Chapter 11
Sophia’s text comes so late that I am already asleep.
My phone chimes, startling me, waking me from my doze on the floor next to the bed where I had fallen asleep on my yoga mat, trying to stay awake. Or relax. Or both.
I am a night owl, but after I didn’t hear from her at 11:00… 11:30… 12:00… I didn’t really think I would hear from her.
But, I made sure the volume on my phone was up and my notifications were on, just in case.
And I rolled out my yoga mat beside our bed. I had changed into yoga pants and a tank top, and was stretching on the mat, when… the full relaxation of being kidless and responsibility-free must have hit me, and I’d drifted from a short savasana into sleep…
My eyes spring open at the sound. I am staring at the ceiling. I jolt and roll over, reaching for the phone on the floor beside me.
Its nearly 1:30 AM.
Are you still up? Mind if I take you up on that hot tub? I know its late…
Oh my God…
I am instantly awake, live wires running through my body.
I text my reply:
I’m up
come on over
Her reply comes
Is it OK if I bring my friend, Anastasia?
Her friend, Anastasia… That sounds like a model name.
My heart is pounding wildly in my chest.
Um, yes?
Yes [expanding heart emoji]
I text her our address.
I shake my hands out, taking a deep breath. What do I do while I wait for two models to come over?...
What am I wearing?
I jump up.
I rush back into my closet, stripping my clothes off again. I pull a tee-shirt dress from a hanger and pull it over my head. My staple, but I know I’ll at least feel comfortable in it, and if we’re going into the hot tub, I’ll be changing into a suit soon anyway. I check myself in the mirrors. I hope I look alright compared to them. I grab my phone and run out of our room, texting Zane and letting him know what is happening, and head down the spiral staircase, not wanting to wait for the elevator.
I hear the doorbell. My heart lurches.
They’re here.
I rush across the living room and past the kitchen, and through the entryway to the door. I take a glance into the security cam and see two women, one in a cream wool coat and one in a black A-line jacket, both with tote bags slung over their shoulders. I take a deep breath, twist the handle, and swing it open.
They are stunning.
Sophia with her sculpted cheekbones and jaw, her glowing golden skin, and those gorgeous doe-eyes that sparkle in the porch-light; and Anastasia, a beautiful woman with smooth light brown skin and tight black and cocoa-tipped curls with their own bounce and life to them. She looks tough and beautiful at the same time, tiny and power packed, like a kiss rolled up in a smack. My heart pounds, and I suck my breath in.
Sophia’s face brightens into a full gorgeous smile, “Hiiiiii!” She sings, throwing an arm around me.
As I feel her body against mine, I remember how she felt that night in the hotel… Her smooth skin against mine… her smell… her body pulling my memory back to that night.
“Hi!” I say, returning her hug. I step back into the doorway, gesturing for them to enter. “Come, in,” I say.
As they walk in past me, magic seems to surround them and shimmer off of them… They are goddesses.
And it hits me again that Zane fucked her…
Anastasia has her arm linked through Sophia’s, leaning in to her as they walk. I close the door and follow them in, watching them. I don’t know if I am staring at them.
“Woooooow…” Anastasia is saying as she takes in our view and the main floor of the house. “Your place is amazing…”
“Thanks,” I smile. “My husband designed this place, I can’t take any credit,” I say.
“Natalie, this is Stas,” Sophia says, turning toward me, “Stas, Natalie.”
“Hi,” Stas says.
“H,” I say, “It’s nice to meet you.” I smile at Stas, and she smiles a gorgeous smile back at me.
"Nice to meet you, too," she says.
“So, where’s Zane?” Sophia asks.
“Oh!” I say, “He’s in Upstate dropping off our kids at his parents’ for the weekend.”
“Awww… I was hoping we’d see him…” Sophia looks pouty, “But, he’ll be back for the show tomorrow, right?” she asks, eyes hopeful.
“Yes.. he’s already on his way back, but he’s got about a six hour drive home, and didn’t leave his parents’ until about 11:00, so he won’t be back for at least a few more hours... Should we head up to the roof?” I ask.
“Absolutely,” Sophia says, looking at Stas, and smiling. Stas nods and murmurs her agreement.
“Okay, come with me,” I say, and walk them over toward the elevator. I grab my phone off of the kitchen island as we walk past and flick it on, checking for Zane’s reply.
Get them in the sauna.
His answer. I smile.
We walk to the elevator, and I press the button. The car glides down and the glass doors open.
