposed to having another guest…
“Well… I wouldn’t say no…” She says.
I pull my phone out of my bag, “I’ll ask if its okay if I bring a friend…” I smile, opening Natalie’s contact and texting her.
Are you still up? Mind if I take you up on that hot tub? I know its late…