Chapter 5
“What the fuck!?” I exclaim, jolting up and sliding back, looking at Zane, Sophia still straddling my legs.
He exhales, his eyes-half closed, a lazy look of pleasure on his face.
He lifts those blue eyes to me, and pulls out of her, sliding his hands off her hips.
“What happened to ‘I just want to watch’?” I demand, mimicking him, a hot fury rising in me like I have never felt.
Zane looks confused, shaking his head.
Sophia looks from Zane to me, and back.
“Well…” she says, “This is a little awkward…”
She starts untangling herself from between Zane and me.
“I think I’m… gonna go.”
I look at Zane as she slides off the bed, pulling and smoothing down her skirt and shirt.
He looks into my eyes, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me… I didn’t mean to… I shouldn’t have…” he says, a sad look in his eyes. She begins to slide into her shoes. I shake my head at him. I really wish I was dressed again, and scramble off the bed to find my dress. I find it on the floor by the bed and quicky pick it up. I step into it and slide the spaghetti straps up over my shoulders, leaving it unzipped in the back. She is gathering her Dior bag and phone. I walk towards her to walk her out.
As she approaches the door, she turns back to look at us, “Call me if you work out – this,” she waves her perfectly manicured hand in a circle between us, “because that was hot…” She looks at me, “Give me your number, babe, and I’ll call you so you have mine.”
I feel dizzy, and I don’t know what to do. I don’ t know if I want her in our lives after what just happened, yet, she’s right – that was hot – and I don’t want to lose track of her… I tell her my number, and she dials it. My phone rings instantly from across the room. She smiles and hangs up with her glossy manicured thumb. And then she turns and opens the door and walks out.
After the door closes again, I turn back to Zane, taking a deep breath.
“What the fuck, Zane?” I shriek at him, the sound of my own voice surprising me, my fury rising like lava in a volcano.
“I’m sorry, I know…” Zane is shaking his head, rubbing his face.
“I thought you were just going to be watching!” I exclaim. Hot tears spring out of my eyes, popping inches off of my face. “Did you plan this from the beginning? Was this whole thing your way of you getting to fuck another woman? Like, you just tempt me enough to do it, and then you can just slip it in, too?” My questions flow out of my mouth like the volcano inside of me spurting and spewing.
“No, no, no, no… Please! Stop, stop, stop –” Zane is saying to me, climbing off the bed and crossing the room to me.
I cover my face, shaking my head, collapsing to the floor. And suddenly Zane’s arms are all around me, enveloping me in his embrace.
“But, I mean…” I say, through tears, “I had her… So… How is that different? I was with her, so why couldn’t you be? I don’t know if I have any right to be angry with you…” I feel so confused.
“But, I told you I wouldn’t do anything… I violated your trust. I just… got so wrapped up in everything…” Zane says to me, rocking me like a child.
“We never said you couldn’t.”
“But I said that I wouldn’t…” he says, stroking my hair.
“Yeah.” I say, tucking my chin into Zane’s chest, feeling his smooth bare chest against my face.
I close my eyes and relax into his masculine embrace. And I feel better in his arms. I have always loved his muscular chest and arms… And then flashes of him with his hands grasping Sophia’s hips… the look on his face when he came… the look on her face… flood my mind… And I cry into his chest, him rocking me in his arms…
He strokes me and kisses me, and after several moments he says, “You know… You looked fucking hot, though… I think that maybe you should give her a call –”
“What?” I said, pulling back and looking into his eyes in surprise.
“And I would stay out of it this time.”
I look at him and squint one eye, tilting my head to the side, giving him a half-smile.
“She seemed pretty into you…” he continues, “you could invite her to the house sometime when I’m not home…” he smiles a little and looks down at me.
My face brakes into a smile and I laugh a bit.
“I don’t know,” I say. “I’ll think about it...”
“Should we go?” Zane asks.
“Yeah,” I say. Zane stands and offers me a hand. I take it and let him pull me up off the floor. He spins me around and starts pulling the zipper of my dress up.
“So…” I begin, holding my hair up as he zips me up, “you would really be ok with me, like, seeing her without you?”
“Yeah,” Zane says, bluntly.
“But… I mean, what if I got, like…” I spin around and face him, “emotionally attached. Like, would that take away from us?” I look back into his eyes, dropping my hair.
“I think it would be hot,” he said. “Obviously…” he added, rolling his eyes, and then looking at me and smiling sheepishly.
I smile a little.
I don’t know.
Maybe I will call her…