The beautiful women and I step inside and the doors close behind us. I press the button for the roof, and the car begins to rise.
The elevator opens onto the roof, and I step out into the open night sky, leading them beyond the boulder and around the flower and tree-lined cobblestone pathway.
“Wooooow….” Stas says again, “this is amaaaaazing!”
It truly is.
The night is sky open above us, the pergola above the fire pit lit up with round white lights, footlights lighting the flowers and trees… Even the air smells beautiful up here.
I walk them past the bar, and gesture toward it. “Can I get you something to drink?” I offer. “We have just about any kind of pop, water, carbonated-flavored water, wine, juice… we could mix drinks, if you want…” I smile. This feels so different, usually Zane runs the bar.
“No, I’m really good, for now.” Sophia says, waving her hand. “Well, maybe a water…” she changes her mind. I step behind the bar and open the mini-fridge, grabbing her a water. “I’ll take a Coke,” Stas says. I grab her Coke and another for myself, and swing the door shut. On my way out of the bar, I grab my little wooden box also… Why not?
Sophia and Stas are wandering out further onto the roof, admiring the view.
“Do you want to sit?” I ask, gesturing to our fire pit beneath the lit pergola.
“Sure,” they answer, smiling and walking toward me. I meet them and hand them their drinks. I lead them through the pathway and down the steps into the fire pit.
“Have a seat,” I say, gesturing to the cushiony chairs and couches, and I walk to the fire pit.
I crouch down and press the button on the side of the silvery bowl and turn the dial, firing up the flames on the white rocks.
I stand and look at Sophia and Stas, they're removing their jackets and bags, tossing them into a chair; Sophia is wearing a white mini dress with one bare shoulder, the asymmetrical strap curving up the other, Stas is in a black oversized button up shirt dress, tied with a belt at the waist, the first few buttons undone. They walk to the couch, sitting down close together.
I don’t know where to sit... There’s plenty of seating around the fire, but they are both on the couch, slid together, and I don’t know if I should sit next to them, or further away…
“Come here,” Sophia says, looking at me and smoothing the seat beside her with her palm.
I smile and walk to the couch, and set my Coke and the wooden box on the end table, right where I had set it earlier this afternoon… I remember the fantasy I had up here – right here – this very afternoon… I push the thought aside and smile at them.
“So, are you a model for Alexander Accardi, too?” I ask Stas. Stas shifts her eyes to Sophia.
“Ummm…” she says, a small smile playing on her lips. “Well, I’m like, all of 5’ 2”, so I’m not going to be walking any runways anytime soon…” She laughs, “But… let’s just say I work for Alexander…” She says, carefully, making eye contact with Sophia, her lips concealing a larger smile.
“Oh…” I say, scrunching my eyebrows. I wonder what she does for him.
“So, Zane designed your house?” Sophia asks, looking at me intensely. Her brown eyes are stunning. I literally could get lost in them for hours…
“Yeah…” I answered, grabbing my Coke from the end table and cracking it open, “Zane is a Harvard graduate from the Architecture program, and he owns a firm in Manhattan now,” I say, beaming with pride in him. “They restore spaces like this and turn them into luxury homes,” I explain.
“Wow…” the women murmur, nodding their heads.
“Oh! is that why you were at Alexander’s?” Sophie asks, recognition lighting up in her eyes. “Alexander went to Harvard for Architecture, too. Do they know each other?” Sophia asks.
“Oh, gosh… No, Zane doesn’t know Alexander… I don’t know why we chose that place…” I muse, thinking about how Zane had recommended Alexander’s, “Zane thought we’d find beautiful women there…” I look at them and laugh a little, “Obviously, he was right…” I say, smiling at them. And all of the sudden I am shy. I lower my eyes.
Sophia smiles and looks at Stas. Stas smiles too, and they both turn their gaze to me. I look back up, into their eyes.
Both of their gorgeous eyes on me at the same time is almost too much for me to take... I feel my cheeks starting to blush, my heart is pounding... energy is zinging through my body...
“So, um…” I say. “Should we get changed for the hot tub? Did you bring suits?” I ask.
“Yeah… Where do we change?” Sophia asks, and I smile and stand, and the two women stand with me.
I gesture to the stairs leading out of the fire pit, “right up that way,” I say.
The women walk over to their tote bags and pick them up, slinging them over their shoulders and look to me; I walk past them, leading the way up the steps, and these gorgeous creatures and I head up to change for the hot tub…