Chapter 3
He leads her to the love seat and gestures for her to sit beside me, and he sits on the other side of me. She places her drink and black Dior saddle bag on the coffee table and slips in where he gestured. There isn’t much room, this is a loveseat meant for two people... Her smooth bare legs slide against mine. She smells amazing…
“So, Natalie,” he says to me, “this is Sophia. Sophia, this is my wife, Natalie,” he says, introducing us.
“Hello,” she says, smiling at me.
“Hi,” I say, smiling back at her, taking her in. She has gorgeous brown doe-eyes, and lips like fluffy pink cupcakes…
“Your husband says you’re into girls?” she says, her head tilting, questioning me.
That wasn’t subtle.
“Um,” I giggle nervously, not knowing what to say, “I don’t know…” I feel disoriented, I don’t even know how to play this game.
“Are you nervous?” She asks me, her smile widening.
I nod a little.
“You have nothing to be nervous about,” she says, stroking my arm next to her. “I’m into girls. And you’re a pretty girl…” she says, looking down and then back up my body... She is looking me over in a way I have only been looked at by a man, like she wants to devour me. I am used to being looked at like this by men, but this is entirely new – and I am wildly turned on. I notice that she isn’t wearing a bra, and I can see her nipples a little bit through her gauzy shirt... And, I am already starting to get wet...
“Thanks…” I say, “So are you…” We smile at each other again.
Zane pulls back a bit of my hair off my neck and kisses my neck, looking at Sophia. He runs his fingers down my arm closest to him – and now they both are running their fingers up and down my arms… She looks into my man’s eyes – the moment feels like it lasts eternity – and then she lightly glides her fingertips up the front of my body, lightly grazing my nipple and I’m not sure if that was an accident, my nipples are instantly electric and hard as jewels. She continues with her fingers up to my neck, and lightly caresses where Zane just kissed me… I feel her body pressing against me and then her soft, fluffy girl lips on my neck, kissing me… And I want to know what it would feel like to kiss her…
I turn my gaze to Zane and he smiles at me, nodding his approval.
I turn back to her, feeling her smooth face against my cheek. Our lips lightly graze each other’s, and her soft lips slide into mine… her tongue slips into my mouth… And I am lit up. She feels so sweet, and soft, and hot… Her soft wavy hair falls into my face… And I have never felt anything like her…
I feel my man’s hand sliding further down my arm and thigh, and then up my bare inner thigh, sliding up my dress… And my pussy is throbbing now…
“Can I get you anything?” A waitress appears out of nowhere. Zane snaps his eyes up to her. He pulls his hand from inside my dress and stares at her for a moment as he catches his breath.
“Are there any hotel rooms available tonight?” He asks, sharply.
“I can check,” she says.
“Yes, please do,” he says. The waitress nods and disappears once again. Zane turns back to us.
“You want to take this to a room?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
Sophia and I look at each other, smiling, and Sophia nods. I look back at Zane and nod, too.
The waitress reappears, “Yes, there are, you can check-in up front, would you like me to put your tab on your room bill?”
“Yes, thank you,” Zane says, and we quickly sit up and gather our things. Sophia slips her arm through mine, and we all leave our little nook with the fireplace and walk through the loud, dimly-lit club.